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Newbie questions - hill start ?


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Can anyone answer a couple of newbie questions ? I haven't been able to find the answers elsewhere.


The manual says the car has "hill start assist", but there is no assistance that I can find. How does it operate? I want to use it reversing up hill off my drive.


Question 2 - When you depress the gas pedal fully, it sort of clunks, as if there is a switch underneath it that is being pushed. What is that all about ? it's a little distracting. I looked under the pedal but it is all solid under there.


The car is a 60 plate 370 GT. Still running in, loving all the forms of audio connectivity, especially mixing straight from my usb stick.




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The switch under the accelerator pedal removes the max speed limiter you set on the steering wheel instead of cruise control. As soon as you depress pedal fully it switches off the speed limiter so you can safely accelerate if you have to :thumbs:

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Ah the accellerator mystery is solved by R35LEE. If the speed limiter is not set then, should I fully depress the pedal and the switch for max power, or will max power be obtained by just pushing the pedal down as far as the switch ?


Thank you Lex. I was hoping the assist feature would stop me rolling down the slope after the hand brake is released. This can also be achieved by holding the car on the clutch, but having the auto feature would be nice and would save some clutch wear.

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  R35LEE said:
Don't need to press the switch for full throttle mate, by the time it's at the button your already fully down :thumbs:

+1, dont think I ever need to get my foot right to the floor to be getting max acceleration, the car is already giving it full beans before the pedal is all the way down.


Hill start works by itself, no user interaction is required. Not sure it works in reverse, but I know there was a thread where a member was really annoyed with it kicking in when he moved about on his drive.

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/Off to throw my car down a hill backwards to see what happens :lol:


Seem to remember reading some literature that hill start was only on the manual cars. I guess us 7AT drivers are assumed to be able to press the throttle whilst also pressing the brake and relase it at the appropirate time (ie no need for foot switching like a manual).

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  Chris`I said:
/Off to throw my car down a hill backwards to see what happens :lol:


Seem to remember reading some literature that hill start was only on the manual cars. I guess us 7AT drivers are assumed to be able to press the throttle whilst also pressing the brake and relase it at the appropirate time (ie no need for foot switching like a manual).


I would have thought it would only apply to the manual transmissions as even when you have yours in Drive it won't roll back and like you say you would need your foot on the brake pedal to change gear anyway.

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I have the AT7 so can't help wrt to the manual :bangin:


But I do have it on my 5 series (manual).... however it does not work in reverse.


Theory being clutch down whilst right foot on brake, with clutch still down, foot off brake, but brake stays on for about 5 secs, giving you time to raise clutch and get bite before you start rolling back... :clap:


I'm guessing it will be the same on the Z :shrug:

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Ah found the hill start assist - it does "just happen", but only forward. It does not seem to work in reverse, though the manual implies it does work in reverse (page 5-17). It seems to apply the brakes for up to 2 seconds after you release them, giving the driver time to apply the gas and build up the revs. I am not sure if it is monitoring the revs and is intelligent enough to release the brake when you apply the engine, or if it is just a simple brake time release.

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  • 5 months later...

It works in forwards and reverse on mine... (370Z GT Pack - Manual transmission) but I still haven't worked out the "rules" of when it is going to do it and when it is going to let me down. Argh! :angry:


ie. sometimes I start rolling backwards and look like a right doylem and then other times I'm stuck solid on the spot and have to forcefully pull away for there to be any movement in my wheels. Have tried and discounted handbrake, clutch, footbrake and gear selection order. My latest theory is that there is a tilt switch and that it only activates above a certain angle... that angle being too great for my liking. As yet unproved...

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  rogerxp said:

Well I'm confused then; m u s t f i n d h i l l !!!


Its not on the 2009 manual models.


In fact I'll be really controversial and suggest that no 370 has hill start, having searched the US forums and the 2009 and 2011 handbooks with no indication it is a feature (and having established that the US reference to "ebrake" is in fact the handbrake :doh: )


I wonder if those who feel they have have experienced this (dealing with the VDC system on the car):


The computer has a built-in diagnostic feature

that tests the system each time you start the

engine and move the vehicle forward or in

reverse at a slow speed. When the self-test

occurs, you may hear a “clunk†noise and/or feel

a pulsation in the brake pedal. This is normal and

is not an indication of a malfunction.(page 5.28)


BTW, I had hill start on the Brabus Smart I had before I got my first 350 and those are all 'auto', so the idea it only applies to manuals seems off the mark anyway :shrug:

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  Ebized said:

...In fact I'll be really controversial and suggest that no 370 has hill start...

With respect, some of us have bought a car having been promised this feature by the salesman and the Nissan brochure.


The feature is most definitely there and it applies for about 3 seconds before dropping out. To demonstrate: sit stationary facing uphill on a reasonable incline, in 1st gear, clutch and footbrake depressed, handbrake off. Lift footbrake to apply gas and do this lazily without bringing the clutch up. Would expect the car to start rolling backwards immediately on lifting brake but it does not. The car will just sit there and then after a few seconds, suddenly, the car will start to roll backwards.


My issue is that it does not *always* apply and so being lazy I will roll backwards.


Same can be demonstrated in reverse facing downhill.

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  tyl3r said:
  Ebized said:

...In fact I'll be really controversial and suggest that no 370 has hill start...

With respect, some of us have bought a car having been promised this feature by the salesman and the Nissan brochure.




Very happy to be proved wrong but as the question has been raised several times before, and I know it is not on the 2009 models so it would be good to hear/see an authorative confirmation that the 370 does have the feature, if only on the 2010+ models. The fact the 2011 handbook does not seem to mention its inclusion and the States forum members don't seem to think it exists (and they get far more features than we do as standard) would make it helpful if it were confirmed one way or the other. ;)

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  Ebized said:

Very happy to be proved wrong...would make it helpful if it were confirmed one way or the other. ;)

No worries. I'll do a video demonstration and youtube it. Too dark for my phone to capture the full effect tonight so will try in daylight tomorrow.

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