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Sharing the road with idiots


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had a fantastic day at brands watching the touring cars today, perfect weather. Not many collisions or accidents except on the journey home where i witnessed some of the most idiotic dangerous driving ive ever seen.


The m25 had been slowed to 40mph for quite a while and finally it cleared back to 70mph when all of a sudden a 10 plate bmw came racing up the hard shoulder undertaking everyone. He then swerved violently into the middle lane and started weaving around to force the car in font to move, it pulled over and he overtook it then he swerved back on to the hard shoulder to undertake a lorry. He then swerved back into the middle lane and came alongside me. He had nowhere to go so started to merge into my lane while i was in it to force me back. I stayed in my lane. He didnt like this so started aggressively weaving. I saw it was too young blokes in it and just shook my head at them to pity the idiots.


They then swerved left and undertook then slowed right down until i came alongside again, at which point they shouted and threw something from the car, thankfully it missed my passenger and me (roof and windows were down) and i heard it impact on the central reservation. He then floored it.


I believe in karma and hope that on some isolated road where no innocent parties are involved that karma comes back to haunt him. This evning could have ended very differently. What a t@&t

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Yeah taking the plate can definitely get the pulled up for it, especially as the M25 is comprehensively covered by CCTV.


As much as it sounds cruel, I do hope karma comes around in the shape of a towering oak tree and removes wasters like that from the gene pool.

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Glad to hear they didn't hit your car. As said there are many sausage jockeys on the road. I had a similar incident on saturday going through Hemel hempstead two asbo's in a A3 and a clio recklessly undertaking/overtaking other cars while racing each other. Very nearly side swiped me and a couple of others. I was just hoping they would smash each others to bits, or by the whine there poor small engines were making, blow their cars to pieces.


Sadly neither happened.

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Sod it, its too easy to sit back and do nothing and let idiots like this get away with it. Just reported the incident to the police, whether anything comes of it who knows but at least something may be done.


You might be surprised; my ex's dad (pretty stupidly) left his 5 series with about 50 miles on the clock parked in cardiff and came back to a metal-deep scratch along the entire length of the car. He couldn't be arsed but I reported it and it turns out someone in the house opposite had seen two people acting suspiciously around the car. About three hours later the police phoned and said they'd arrested two people for the vandalism who agreed to roll over and pay up without it going to court. Result.



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Nice one, fingers crossed then.


Unfortunately my dealings with the police and legal system from trying to do the right thing havent always come up positive. A number of years ago (still in school at the time) i saw 2 teenagers rifling through bags of clothes in some bushes, i followed them to the bus station noted the destination then ran back to the shop near the bushes and asked if they had seen the two individuals. They had and thought them suspicious and found clothes had been taken from the ripped up labels.


They knew the thieves so it went to court. I had to go along and view the line up then give evidence in court. The defence lawyer made me feel like i had committed the crime myself and that i was evil incarnate for accusing his sweet innocent clients. 2 weeks later i saw the same two people wandering in town. Nothing happened. I never once got a thank you from thepolice for all my effort. I always promised after that that i wouldn't bother trying to do the right thing again. Sad huh i know.

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Interestingly i mentioned this to friends who had all made the same trip, we were spaced out on the m25 by about 30/40 odd miles all the way from the dartford crossing to the m3 turnoff at past guildford and each one of us saw this idiot driving in the same manner.


What a pillock, who cares if he puts his own life at risk, its other innocent road users tha he will inevitably hit im worried about.

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