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Battlefield 3 on PS3


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Anyone getting this when its out? I have it on preorder from amazon (you get it discounted and its a collectors edition so bonus stuff)...be good to go tear it up online with some fellow Zedders...


1. Coldel - PSN coldel

2. Manphibian - PSN manphibian

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  TomS said:
Gonna grab it for 360, was tempted to get it on PS3 as I've played CoD and BF:BC2 on it but gonna try BF3 on 360!



I wouldn't if you have the choice.


The PS3 version looks a lot better....




Plus it's on 2 discs :lol:http://playstationlifestyle.net/2011/09 ... lefield-3/



Xbox is dropping well behind now imo.

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Will definitely be getting it just got to decide which format, xbox, pc or ps3. Too many head shots on pc fps's, died way too often and too quickly on cod forpc. consoles level the playing field a bit and recently games just seem better on the xbox, plus i way prefer the xbox controller. Lookslike an awesome game cant wait. Xbox live is way better and has far fewer problems.


Mind you there are just too many good games out at the moment. Gears of war, forza 4, arkum city, bf3, unchartered 3. Not enough time :)

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  manphibian said:
  TomS said:
Gonna grab it for 360, was tempted to get it on PS3 as I've played CoD and BF:BC2 on it but gonna try BF3 on 360!



I wouldn't if you have the choice.


The PS3 version looks a lot better....




Plus it's on 2 discs :lol:http://playstationlifestyle.net/2011/09 ... lefield-3/



Xbox is dropping well behind now imo.



2 discs doesn't bother me at all, I'll only be playing the MP so that disc can stay in all the time, and installing it will mean quicker load times :) Reading about 360 vs PS3 it looks like PS3 textures might be better but 360 has better performance (framerate). As long as the game doesn't look any worse then BC2, I'm not fussed. I'm buying it to play MP non-stop, not stare at pretty leaves :p

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  Railgun said:
I'll be getting it for PC I think mate. Prefer playing FPS with a keyboard and mouse. Och who am I kidding, I'm crap with a joypad. :lol::lol::lol:


PC for me too, console games are looking very dated now compared to what is available/developeed for the pc. Battlefield is a good case in point if you compare how it looks on console compared to pc.

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The only thing I don't like about PC gaming are the controls, there is just no gaming feel' to it, using my mouse and keyboard all day for excel then swtiching to a shooter is just wrong IMO - Joypads take it to a different level, even if the graphics are only 80% of what they are on PC.

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  coldel said:
The only thing I don't like about PC gaming are the controls, there is just no gaming feel' to it, using my mouse and keyboard all day for excel then swtiching to a shooter is just wrong IMO - Joypads take it to a different level, even if the graphics are only 80% of what they are on PC.



Yeah this ^


I used to be PC only back in the days of Battlefield 2, but going back after PS3 is like a step back in realism for me now.


The mouse moves too quickly, it just doesn't feel realistic, and the on/off nature of the keyboard buttons doesn't feel as good as the analogue movement of the sticks imo.


It took a while to get used to a control pad, but there's no going back for me now :)


Plus there was always a load of fiddling about with settings and stuff on PC to even get a game to work sometimes, shove the disc in and play these days :D


PC does look amazing though :thumbs:




And 'm playing rage right now mate :) It is great! The weird pop-in texture thing is a bit weird, but great game. Although i only rented it, so i'm hving to smash through it quickly before i have to take it back, already had it for a week and a half, it's gonna cost as much as buying it soon :lol:

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I do enjoy playing BF1942 on the PS3. I'm just a casual gamer (though if I may be so bold to say "pretty niffty" in aerial vehicles). I have a mate, who has every gamer point on every COD game, and I just cant be arsed playing online with him. He has no tolerance for my running around in the crouch position, shooting at the sky and complaining about people spawn point camping and snipers!

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  Railgun said:
I'll be getting it for PC I think mate. Prefer playing FPS with a keyboard and mouse. Och who am I kidding, I'm crap with a joypad. :lol::lol::lol:


+1 FPS games are far better on PC oh and the graphics are much better on PC than consoles B). I'll be playing it on the No-Heroes servers as they will be setting them up ready for release. www.no-heroes.com


Feel free to add me on the PS3 though don't get on much any more though, PSN: Continuity

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Ultimately I think I would prefer a super server with everyone across all the consoles and the PC, and then, once and for all, we can settle the argument about what is the best control method for FPS. I really has to be Mouse and Keyboard. You just cant get the same responsiveness and accuracy with a joypad.

Forced to choose between the XBOX and PS3 controller though, it has to be XBOX all the way!

If Sony had their sh*t in one sock like Microsoft do with their online content, their machine would rule (far more powerfull), but as it stands, XBOX is still out there!

That said..............Mr Nathan Drake is gonna have 40 quid thrown his way next month! Damn you sony and naughty dog!!


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Never really used the Xbox controller before but from what I have heard it is better than the PS3 controller. What REALLY annoys me is Sony made the PS3 to have keyboard and mouse as an option and as far as I know only one game utilized it (Unreal Tournament III). If they had it on games like Battlefield and CoD they could eat up some of the casual PC gaming market (probably wont get die-hard PC gamers though).


On a side note I got Uncharted 2 and whilst I liked it I got bored and never did finish it. I rarely have time for anything but FPS now, so much easier to just jump in for 20 minutes then leave. I remember the days where I could play games for hours after work with a few beers and a pizza with friends but with the job I now have I just don't get the time.

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