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Mercedes Benz F125


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Unfortunately this type of exercise is completely futile as even with my fairly basic understanding of physics, half of the concept parts are either at least 15 years ahead of development, completely and utterly impractical or will become inadequate and outdated a long time before 2025. In fact I would bet a decent amount that almost every single unique thing about it will change completely.


1. Huge gullwing door - point in this? practical?

2. seats folding away, etc so that you can get a fully reclining seat within the car - this 'concept' seems to make a comeback once every 2 years in some car or another for the last half a century. Won't happen in an S class.

3. Hydrogen fuel cell - I risk opening a can of worms, but my guess is that all the current 'green' methodologies will fairly quickly be replaced by one much more robust and straight-forward solution and it is unlikely to be any of the existing technologies. Anything akin to a super-capacitor which would store a huge amount of energy & would be useable at any temperature. I think the age of cars actually generating energy is over. Petrol or hydrogen or ethanol or whatever else, once anyone can figure out how to store enough energy to get you through 500 miles and then take 10 minutes to fully recharge, the world will switch without thinking.

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Still a fascinating concept. Coming closer to what you see in Sci-fi movies. It will be interesting to see how long it takes something like this to come to reality to the masses of cars. Although that said, love the involvement of driving something that requires imput like a Z. :thumbs:

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Well you know what they say about the S Class. If you want to see the tech that will be on a normal car in 5 - 10 years you look at the S Class. ;)


I'm sure none of this will appear on the S Class but it's still a cool concept.

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