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Our current tv looks to be on its way out so looking for a replacement. LED tvs seem to be the future for now so would like one of them and may as well be 3D(active) if i'm going to splash some cash. I've done a bit of reaserch on plasma,LCD and LED's and passive and active 3d, so have a breife understanding but no experiance really. So if anyone clued up on them could help me i'd appreciate that. Here what i'm lloking for

I have a budget of £1000 as its to last a good few years.

LED,HD,3D active.

Current tv is 46" i think so no smaller but not much bigger 50" max.

Has to look nice and modern to keep the Mrs happy.

Would like it to be able to convert 2D to 3D.


So far only found this http://www.simplyelectricals.co.uk/tele ... d6530.html


Any help and advice is appreciated

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For me 3D is a waste of time, but I won't go down that particular rant now. ;)


I bought my Sammy 55" 6-series LED telly two years ago when they first came out, and it was an amazing picture then and it's still amazing now. Obviously it's been superceded by the 200hz models (mine's only 100hz) so they look even better now, but I'd happily buy another tomorrow without question. The only downside is the remote, which for a £2500 TV is an utter disgrace but then Samsung use the same remotes give or take across many models to save costs so I can understand that.




All that said, DO NOT BUY THAT TELLY WITHOUT VIEWING IT. Go down to your local Currys/Comet for 9am on a Saturday morning, or during the week is even better, and take a particularly impressive BD with you (I used Independence Day as it has lots of fast moving images and plenty of blacks) and try it on a range of TVs. What works for some people make look gash to you, so don't buy without trying it first. :) I took my Xbox an a copy of Forza 2 with me when I bought my TV and made them set that up for me as well, as before I drop a load of cash you can bet your ass I've going to test it first.

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i have the samsung 6-series also in rose black effect frame. Absolutely love it and had zero issues with it.

It still has a better picture than my buddys 3d plasma which he spent a fortune on.


For me 3D is a waste of time, but I won't go down that particular rant now. ;)


I bought my Sammy 55" 6-series LED telly two years ago when they first came out, and it was an amazing picture then and it's still amazing now. Obviously it's been superceded by the 200hz models (mine's only 100hz) so they look even better now, but I'd happily buy another tomorrow without question. The only downside is the remote, which for a £2500 TV is an utter disgrace but then Samsung use the same remotes give or take across many models to save costs so I can understand that.




All that said, DO NOT BUY THAT TELLY WITHOUT VIEWING IT. Go down to your local Currys/Comet for 9am on a Saturday morning, or during the week is even better, and take a particularly impressive BD with you (I used Independence Day as it has lots of fast moving images and plenty of blacks) and try it on a range of TVs. What works for some people make look gash to you, so don't buy without trying it first. :) I took my Xbox an a copy of Forza 2 with me when I bought my TV and made them set that up for me as well, as before I drop a load of cash you can bet your ass I've going to test it first.

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I'm not into 3D TVs.....


I personally have a samsung in my living room and it's lovely.



At work we just got two 60" Sharp Aquos TVs and they are actually very nice. We have a further 4 52" Sharps that are about 3 years old too. We had 5 but one failed recently. 1 out of 5 in over 25000 hours continuous use isn't bad I don't think.

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My Dad bought a Phillips 3D TV about 8 months ago now, and doesn’t really use the 3D aspect of it, predominantly because all the 3D movies are either crap or kids films. Plus as time goes on, the cost of the 3D TV's comes down and the technology in other areas progresses :shrug:

It’s not something I have felt the need to rush out and buy TBH, but each to their own. Good luck with whatever you decide :thumbs:

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Best advice really, don't get fooled into all the marketing gimmick out there; So called "LED" TVs are really LCD TVs which use LED for back light rather than using fluorescent lamps. All the rubbish about 100hz/200hz modes, quoted contrast ratios, blacker than black modes etc is all marketing talk. The simple fact is the best TV ever made is the Pionner Kuro, which despite been nearly 3 years old(Pioneer stopped making them in 2008) is still the benchmark all other TVs are tested against!




The whole 3D things is also bit uncertain at the moment, on a 65inch screen in a blacked out room (essentially home cinema setting) it certainly works but on a 46inch in a living room I'm not sure. Glasses free 3D is coming, but how good it's going to be who knows. 3D projectors are also slow coming down in price, but a £3K for a decent one still not really a option for most people.


But the best thing to do is go and see the TVs in real life, accept that no TV is perfect regardless of price, and just get one in your price range, that looks good to you and suits your room set up, take it home and stop reading TV reviews till you need another TV (because something better is always just around the corner and apparently 2012 might see the Kuro finally been toppled) :lol:

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Best advice really, don't get fooled into all the marketing gimmick out there; So called "LED" TVs are really LCD TVs which use LED for back light rather than using fluorescent lamps. All the rubbish about 100hz/200hz modes, quoted contrast ratios, blacker than black modes etc is all marketing talk.


I could well be wrong but I thought all 'LED' TVs were just LED backlit LCDs. i know you can make a screen out of LEDs, you see them all the time as noticeboards, but i didn't know anyone had bothered to scale it down into a TV. Another thing to watch for is the two types of LED backlighting. you want the 'local dimming' type, as this gives you the blacks that fluorescent lighting can't, I can't remember what the other kind is called but it lights from the sides of the screen, meaning you get a very thin screen, but otherwise not much improvement.


Happy shopping :thumbs:



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I know that the 3d isn't useable that often and definatly wont be the future of 3d but most new tvs have it so may aswell get it and use it when i can. Had a good look round comet and currys so have seen a good few. Found this http://www.leconcepts.com/products/lcd- ... ce=Froogle could only see a smaller model of it in currys/comet but the opther 6 series ones look good. Dalos 3d active as its ment to be a better image than passive. Dont really care about the whole smart tv thing as if i want to go on the internet i'll use the laptop or pc as they will always be better but most tv's are starting to come with that also just can't see me ever using that feature.

NeilP is your 6 series like the one in the link above?

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Dalos 3d active as its ment to be a better image than passive.


I'll concede that for the most active gives a better picture than passive (or Cinema 3D as its marketed as because passive sounds negative), but when you take into consideration the flicker and crosstalk problems active has, then Cinema 3D might well be a better option overall.


Add to that the fact that Cinema glasses are dirt cheap (literally pennies as apposed to about £50+ per pair), lightweight, don't require batteries (that could run out at an inconvenient time), or could go faulty (something I've seen a number of times with active glasses).


Another cool feature (which the Philips I linked to has) is that if you're a gamer, then you can get a pair of 'all left' glasses and a pair of 'all right' glasses and play a two player game on the same screen at the same time, but each player viewing a FULL screen! :teeth:


There has also been talk of using the same tech to watch two programmes at the same time full screen, but that needs things like the sound sorting and twin tuners, so maybe something for future models. I'd love that, me watching the BTCC and the missus watching the Eastenders omnibus. Both in peace ;)


Take those points on board, but try them both. :thumbs:

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There has also been talk of using the same tech to watch two programmes at the same time full screen, but that needs things like the sound sorting and twin tuners, so maybe something for future models. I'd love that, me watching the BTCC and the missus watching the Eastenders omnibus. Both in peace ;)


I Eastenders may well be more interesting with a touring car sound track :lol:

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I wouldn't pay anything extra for 3d, you'd be better of getting a smart tv with internet as that's these way the technology is heading. I'm with Dan, 3d is just a gimic and not a very good one at that.


Come round my house with a few beers and watch Tron Legacy in 3D on my Sony 46"..


I think you will be surprised B)

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My mate has bought the 40" samsung 3D led Smart TV, and on the strength of what I've seen with that, I'll be going for the 55 inch job. Read good things about it, and the picture quality is excellent!

The 3D isn't really that big an issue for me, though some of the demo stuff I've seen is extremely cool. What they don't tell you is your probably gonna have to hike out another 100 quid for decent glasses, as I think Toshiba are the only company knocking out the passive 3D at the moment.

There's a'lot out there for sure, but I guess its all down to what your gonna be using it for. Movies, TV or gaming?

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The trouble I have with 3D movies is that I've yet to see one that doesn't use the 3D as a gimmick to hide a fairly poor film underneath (yes, I'm looking straight at you Avatar!). In theory as an absolute gadget freak I should've bought into 3D long ago, but I just can't see the point when I watch a film for the story as much as the glitzy special effects, and when the story is crap then why would I want to watch it? I wouldn't do it in 2D, so why should 3D make a difference?


Also every 3D TV I've tried, passive or active, focuses on the centre of the screen being in perfect focus but leaving the edges a blur. That's highly distracting IMHO, and another reason why a decent 2D screen is still the way to go for me personally. I just can't see 3D getting the market penetration for at least another 3-5 years yet in terms of content delivery (a combination of films, games and more importantly terrestrial broadcasts) which is why I'm not keen on shelling out.

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The trouble I have with 3D movies is that I've yet to see one that doesn't use the 3D as a gimmick to hide a fairly poor film underneath (yes, I'm looking straight at you Avatar!). In theory as an absolute gadget freak I should've bought into 3D long ago, but I just can't see the point when I watch a film for the story as much as the glitzy special effects, and when the story is crap then why would I want to watch it? I wouldn't do it in 2D, so why should 3D make a difference?


Also every 3D TV I've tried, passive or active, focuses on the centre of the screen being in perfect focus but leaving the edges a blur. That's highly distracting IMHO, and another reason why a decent 2D screen is still the way to go for me personally. I just can't see 3D getting the market penetration for at least another 3-5 years yet in terms of content delivery (a combination of films, games and more importantly terrestrial broadcasts) which is why I'm not keen on shelling out.


I agree to a certain extent, the 3D technology isnt as advanced as it will be, but people didnt stop buying black and white tvs years ago because they knew coloured tv's would come out eventually...

I love technology too, I don't use the 3D function that much unless its a 3D blu ray film but I prefer it at home to being in the cinema, you can give your eyes a break, have a brew etc and some of the effects are just brilliant.

I personally really enjoyed Avatar and can't wait to watch it on my TV, I ain't paying £70 for the priviledge though

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I wouldn't pay anything extra for 3d, you'd be better of getting a smart tv with internet as that's these way the technology is heading. I'm with Dan, 3d is just a gimic and not a very good one at that.


Come round my house with a few beers and watch Tron Legacy in 3D on my Sony 46"..


I think you will be surprised B)


I love to Chris (I did go and see it in 3D at the cinema) but:



Also every 3D TV I've tried, passive or active, focuses on the centre of the screen being in perfect focus but leaving the edges a blur. That's highly distracting IMHO, and another reason why a decent 2D screen is still the way to go for me personally.


The fact you have to focus on the same object as the camera and are unable to look around is rubbish and breaks the illusion.

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Just got a Panasonic PV65VT30. Unfortunately almost all decent big screen tv's now have 3d by default. So the key is to ensure that its 2d capability (if you arent bothered about 3d) is still top notch, and hasnt been compromised in order to get the tv on the 3d bandwagon.


I have to say although Ive viewed some 3d stuff on the TV, watching a whole film like Avatar in 3d would just tire my eyes I think. An animated film is much easier to view in 3d imho, but as it will just be displaying good old corrie and eastenders for the most part, then I went for a plasma rather than LED/LCD to get the good black levels. Just need to sort out the right sound system for the lounge now. Nothing too obtrusive, little sattelite speakers and a small sub - Im not wanting to go the whole home cinema route in the lounge.


Must get a copy of Tron Legacy in 3d though just for the demo factor that has for 3d films. I like the way it goes from letterbox to full screen 3d scenes too. Excellent refference material for a 3d system. I still like Avatar to demo a 2d system and sound though :)

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Ended up going with this one http://www.leconcepts.com/products/lcd- ... ce=Froogle Picture is really good when on a good HD channel.Not watched a 3d film yet but had a look at a few 3d trailers and watched a bit of footy in 3d and was impressed. Not 3d the way i think of it(jumping out at you) but it does give the image alot more depth. Will only get used once ina blue moon anyway. The 2D to 3D conversion was pretty dissapointing, only notice it on a few things but when it does work it its ok. You can download apps for it :wacko: i don't have an i phone or android phone so don't have a clue how that works yet. Still not played the ps3 on it yet so will need to get MW3 to try it out when the pups sleeping. So a good tv and if it last five years till the warrenty runs out i'll be chuft with that. The 3D glasses have a film tint on them with a tab at the bottom of the lens(inside and out) one blue one red, do i peel these off or just cut of the annoying tabs as it doesn't mention them in the instructions??

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Although Samsung label the model as a 'full hd 3d' set, it's actually only half that. It's 1080p when watching 2d, but 540p when watching 3d. This will be the reason for the picture differences you've mentioned. 2d hd does look great on that set though.


And yes, peel off the film on the glasses. It's just to protect them from scratches before it reaches the consumer.

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