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Meg's Clay Bar Not Shifting Bonded Particles?


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Been using a meguires clay bar today, I've used these bars for a few years now with the speed detailer and always got good results before but it doesn't seem to want to shift some of the smaller particles on the z's paint for love nor money. I spent hours today going over and over the same panels without any joy, the little black flecks (that look like brake dust) usually get smaller, smudge and then eventually disappear but I cant shift them, I tried using paint cleaner and a polish on them without results, does ayone have an idea what else I could try please?

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  Greddy-Matt said:
That Iron x looks good spot on, I'll try that first and then attack it with a more butch clay bar if that doesn't shift it, that'll teach me for buying a car near an oil refinery!
You need one of these https://www.envyvaleting.com/products_info.asp?id=128 and dont buy cars from Fawley area...the paints always very rough ;)

Best wishes


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  Beavis said:
  Envy Valeting said:
and dont buy cars from Fawley area...the paints always very rough ;)




I did a spot of fire fighting there a few years back on the refinery :surrender:


Oddly i live near Lyndhurst about 14 miles from Fawley, but i got my 350 froma guy in Canvey island, Essex :lol:


They are tiny, but it'll bug me if I don't get them off, I tried picking them off with a finger nail but they're welded on there, I'll see how I get on with the abve bits and bobs, thanks people!

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  LRF4N said:
  Envy Valeting said:
  LRF4N said:
Try using a tar remover as a lubricant
Tar remover destroys clay Irfan, just "melts" it before your very eyes...try it on an old piece :blush:

I mustve been using cheap n nasty tar remover then :lol:

I know what it is.... Irfan is selling up and already misses the Zed and has become jealous of all other Zed owners, so he gives out advice to ruin them all, haha :lol: :lol: :lol:

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