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JWT Popcharger's - All that ??


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Just wondering coming from one heavily modded car to fresh one , why is it most seem to go for the JWT Popcharger over other similar induction kits , or a brand like K&N offerings ?


On the last forums i was a member of people went for branded stuff and would have seen the "pop" charger as something that would be for sale in Argos for £25 clipped on the standard intake.


Curious as i was just looking at a few.

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noise + sensible price


and JWT is a decent name, just not over here; as far as i'm aware its big in the states on the zed scene.


i used a typhoon kit from K&N but modified it to take an apexi filter. the build quality was crap, and i don't like K&N's oiled filter. but it was a seal unit of sorts. and easy to mod.


others use AEM and nismo amongst others.

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  rtbiscuit said:
noise + sensible price


and JWT is a decent name, just not over here; as far as i'm aware its big in the states on the zed scene.


i used a typhoon kit from K&N but modified it to take an apexi filter. the build quality was crap, and i don't like K&N's oiled filter. but it was a seal unit of sorts. and easy to mod.


others use AEM and nismo amongst others.


Thanks for that quick and great reply :thumbs: Forgot about the AEM intakes il have to take a look at the Z's options from them now !


Its the appearance of the kit that i find off putting with the JWT as it really does look like an eBay/Argos thing were as the AEM and K&N Stuff normally come with a chrome/colored pipe and surround for the filter and have heard and used the brand. Id like something esthetically pleasing as well as sound and slight performance and at the same time dont want to waste my money if iv got it wrong with the JWT if that makes sense !

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they all make not a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things. depends on what you want.


if you want noise or performance.


i did mine for noise but choice the apexi filter to mod it with because i wanted the best filtration as well.


if you want noise, i'd be really tempted with something like this http://www.prmracing.com/ its big on the S2000 scene, brilliant noise. but just like the JWT it will suffer an amount of heat soak. but to be honest that can be said of most filters for the zed.


i think only the ARC and the K&N typhoon kit come in eclosed boxes.


if you want performance then possibly looking at post 06 air box and panel filters apparently gives maximum numbers possible for the car.

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K&N is expensive and not too great, a few members I know have had problems with them, mainly the fit :thumbdown:


I have had 2 Pop Chargers (don't ask why) but I also have a standard air box with a good filter in, I use the Pop Charger in the summer or when I have the windows open or to a meet for the noise :cloud9:


You can spend more money on bigger names which are more bling but for sound v cost they take some beating :thumbs:

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They look and feel quite substantial when you see/feel it in the flesh. Weighs quite a bit too.....personally I really can't see the eBay crap comparisons ....they look cheap, flimsy and generally naff (which they invariably are).


The noise is ace too!

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After a bit more research on-line iv come to the conclusion that none really improve power and are purely for the noise and with some the looks , on that basis im looking for the loudest and most "Bay Blinging" so am tempted by the AEM offering or k&N pending some sound clips but im struggling to find any atm , the thing putting me off the JWT PC is to me i cant see the difference between a JWT pop charger and one of these ?


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Japspeed-Niss ... 2115wt_952



For reference here is the K&N Iv been looking at :


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/K-N-Typhoon-I ... 1225wt_952

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You wont 'see' the difference immediately, only realise the difference when the cheap one starts falling apart on you and the pipe discolouring in 6 months time. As with pretty much everything Zed you get what you pay for, we see it time and again on here. JWT is a better piece of kit from what I have seen on here...pickles is offering up a bargain as well. Go sleep on it, no need to decide now :thumbs:

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  agentsmith350 said:
After a bit more research on-line iv come to the conclusion that none really improve power and are purely for the noise and with some the looks , on that basis im looking for the loudest and most "Bay Blinging" so am tempted by the AEM offering or k&N pending some sound clips but im struggling to find any atm , the thing putting me off the JWT PC is to me i cant see the difference between a JWT pop charger and one of these ?


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Japspeed-Niss ... 2115wt_952



For reference here is the K&N Iv been looking at :


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/K-N-Typhoon-I ... 1225wt_952


I took a JWT one off my car recently (to replace it with an '06 box) and using the other items in that pic for scale the JWT would seem to be a bit chunkier than the Japspeed. The JWT felt like proper heavy engineering had gone into it, and going by Japspeed's general reputation I doubt it will be made as well as the JWT. The JWT also has a heatshield for what it's worth, not sure a metal plate is really going to be such a fantastic insulator, but it's a bit more bay bling if nothing else.



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I bought my car with a JWT pop charger installed,and loved the sound. Someone on here was selling their Typhoon system,so i got it 2nd hand,though you wouldnt really know. It started to eat through my wiring loom,and on the way to Le Man,it earthed out on the metal box,and caused me to have no dash or MFD,aswell as no air con. Wasnt ideal. Its sorted now though,as ground a good 5mm ish out the corner that was tight,and put abit of trim on the raw metal edge to protect the loom.

I like the added engine bay bling of the Typhoon,just beware of the fitment issues. I dont think id buy a brand new Typhoon over a JWT,but if you see one for a good price,then its worth it.

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I have the twin intake JWT, purchased from a member on here. The car doesn't feel any different, and I wouldn't care if it did...because the noise...OMG the noise! From the hi-rev engine it really does sound superb. I dont have other kits to compare it to but she really sings and as a 'sports' car for me should sound as well as it looks/goes its a must have mod.

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You really can't see the difference between them?


The Japspeed one looks like I made it with one arm tied behind my back and a blindfold on. Not forgetting Japspeeds "Legendary" fitment ;)


I had a pop charger on mine, it was great for the cost but I changed it for an ARC one eventually. If you can spare the cash then definitley get the ARC one, makes the most amazing sound and its much better looking.


Popcharger :)




ARC :cloud9:



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Proud of myself, recorded a sound clip, then started swearing at the mac because no websites will allow an MP3 to be hosted that I have accounts with, couldnt convert it but in the end learnt how to use iMovie :thumbs: So may as well post up what I did, at least you can hear the Stillen noise...you need volume down a bit but should hear it suck the air in (most notable on the second rev) and add a bit of menace to the engine ;)


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  Daryl said:
I dont really understand having a sealed box to stop heat soak,then putting a few louvers on the top of it. It dont make sense to me.


The box is not totally sealed, the front portion is open for the air cone, air flows in and any excess air escapes via the vents.


Being a sealed box the sound is mental!! You hear it on blip and all the way through the revs like growling demons under the hood. You can hear it clearly on my nurburgring trip see below :drive1 (go to to 29seconds to hear a blip and then 58seconds for a full 2nd gear blast)

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