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Project Zee Business - Update 25th July


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In the pic showing the captive bolt dummy assembled with the bush, washers and nut, did you torque the nut up to the final assembly torque? If you did, and the welded bolt survived, the jobs a gud'un. If you didn't, then now is the time to get the torque wrench out...

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I tested it to past torque requirement before I cleaned it up :thumbs:


  Iwantone said:
In the pic showing the captive bolt dummy assembled with the bush, washers and nut, did you torque the nut up to the final assembly torque? If you did, and the welded bolt survived, the jobs a gud'un. If you didn't, then now is the time to get the torque wrench out...
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OK I'm on a roll now.....

Boss came in about 3pm and said "You work to hard go and spend some time on that Zed of yours"

So this afternoons job -


Clean these up and repair the sheared bolts.







Clean up




Ground out the old bolts then got some of these and ground one side out.




Stuck them in and put a bit of weld into the missing bit






All good again




That's all folks ...................

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Good evening, if you are up with Zedshed affairs then you will know I spent most of Saturday upgrading the Ginger Ninja see - viewtopic.php?f=100&t=55728


Did a bit Saturday night and with an assist from Buster we did a bit more this afternoon.


I have to start with a special request -


Andlid wanted to know what the other side looked like, here ya go mate -




And on with the show -

We removed the back bumper




Then we took this big thing out from under the car - that should save some weight :lol:




Next we raised her up a bit to give better access for the cleanup underneath


"Roads? We don't need roads"




Looking quite empty underneath now!



In other news I've been starting work on the rear Sub-frame / Diff hanger

first up was a dam good clean




Then to the body shop (Tarpaulin hung from the wall)




A coat of acid etch primer




then the top coat

Rare action shot (my good lady sneaked in with a coffee and took it)




The finished product

Resplendent in Urban red, that should add 50 BHP :lol: and they always say red is faster :thumbs:





That's all folks ...........................

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I said earlier wait till you see what turns up this week - well it arrived today




Its sort of a mod - it will at least be used "on" the car :lol: any guesses Anders you and Buster are excluded :p


Other than that been cleaning again -






Just started on this




That's all folks .......................

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It's 80kg of cocaine and Project Zed is really a new Narco Submarine being built in plain sight. The NarcoZed will unfortunately be caught in the river Stour after passers by spot a suspicious car-shaped duck travelling at over 100 knots. Bob will actually turn out to be an infamous mexican chihuahua smuggler called Juan Ramirez Gomez Torro Costa del Sol. His neighbours will later say that he was a very quiet man, kept himself to himself and that when questioned about his strange accent they'd just assumed it he was from Dorchester.

Chris had nothing to do with it. (I don't wanna completely ruin my chances of taking my Zed to the Shed time once the 'heat' has died down :blush: )


I claim my prize.


This was what gave it away btw ..



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Sand blasting stuff? :shrug:


  Keyser said:
I said earlier wait till you see what turns up this week - well it arrived today




Its sort of a mod - it will at least be used "on" the car :lol: any guesses Anders you and Buster are excluded :p


Other than that been cleaning again -






Just started on this




That's all folks .......................

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Cleaning again ......

Some bits really need it :scare:






But it's getting there ..... :thumbs:







Hope to give them a coat of primer tomorrow night.


That's all folks ...................

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  Neo said:
hope you know where all the parts go back :blush:


Excellent spanner work tho, i can just about fill mine with petrol and check the oil once in a while never mind take it apart :lol:

+1 - I love seeing this stuff as I dont have the balls to do it to my own :headhurt:

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The way this is going Chris could publish a book when he's finished:-


Keyser Workshed Manual :)


  Chris`I said:
  Neo said:
hope you know where all the parts go back :blush:


Excellent spanner work tho, i can just about fill mine with petrol and check the oil once in a while never mind take it apart :lol:

+1 - I love seeing this stuff as I dont have the balls to do it to my own :headhurt:

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Hello again it never stops round here, Well it does I broke my welder last night so sacked it early,


Went to the shop today and got a Teflon liner new swan neck, tips and a new shroud £37.50 later and my welder is as good as new.

So had a good night tonight even though there were a few problems to overcome.


Started of welding a new nut in here as the bolt sheared of during the strip down




Then onto these sheared bolts - 3 in this piece




When I ground out the old studs I discovered a split in one end and a rusted through top plate at the other -








So I set about with my welder and built it back up again















It's probably stronger than new now



Onto this little beauty





2 problems, firstly it hits the ground on speed bumps and secondly its been used as a jacking point - great place to jack from but it bends the bars!!









So I thought I would add a plate to act as a skid pan and use as a stronger jacking point. Cut some heavy weight plates from some metal I acquired on my travels.





Clamped them in place and back on the welder










Finished modification








Then over to the body shop (I know it's just a tarpaulin I hang round the wall but it sounds cool)






Primer coat










That's all folks ...............

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