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Exhaust Blown - Help!!!!


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Hi Guys


The tinny rattling at the rear on pressing the accelerator has got worse and developed into a loud broken exhaust. Took it to the garage yesterday where they said it was the rear section (including the silencer) that had come apart at the flange. Is that a normal thing to have happened? It is a 2005 Z with 50k miles - I thought exhausts should last longer than this?


So, I need to replace it - but having not seen exactly where it is broken I am not sure what I need to ask about. Anyone got a picture/diagram of the OEM exhaust in full - it will give me a better idea?


Been quoted £200 + VAT for a replacement (centre???) section and incl fitting comes to £368. This is with Crystal Lincoln who were absolutely brilliant when I had it serviced a few weeks ago (why they didn't pick this up is another matter...).


Suggestions/recommendations gratefully accepted. I don't want to spend the earth and just want to make it quieter than it is at the moment!


Thanks, Jen :scare:

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Checking the exhaust isnt part of the service, but your right, most garages would have noticed there was a problem with it and given you a heads up.


My vote would be if you are going to replace it, replace it with the scorpian.


In order to weld the original one, you`d really have to get the whole thing off the car anyway, and battle with those rusty nuts.

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I live in lincoln, appx where do you live? I,ve renewed my complete exhaust in the last year and know a good exhaust company off outer circle

drive on proctor drive. These lads know their stuff, I would agree with the scorpion exhaust system, mid section pipe and silencer nice and shiny in stainless steel. Cost around £40-£50 to fit, cheaper in the long run it should last a lifetime where as a patch job will just need sorting out later.

Give us a pm if you want to know more :thumbs:


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Thanks for all your help - this is such a friendly forum!


I've been told that you can't weld a repair when it is near the flange - any truth in this? Having spoken to the mechanic again, I've found out that it is the central part of the exhaust where it meets the rear section that has corroded and basically come apart. Hence I need a new central section.


I got a quote from Z centre for the OEM part for £175 + VAT, so a bit cheaper than the Nissan Dealer.


My only concern is that if one part of the exhaust has rusted enough to give way, how long before the rest or is this the most common place on the exhausts system for it to fail... I'll have a think about the Scorpion system - does it make the sound much louder? As I have a soft top I don't want to drown out the music!


Jeff - I'll PM you about that place in Lincoln.


Thanks for all the help! ;)

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Thanks for all your help - this is such a friendly forum!


My only concern is that if one part of the exhaust has rusted enough to give way, how long before the rest or is this the most common place on the exhausts system for it to fail... I'll have a think about the Scorpion system - does it make the sound much louder? As I have a soft top I don't want to drown out the music!


We do try to please.


Oh, and don't worry about your music - with the Scorpion system on that is the best music you will ever want to hear :D:thumbs:

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