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How to handle debt collection agencies


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A DCA has started to pester me for money I do not owe, and I am interested in any tips or hints that members can give me .


It started when I left TalkTalk and moved to another ISP. It was a painful process, but in the end I moved, believing that as I was up to date with payments, and that I owed TalkTalk nothing.


About a month later I received a letter from TalkTalk saying that I owed them £14 and that if I did not pay I would be pursued and that it could affect my credit rating.


I wrote back saying that I disputed that I owed them any money, and would they please send more detail about what they think I owed. I have heard nothing from them to date.


Today I received a letter from a DCA based in Glasgow saying they want £52.72. They also phoned my wife this afternoon.


TalkTalk were recently fined £3M by Ofcom for a number a offences including erroneous charging of customers who had left. It would appear that the level of fine was not enough to deter them.


This is new ground for me, so any help on how to deal with this would be much appreciated.



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Researching this was part of my job role in my last posting, so i can probably give you some helpful info.


I don't think they'll be that keen to try reposessing for the sake of £50, but if they try it then the following applies:


Basically they have no power whatsoever to gain entry to your property to take your stuff unless they have a court order, and if they had one you'd know about it. However, if you let them in then all of a sudden this changes and they are entitled to reposes stuff for some reason, so its worth telling anyone who might be in your house not to let them in. Despite this total lack of power they'll often do some really nasty things to make you feel like you're in loads of trouble and give them what they want, but really they can't do anything so ignore them.


If TalkTalk still own your debt then you need to resolve this with them, but if the DCA has bought the debt from TalkTalk then you need to resolve it with the DCA, which will probably be harder because they've had practice at getting money out of people. Either way they need to be able to prove that you owe the money, and if they can't then they should stop persuing you, or you get the law involved on your side.


I'll caveat the above by saying that it's based on research that's coming up on 10 months old, but as far as i know it's still current.


Hope it helps



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Marzman said

For 50quid just get rid of the headache and correspondance!


If I phone you and say you owe me £50 will you send me some as well.


I'm with Ekonaand DannyBoy, if you genuinely don't owe it why pay it.

"Thanks for contacting me but I'll see you in court. Bye, don't phone me again!"

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Researching this was part of my job role in my last posting, so i can probably give you some helpful info.


I don't think they'll be that keen to try reposessing for the sake of £50, but if they try it then the following applies:


Basically they have no power whatsoever to gain entry to your property to take your stuff unless they have a court order, and if they had one you'd know about it. However, if you let them in then all of a sudden this changes and they are entitled to reposes stuff for some reason, so its worth telling anyone who might be in your house not to let them in. Despite this total lack of power they'll often do some really nasty things to make you feel like you're in loads of trouble and give them what they want, but really they can't do anything so ignore them.


If TalkTalk still own your debt then you need to resolve this with them, but if the DCA has bought the debt from TalkTalk then you need to resolve it with the DCA, which will probably be harder because they've had practice at getting money out of people. Either way they need to be able to prove that you owe the money, and if they can't then they should stop persuing you, or you get the law involved on your side.


I'll caveat the above by saying that it's based on research that's coming up on 10 months old, but as far as i know it's still current.


Hope it helps




Yes, it does help, as do the other replies.


My main concern is what happens if the DCA keep racking up the amount, and then try and enforce some means of collection.


I have written to TalkTalk asking again why they think I owe them money. If I do, then I have no objection to paying them, otherwise they can spin on it !


As suggested, if the DCA phone I/my wife will say that the matter is in dispute. At this stage I don't want to engage the legal profession, but if they persist I will and then it will be up to them to prove the money is owed.



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