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The long arm of the Law Caught up with Keyser Soze


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So there I am minding my own business bedding in my new brakes on a nice quiet back road, get that sorted slip down onto the dual carriageway and head over to get some fuel.


As I come of the dual carriageway I see a police car parked on the next roundabout - Check speed 37mph (in a 40 zone) tootle up to the roundabout as I pull on I see the police driver reach for the handbrake and check his mirror - I'm thinking he's gonna pull me over. Round the roundabout back the way I had come (dual carriageway) pull into the petrol station, watch him drive past.


Out the petrol station, yup he's waiting for me rolls forwards as I come into site ........ follows me for a few hundred meters as I indicate to turn off on go the Blue lights.


I pull over switch of open the window and wait -


"Evening sir"


"Evening Officer"


"Any idea why I may have stopped you tonight?"




"well sir your MOT expired in 2008"


"Ahhhhhhhhh hah ah hhhahhahhhah ha cough splutter giggle hem hem... really officer?


(I thought it was something serious)


"So you have an MOT then sir?"


"Yes follow me to the house and I'll show it to you"


"Can't do that, would you mind coming to my car"


So off we go and sure enough the ANPR has flagged up my car as MOT expired so we go through when the car was imported etc etc and then they went and had a look at the tax disk ... that settled it I must have an MOT as I have a valid TAX disk?!?


"Sorry to have wasted your time sir, have a nice evening"


I have to say apart from the fact that they thought I was lying for the first 5 minutes (I'm sure anyone who hasn't got a legal car would lie to them) you couldn't get pulled by 2 more reasonable Traffic cops.


Of course I did say "this means every time I go past an ANPR system I'll get pulled" they just said "Hopefully the system will get updated"


I'm carrying my MOT for the next month LOL


So much for putting it all on computer :bang:


Mind you I haven't been stopped in years so hey ho.

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you criminal :lol: shame there not out catching the real ones.


To be fair the ANPR system does stop real criminals, those who forget to tax MOT or insure their vehicle is instantly recognisable. It also flags stollen cars. I've never yet been stopped, even just for a random stop, I wish I was stopped more often, of course not for going over the speed limit by 3%.


I'm glad the police use technology :thumbs:

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What about it, pretzel man, what's your story? :D



To a cop the explanation is never that complicated. It's always simple. There's no mystery to the street, no arch criminal behind it all. If you got a dead body and you think his brother did it, you're gonna find out you're right.

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Not a nice experience to be stopped but at least they were reasonable and sent you on your way :thumbs:


But a bit anoying if the system doesnn't get updated:

Of course I did say "this means every time I go past an ANPR system I'll get pulled" they just said "Hopefully the system will get updated"


I'm carrying my MOT for the next month LOL



As the next time it might be case of "OK so clear on that - lets see what else we can find", if they are on number crunching targets :dry:

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