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12 days of christmas. Free competition.


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Coming soon, a fun little comp over 12 days. Hopefully it will be easy enough to answer the questions with a little help from Google.


Our traders have again been very generous in supplying prizes for this. Join me in a virtual tour of britain, answer a few easy questions and the lucky winners will have a choice of early christmas presents. :)


OK, I will start this a little early to get it sorted in time for Christmas.



Jez, Discount on H Dev Manifold ot H Dev Decat Pipe. 350z pre 07.

Zmanalex- Discount voucher.

CS- Discount voucher.

Abbey ms - Discount voucher.

Tarmac - Discount voucher.

EH 370z - Discount voucher.

djrm - 2 mouse mates with your photo.



The format is pretty simple. I will be virtually touring Britain and will post up clues to where I am stopping each evening. There will be 13 clues in all over 13 days. Make a note of the answers for each day and when the 13 days are up pm me with your answers. All correct submissions will then go into a draw.


Even though i am presently sat on a boat in Tilbury dock I will be starting at home, a little research will tell you roughly where that is.


Clue number 1'

As I will be driving for most of tomorrow I have decided to have a meal out as a treat before setting off. I have chosen a well known local restaurant. Its a bit of a pain trying to park there but I managed to leave the car on the racecourse.


I opted for the £89 menu which includes Roasted cauliflower with razor clam, seaweed and oyster. Very tasty but the meal wasnt very filling so I managed to get through it easily.


What was the name of the restaurant that I ate at? :) ( Answer number 1.)


Clue number 2.

Today was a 170 mile drive. Much of it motorway. Never one to be accused of being timorous I was giving it some beans on the windy bits. Probably not a good idea to be listening to an anagram game on the radio at the same time. Result, torn rubbers. :surrender:


Anyway, I managed to reach my destination. The guy who this building is dedicated died after a visit to the dentist apparently, aged 37. :scare:


Whats going on here at 7-30 tonight. ( Answer number 2.)



Clue number 3.


120 miles driving today. A bit of a busmans holiday for todays visit. Its sponsored by Targe Towing, my employers so I thought i had better give it a look. Its in good condition considering its been around since 1824. Appropriately how much is it to rent this thing for 50 people. ( Answer number 3 )


Having had a good look round I popped down the road to where another ship set off and spent two years locked in ice.



Clue Number 4.


A 280 mile drive today to a place that should ouse charm. Unfortunately the place we actually ended up had awards for its charm but ended up looking like a bit of a shambles.


Never mind, feeding time again. Close by we found somewhere and I had one of their giant yorkshire. How much was it and was I fleeced. :blush: Answer number 4



Clue number 5


Only 93 miles for today. We were just drifting down the country when I saw a sign that threw me a bit. I thought Lancaster was in Cumbria but when i saw Lancaster on a sign in Lincolnshire I thought it would be worth a flying visit.


If i was here tomorrow when could I get a very special Taxy ride. Answer number 5



Clue number 6


I will be doing some non virtual driving on Wednesday so will post the clue up early.


This was bound to happen even on a virtual drive if Liz was with me. As we neared the end of the 126 mile journey I could feel everything Fade to grey. I made a comment to Liz and got the usual slap, where can you get a Band Aid when you need one. :blush:


So where was I destined to spend my musical wednesday evening. Answer number 6




Clue number 7


Only 92 miles to drive today. Today I am going to a very famous building which is supposed to be amazing. A famous monarch spent £62,000 over ten years doing it up. That equates to £18,000,000 in todays money. Then again I suppose he didnt have problems with divorce settlements. :lol:


How much for the pastries and cakes at the cafe. Answer number 7



Clue number 8



A long haul today 222 miles and if we dont fall out in the car there will definitely be fireworks when we arrive. Not sure what the Boogie band will be like in such a cavernous location though. The navy used to store rum here in WW2 so I can only hope there is some left.


Who is doing the BBQ. Answer number 8



Clue number 9.


142 miles today and all on A roads. I am visiting a place where Brian Blessed played Kevin Costners father in a film. 2 sieges during the civil war have left it in a bit of a mess.

Fortunately we are members and can get in free but what would it normally cost for entry. Answer number 9



Clue number 10.


Today we are having a look around where the guy that invented the Calotype process died. Just over 38 miles to drive today. The hotel I chose is one that I last stayed at for a car show down here in 2010.


Which hotel is it. Answer number 10



Clue number 11



132 miles today. Having read about an animal called Okanda in the Mail today I thought I would pop in and see it.

I am not really into food at t

he moment but for the sake of the quiz what type of Rosti did I have with the Grilled medallion of Venison as per the sample menu for Nov 4th.. Answer number 11


Clue number 12.



140 miles for todays second clue. I am visiting a small port which was connected to a canal system designed by the guy who also designed the Crinan canal. The harbour was built as navigating up to Lancaster was too difficult. We had a meal at the Dalton arms but what was the name of the dog that visited last year. Answer number 12



Clue number 13.


55 miles driving today and no visit to the lakes would be complete without popping in to this place. 2011 was its 30th birthday and Propelled into into the local news. As you Draw up to the car park you can really sense the excitement. As a big fan of Carbon I would not miss this visit although my knowledge of the subject is a bit Sketchy.


How much is a family ticket. Answer number 13



And thats it folks. PM me your answers. :thumbs:

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