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Close call


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Driving home from a meeting last night and chatting away to Caroline I noticed a car coming towards to me....on my side of the road :scare: . I started slowing down and flashing my lights but he or she just moved further over to my side....had to slam on my brakes and swerve onto the opposite side of the road to avoid a head on, I guess I was doing 40 or so when I passed him. This was on a very wide 2 lane trunk road and when I took a look in my mirror he had stopped right in the middle of the road. The road is dead straight at this point for about a mile, no houses and minimal lighting at this spot. My heart was still pounding when I got home a couple of minutes later :scare: .




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Thank goodness you were on your toes!!! :thumbs: Some drivers really make you wonder. :shrug: Maybe he/she wasn't sober etc. :surrender::bang:


Out in the Z had a close call myself this morning. Driving down the road, almost at intersection, so going very slowly, a big modern 4x4/people mover didn't slow to a stop coming out of the gas station as he's legally required to do, he probably would have t boned me if I hadn't been on to it, possibly shunted me across the road into parked cars. Came within a half a metre of my passengers door. :scare: Wayyy to close!

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Pro'bly p1$$ed, close call though Pete.

About two weeks ago, had a drink driver write off one of the neighbours Espace, another neighbours (british gas) work van, his own S-class and damages yet another neighbours MX5 :thumbdown: . All on the main road of the village in the early hours. Driver's wife dobbed him in, but waited til morning to phone the cops (IMO to let some of the alcohol out his system). Glad Vik parked up the hill that night :blink:

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