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Motor Insurance Market Under The Spotlight


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Boils my blood this - insurers at the moment are bottoming out reputation wise.


Admiral and other insurers sell accident information to lawyers - they work to claim compensation of which the majority is unwarranted - this compensation has to be paid by insurers - insurers complain that they are losing money by having to pay out to injury lawyers


Now, I don't have the ins and outs of this but read the first part and the last part in isolation - I can see a solution here...in fact two solutions...dont sell the info in the first place, or, if you do sell it use the profits to pay off the lawyers :shrug:


Or, is it more likely, that its just a huge scam to rip off the general public.


Love the idea of transparancy though - for too long we have just been told by insurance companies that they charge what they do because 'stats say so' but consumers are never privvy to this data or how they get these stats. I think if the government does enforce a series of transparancy measures some companies will be shown up quite badly.

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It's a joke isn't it. I do an online quote and hand over my details, sure enough I get calls about great insurance deals and then I get the call about an accident I never had, it makes my blood boil. I had one the other day, I told the person politely that I had never been involved in an accident and they best remove my details from their system. It winds me up no end when people who don't have whiplash claim for it, for what a couple of grand?! :rant:

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I get texts to my mobile for the 'accident I had' and how I can get 4 grand compensation.


Now this is mildly irritating but it's funny that when my chrashtra was written off I was outside the car watching the young lady crash into it. I'm pretty sure I wasn't injured...... :lol::lol:

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