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Wheel refurb


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My Rays need some TLC, not hugely curbed but the paint is flaking off badly...


I have found a decent local place at a reasonable price, but my question is do I do them now before the bad weather to stop them getting any worse, or wait until the nicer weather in the new year and let the wheels get worse over the winter :shrug:


Will it do the wheels any major harm as there are several patches where they are down to the bare metal as the paint has bubbled and flaked off :surrender:

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  CrumbMC said:
http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=40982&start=30 look at the last post on here. his seem to be fine


I was in the same dilemma but for me i may have to use my Z even when it's really bad weather and if i curb them i'll be gutted. also mine aren't that bad so i'm waiting.


Cheers, I am in the same boat really although I will be working different shifts this year so if the weather is bad I won't HAVE to use the Zed :yahoo:


I guess if you always worry about curbing the wheels you would never get them done, I am also wondering if I should get some rim protectors, the clear ones don't really notice much do they?

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  Stew said:
If you are going to paint them I'd wait.


If you are going to powder them I'd do it now.



Just keep away from the curbs!


It's a refurb and paint all in one day I believe a powder coat would take 3-4 days wouldn't it? I only need 3 wheels done as 1 is brand new :teeth:


I have been lucky with curbs mainly but you can guarantee as soon as I get them done I will clip one :rant: That's the main reason I wouldn't spend £1,000s on aftermarket ones, I would cry too much :console:

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Powder coat can take a few days. It's worth it though as the finish is so much harder and more durable.


Wheels see a lot of punishment so I'd always get a hard finish on it but that's my personal opinion.


Someone local would maybe lend you wheels to keep you mobile.

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  Stew said:
Powder coat can take a few days. It's worth it though as the finish is so much harder and more durable.


Wheels see a lot of punishment so I'd always get a hard finish on it but that's my personal opinion.


Someone local would maybe lend you wheels to keep you mobile.


Ooooh just found somewhere fairly local that are doing a special deal, 4 wheels upto 18" refurbed and powder coated anthracite grey for £160 :thumbs:


Is anthracite grey much darker than standard I wonder though :wacko: have to call them and maybe go down, they also do power silver and hyper silver which sound better to me but not in the october deal :thumbdown: it also says they can turn them around within 2 working days :thumbs:

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  SpursMadDave said:
  CrumbMC said:
http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=40982&start=30 look at the last post on here. his seem to be fine


I was in the same dilemma but for me i may have to use my Z even when it's really bad weather and if i curb them i'll be gutted. also mine aren't that bad so i'm waiting.


Cheers, I am in the same boat really although I will be working different shifts this year so if the weather is bad I won't HAVE to use the Zed :yahoo:


I guess if you always worry about curbing the wheels you would never get them done, I am also wondering if I should get some rim protectors, the clear ones don't really notice much do they?


I meant curb them as a result of snow on the roads. :)


have a look at these. black ones look fairly descreet in pics i've seen but never seen them in real life

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  Leeroy said:
Dave are you Kent way?

Where's the place doing the anthracite deal - and why just anthracite?


I just googled and found this place -




They are in Strood


Special Offers!


OCTOBER - 2011


4 alloy wheels powder coated anthracite grey for £160!!!


Bring your wheels to us (maximum 18 inch wheels) and for £160 we will fully refurbish them into anthracite grey!!!


I'm not too keep on any darker than standard so I am going to find out what their prices are on hyper silver or power silver :thumbs:

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  SpursMadDave said:
  Zugara said:
PLace near me Dave....


http://www.thewheelspecialist.co.uk/loc ... ham-hants/


If you fancy a cuppa. :shrug:


Would almost certainly require an overnighter and I still have nightmares after the last sleepover :scare:


Its ok Dave, I can make a bed up here so you can sleep next to you favourite :throb: ... Amber misses you :cloud9:

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  DoogyRev said:
  SpursMadDave said:
  Zugara said:
PLace near me Dave....


http://www.thewheelspecialist.co.uk/loc ... ham-hants/


If you fancy a cuppa. :shrug:


Would almost certainly require an overnighter and I still have nightmares after the last sleepover :scare:


Its ok Dave, I can make a bed up here so you can sleep next to you favourite :throb: ... Amber misses you :cloud9:


Awwe I miss her too :cloud9: I meant to ask where she was the other weekend, did you have to push her upstairs :scare:

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We had to entice her up to the bedroom with cheese and sausages..... took fookin ages :lol:


I did attempt to pick her up...... but she was not having any of it. She seems to have a sixth sense when something is going on that she does not want to miss out on :lol:

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  DoogyRev said:
We had to entice her up to the bedroom with cheese and sausages..... took fookin ages :lol:


I did attempt to pick her up...... but she was not having any of it. She seems to have a sixth sense when something is going on that she does not want to miss out on :lol:




Cheese and Sausage.... weird coincidence that is Paul's trick too ;)

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  SpursMadDave said:
  DoogyRev said:
We had to entice her up to the bedroom with cheese and sausages..... took fookin ages :lol:


I did attempt to pick her up...... but she was not having any of it. She seems to have a sixth sense when something is going on that she does not want to miss out on :lol:




Cheese and Sausage.... weird coincidence that is Paul's trick too ;)


PMSL :lol::lol:

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I had mine done in hyper silver by the wheel specialist. Same day turn around but you have to be there at 8am and it might not be done till 5pm. Occasionally it can take an extra day.


Hyper silver seems to give good results and matches the door handles well. I say hyper silver. It was actually black chrome. They paint the wheel black and then flash the outer face with silver/chrome. In the end I didn't like the inside being black so chose to have the whole lot done in silver on the black. Could probably have just done the silver only but I felt the black underneath toned it down a little. The photos on their website don't do the colour any justice and neither does the finishes in the showrooms. The final finish on my wheels matched the car really well.


Here's the photos.



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