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Incentive to keep up :O


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I am not supprised no one has replied to your Post Vik, as the whole David Starky thing spring to mind.

Whatever point of view you have on this subject looking at your video will ultimately come back to a youth culture issue, that way, demons lurk!

I personally dont have kids and I dont know how they work, but what I do know there seems to be a direct link between how much stuff they have in relaition to there imagination. We have always been an ideas country, and the more things are done for you ie the easy access to TV, Internet and Wiki (for passing exams) the less imgination is required.

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:lol: There's also the demons of preparing the UK workforce for Industry and the Global economy and appropriate, effective and inclusive education for all but maybe that's too tame for the Daily Mail readers - not enough drama lies there :shrug:
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I think to be fair that it's all the same thing. A level of expectancy as to a stand of living for a days work. The difference therefore is what people perception is of a fair days work for a fair days pay. The only other variable is the cost of living. I believe that we have some great smaller industries in this country where we excel for example in engineering. It's the heavy industry we are missing a trick on compared to the other developing country's. That was killed off by Thacher because if the unions not necassarly the workers. I know my words sound like you have hit a bit of a nerve, but the truth is, the one thing we do best in the UK is talk ourselves down about everything and anything. All we need is some positivity from the government and press for a change and the cost of getting to work lowered for example and that would be all the motivation I would need at this moment in time :lol:


Sorry, to answer the orginal question as above you catch more flys with honey, blah, blah

Who dreams up that shite anyway, it's the north Korenans you need to worry about, their factories dint make jam.... :lol:

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Then you've totally missed the point of the presentation afraid :shrug:

Sad to see you're automatically coming at it from a pretty negative perspective :blink:

For me this was a starting point for discussions around what innovative and engaging ways we can educate our children and young people for an unknown future. In particualr highlighting to the old school teaching profession that we need new ways of engaging young people within and outside the four walls of the classroom.

Pfft ...for once I wish Richard were around :lol:

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Having worked for O2, Reuters and Visa in data processing and business inteliigence, I can tell you there is a hell of a lot of data/information out there that needs processing. There are so many systems out there that produce information these days and the information held about you and what you have been doing is mind boggling :blink:

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Then you've totally missed the point of the presentation afraid :shrug:

Sad to see you're automatically coming at it from a pretty negative perspective :blink:

For me this was a starting point for discussions around what innovative and engaging ways we can educate our children and young people for an unknown future. In particualr highlighting to the old school teaching profession that we need new ways of engaging young people within and outside the four walls of the classroom.

Pfft ...for once I wish Richard were around :lol:


I see your point, but I stand by my assessment of the situation. there is more esoteric information and things to worry about, and if you don't have a MySpace page your doomed to ignorance. This is half the problem with the world more speed less haste. The real worry is how long will I be useful and a contributor to the future society. TBH this is the wrong day for me to tackle this as I am currently really starting to reassess my career, such that it is :scare:


I now feel like the air traffic controller guy in Airplane, "picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue....." :lol:

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Since that presentation was made, Myspace has collapsed and Facebook has more than 750 million active users. 50% of which log on to Facebook on any given day.


I'd like to see more teachers coming into the profession in their later professional careers, instead of straight from school themselves.

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