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It does go to show the skill involved in his days, manual gear change taking most of the corners one handed, no traction control hardly any down force.



Yes a great era, i was on Hangar straight in 1987 and saw Mansell sell piquet that dummy in his Canon Williams Honda, Senna was in the bright yellow Camel Lotus Honda that year with team mate Satora Nakajima. B)

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Got it through blockbuster online and watched it last night, didnt have time to watch the extended version though. Senna was a bit before my time so it was interesting to learn about him and the rivalries and attitudes etc.


I say a good documentary on BBC not so long ago about formula one - called "Grand Prix: The Killer Years" which I'd also definitely recommend.

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I watched this on the flight out to America last month.


One of the most enthralling movies I have ever watched.


Like Dan says, I never realised just what he meant to Brazil as a country until this movie.

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I watched this on the flight out to America last month.


One of the most enthralling movies I have ever watched.


Like Dan says, I never realised just what he meant to Brazil as a country until this movie.


That was lucky, last time I went over the Atlantic they put 27 Dresses on, I nearly cried in frustration.

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I watched this on the flight out to America last month.


One of the most enthralling movies I have ever watched.


Like Dan says, I never realised just what he meant to Brazil as a country until this movie.


That was lucky, last time I went over the Atlantic they put 27 Dresses on, I nearly cried in frustration.


lol... when I went once i remember they put lord of rings on repeat... it must have been on some betamax tape as you could see all the tracking lines. United Airlines if i remember rightly. lol


Definately want to see the Senna movie. I remember watching Senna, Mansell and the rest racing all the time on the telly - those were the days when I loved F1. Havent been into it now for a very long time as it just doesnt seem as raw or exciting as back in the days.


Like others, dont think the missus will like it.. so may watch it today - as im off work with the death man flu plague virus. :(

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Very weird this...


Tam turned up with the "triple play" on Saturday. She isn't into F1 but a friend of her's said it was great, and she knows I like (OLD) F1 stuff.


So we watched the extended Blue Ray version, with the extra interviews. Best film I have seen this year! :thumbs:


(VERY closely followed by "Black Swan, which is a GREAT film!!)

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it's great, i saw it in the cinema. i'm looking forward to watching my mates extended BR edition.


I was so tense watching his onboard flying round imola, i knew what was coming and could hardly watch it.


I remember being a little whipper snapper and my dad being quite distrought when watching it, we did have his last race recorded on VHS but my brother taped over it with the simpsons when he was a lad :bangin:


Such a shame but an icon who will be forever rememberd in motorsport. :byebye:

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Ha ha, I'm going to show my age now. I've got some pictures of Senna in the Toleman, I think, during a tyre practice day for the British Grand Prix at Brands Hatch, it was the first time I had seen him "live" as it were, it was obvious to everyone there that he was potentially head and shoulders above the others, won't forget that day as I knew we had seen someone really special. Must see if I can find the pictures :surrender: Saw the film at the Cinema when it came out a while back, he still makes an impression on people who don't really follow motorsport as even Joy really enjoyed it :thumbs:


87? I had no idea you were so old Dave :p


Must admit I was unaware of quite how good Senna was until I really got into F1 about 5 years ago, and much less how important he was to Brazil until I watched this film.

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Well just watched the dvd version of Senna. Awesome. Some of the onboard footage from his early races was just incredible. So exciting and so fast. Totally amazing. The later on board footage just looked so much slower for some reason.


Want to see the blu ray version now for the extras.


:EDIT: The bluray extended version with all the extra interviews and stuff (2hr 40mins) is much better.

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Well just watched the dvd version of Senna. Awesome. Some of the onboard footage from his early races was just incredible. So exciting and so fast. Totally amazing. The later on board footage just looked so much slower for some reason.


Want to see the blu ray version now for the extras.


:EDIT: The bluray extended version with all the extra interviews and stuff (2hr 40mins) is much better.


Think his career spanned the gap betwen turbo -> N/A cars

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Well just watched the dvd version of Senna. Awesome. Some of the onboard footage from his early races was just incredible. So exciting and so fast. Totally amazing. The later on board footage just looked so much slower for some reason.


Want to see the blu ray version now for the extras.


:EDIT: The bluray extended version with all the extra interviews and stuff (2hr 40mins) is much better.


Think his career spanned the gap betwen turbo -> N/A cars



Yes it did from the 1.5 litre turbo V6's to the end of 1988 to the normally aspirated 3.5 litre V10's and V12's. :thumbs: The in car monaco footage iirc used the Honda V12 engine. :)

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I saw this at the cinema, remember at the time people saying a fair bit was cut out. So might snap up the blue ray and watch again, lights down, surround sound cranked up.


I remember growing up and loving motor racing from a young age, Senna was always up there, I remember him lapping round one race and a young irishman called Eddie Irvine holding him up, took Senna a while to get past and when he did let his guard down and Irvine retook him! Senna was going mental and after the race charged down the pitlane and had 'a physical altercation' with Irvine...super stuff from both sides there.


I was watching on TV when he died, Murray Walker in pieces on the commentary, just couldnt believe it.

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