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Will you be one of the lucky six million...


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I actually had 2 tax refunds come through last month for years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, not huge amounts but better than nothing and the first time ive ever had any cash back from the taxman!


Knowing my luck they will now tell me that I actually owe them cash for 2010->2011!!!!

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I actually had 2 tax refunds come through last month for years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, not huge amounts but better than nothing and the first time ive ever had any cash back from the taxman!


Knowing my luck they will now tell me that I actually owe them cash for 2010->2011!!!!



I had a rebate earlier this year for £206, then a couple of years ago they said i had underpaid by approx £600 which i paid only for them to tell me a year later that i had overpaid and so sent me a cheque back for £590!! :wacko::lol:

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Anyone else lived in France? We have it easy here...when I was living there each pay slip I got each month with something like 35 deductions listed out, from basic council style tax all the way through to taxes for 'social enjoyment' :wacko:


Then of course I had to save some of my earnings to pay income tax the following year which is paid one year in leau of earning, which is estimated three times during the following year, which you have to pay each time, so on first estimate (you pay it out in three installments), I start paying it off, then they adjust it, so installments change, then assessed again and sometimes I have overpaid so I have to fill out about five forms to get the rebate, the following year.


I left France in 2009, I still get sent demands for income tax for working in France in 2010 :shrug: when I queried it with the French tax department they told me not to worry, they don't know how to stop it in the system, just ignore it :scare:


Believe me, you don't know how easy we have it here :lol:

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I get letters on what seems a bi-monthly rate telling me my tax code has been changed. Does my box in.


Got one just two months ago, only benefit from work I have is my family health cover so why it should keep changing confuses me.


Then a few weeks ago another letter drops but this time it says I have overpaid my tax and another letter arrived with cheque for £695 :yahoo:


Don't know what the article is talking about though about insensitive to underpayers, I have had several of these over the years and it merely means they drop my tax code substantially to recover the outstanding tax over a period of time, never been asked for it in one go or anything...

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The new computer system that was installed is now paying dividends, fingers crossed over the coming years there will be less errors. This will mean it's far less likely that people will be asked to pay extra or indeed getting a rebate.


The HMRC, revenue office, tax man whatever you want to call them/it are just doing their job. I don't mind paying my taxes as I know on the whole I will be benefitting from them somewhere in the system, somewhere down the line. Frankly what really pisses me off are those F'ers, be they individuals or organisations. Who avoid paying tax through manipulation of tax loopholes and laws because they can afford to pay exceptionally clever accountants to find those opportunities for them (and then offsetting that accountancy cost as an expense which they can also claim for/against.


The man / woman in the street is, and has been for years, getting the 5hitty end of the stick. It makes me quite angry that not everybody 'pays their way'. Such is life I guess.

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The HMRC, revenue office, tax man whatever you want to call them/it are just doing their job. I don't mind paying my taxes as I know on the whole I will be benefitting from them somewhere in the system, somewhere down the line. Frankly what really pisses me off are those F'ers, be they individuals or organisations. Who avoid paying tax through manipulation of tax loopholes and laws because they can afford to pay exceptionally clever accountants to find those opportunities for them (and then offsetting that accountancy cost as an expense which they can also claim for/against.

If the HMRC are too stupid to close those loopholes, then more fool them IMHO. You don't even need an exceptionally clever accountant to ensure you pay as little tax as possible, just one who has a decent understanding of the system.


If anyone ran a normal company in the way the HMRC is run, they'd be out of business within a year. They are the most incompetent, useless, awkward company to deal with, and I don't care if it's the people behind the desks or the computer system at fault tbh. Trust me, when you've got the HMRC chasing you and sending you threatening letters over a couple of grand and scaring the crap out of you, and two months after you settle up after stretching yourself thin to pay this tax bill they then turn around and say "Oh yeah, we owe you £3K, here's a cheque", you soon lose a lot of faith in them.



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Oh joy, a favourite subject..


Tax avoidance is perfectly legal. Evasion is not. If those "loopholes" are closed then many businesses with the ability to offshore, will. Net result will be a reduction in tax revenue. Then it will be down to the rest of us personally, or businesses that do not have the ability to offshore, to fill the very big gap left behind.


People protesting to close these loopholes would do well to take a step back, as they could very well be biting the hand that feeds. People think cuts are bad now, imagine if someone like BP were to offshore a massive chunk of their business and take their corporation tax with them.


I'd much rather have a system where everyone pays the same percentage regardless of income level (over a minimum ammount - say £12k). If you earn a wage, its taxed at X%, that same percentage is applied to dividends, wages, capital gains, inheritance, etc etc. Then its fair to everyone isn't it?


Im also a great advocate of personal tax being capped at a certain level, although it will never happen. A professional footballer on £250k a week or £13m a year even using the loopholes available and having "companies" to manage them, will still be paying at least £4.5m a year in tax. There is no possible way anyone can justify that as a fair ammount for a single individual to pay.


I also despise the argument of "they can afford it so why shouldn't they pay more". Well hows about we apply that to the weekly shop then? If someone earns £50k then they can pay twice as much for their shopping as someone on £25k. Why not, they can afford it, wheres the problem? :shrug:

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Ekona I understand your point, having just received a communication from my 'clever accountant' regards my latest VAT payment of thousands of pounds.


The difficulty with any taxation system i guess is it's ongoing complexity and changing nature along with the ability of those administering it to keep up with those changes. Whether they be changes to corporation tax, VAT, PAYE, benefits that may or may not be tax deductible etc. The whole thing has to be a minefield to manage, although that's a poor excuse.


As Chesterfield's pointed out, there's clearly a difference between avoidance and evasion and to be fair I'm being hypocritical as I've benefitted from some of those tax loop holes and here I am moaning! What goes around comes around I suppose. Its never going to feel like a right time to pay tax.


I'll just keep paying my accountant, pay what's legally due and try not to worry about too much. I have no justification for complaining and I'm fortunate to be able to put a roof over my head and still eat, which is a lot more than some other poor souls.

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I have had two tax rebate's and lets put it this way, the first rebate paid off a huge chunk of my America Road trip and the 2nd lot paid for my new wheels on the Zed :thumbs: Be flipping amazed if I got another one :teeth:

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