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Willy P

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I was playing Call of Duty Black ops last night (Gun game) and I won it with a super-awesome ballistic knife kill (from the balcony in Villa to the window in the building opposite, right the way on the other side of the courtyard bit, that's right, all the way over there) and a chap sent me a message saying "FOCQ". I have tried to figure out what it means ever since but had no joy. Anyone got any ideas?


Also, does anyone know how to get videos longer than 30secs onto youtube from theatre mode?




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Funny how serious people take these games...I used to play MW online and have had various rednecked racists on there and even had abuse thrown at me. Once my team were doing pretty bad,so I holed up in a building and covered a choke point - these guys came through and i nailed about 4 of them in one go - then called in air strikes etc, I did notice the same name coming up on screen and clearly this guy made it his mission to come get me. Everytime he did the same thing rushing through the door, I think I got him about 6-8 times before he gave up and reverted to his keyboard as I got a message in game...I read it afterwards and it was a torrent of abuse about being a coward...I replied kindly pointing out that 'its a computer game' and promptly sent the message to PS3 complaints department! :lol:

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Ah, okay then that's fine, :thumbdown: I was hoping it meant something like "frickin ossum **** ****" alas no, he is obviously one of those people who takes it too seriously. Ah well, more fool him, it is just a game.


I do like it when people take it seriously though, it can be quite funny. One of my friends has to stop playing sometimes because he gets so angry hahaha.

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