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It pees me off too how they never seem to get it right and I have arrived at the following tongue in cheek solution:- ;)


For 80% of the year the weather in this country is changeable and unpredictable, during this time the weather forecasters have proved time and time again that they cannot give us accurate forecasts, :boat::cold::sweat: it follows, therefore, that during this time there should be no forecasts as they are a pointless waste of time. :shutup::bang: The remaining 20% of the time we often experience settled weather conditions and we all enjoy it while we can, during these times we actually do need a weather person (note the omission of the word "forecaster" here :teeth: ) to tell us with some certainty what the following day will bring. The moment the weather becomes changeable again all methods of weather forecast publishing should cease.


The result is this:- No published weather forecast = Changeable, A published weather forecast = Settled. The defence rests m'lud. Simples ;):thumbs:

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