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If You Build It They Will Come! Update 26th Jan


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Just another film reference - I do that a lot if you hadn't noticed - brownie point for the first one to post the film it's from lol.gif


Anyway its true remember this from the Saturday before last?




Then this was last Saturday -








See who shows up this weekend thumbs.giflol.gif

Edited by Keyser
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I think for your next film related reference I challenge you to.....




300 Zeds on your property that is, shouting "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" whilst kicking moaning neighbours down a deep well is optional



Can I just do the - "shouting "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" whilst kicking moaning neighbours down a deep well" Bit please???




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I just stole 50 cars for you in one night! All right? I'm a little tired. I'm a little wired! And I think I deserve a little appreciation




The ladies are dirty...I repeat...The ladies are dirty!




It's like a reunion. You should stick around because pretty soon we're going to make s'mores and sing Kumbaya.



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Did you buy the yellow one recently? I know a mate had one that looked exactly the same although I can't see the plate so I can't tell.


No - got that a while ago eBay speacial collected from Cardiff :)

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Awesome collection of Zeds there,something to aspire to!

And im settled on getting a V2 rear wing now after seeing that gold one in almost profile with the V2 front



Thats the "Ginger Ninja" belongs to Buster on here they are both regulars at the Zed Shed :)

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Did you buy the yellow one recently? I know a mate had one that looked exactly the same although I can't see the plate so I can't tell.


No - got that a while ago eBay speacial collected from Cardiff :)


Check my location, was the guy called Tim? ;)



I think I bought that off your mate then LOL


while ago now though - or it seems it - he said he was a car trader but decided this one was too much work so he stuck it on eBay no reserve I only want the engine, box and back axel - already sold the interior :thumbs:

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Yep that's him, he is a car trader but he loves old cars, he bought the car with the intention of having it fully stripped and re-painted but apparently got messed around quite a bit by the guy who was supposed to do the work. It sat on another mate's driveway for quite sometime. Interesting looking car, I shall let him know you're pulling it apart :lol: small world

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