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Tail Pipe Cleaning


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Hi All.


My tail pipes are looking a bit unclean and I am wondering how but to spruce them up. I have the 0.000 grade wire wool but that isn't shifting a thing. I also have autosol but don't want to apply that until the pipes are a little better off.


Here are the pics of my sad end:


Warning Fairly Big Images


exhaust shot 1




exhaust shot 2




exhaust shot 3




exhaust shot 4




Hope someone can advise.


Cheers, DC.

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  DaddyCee said:
so you can use autosol inside the tail pipe as well as on the outside and rim?


Im impressed noone has lowered the tone on this thread with all this talk of tail pipes and rims.


Autosol is the daddy tho, and you can use it all over your rim, inside and outside. It does take a lot of elbow grease if the thing is dirty. I polished an entire motorbike frame and alloy wheels with autosol and it nearly killed me the amount of work which as involved. As someone else said, once its done, its best to keep on top of it with some light alloy polish rather than go through all the hassle of repolishing.

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  RisingPower said:
  DaddyCee said:
what brand of light alloy polish would you recommend?


You were the one getting the volk sf's right?


In which case. DON'T for the love of gord use polish.


Just use a gentle shampoo + wax otherwise you'll ruin them.


nah mate this is for the tail pipe not wheels. thanks for the advice though. and no I wasn't planning on changing the RAYS at the moment.

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  RisingPower said:
  DaddyCee said:
what brand of light alloy polish would you recommend?


You were the one getting the volk sf's right?


In which case. DON'T for the love of gord use polish.


Just use a gentle shampoo + wax otherwise you'll ruin them.


That is me getting the SF's :)


Don't worry, I know all about Volks and the lacquer they use on the polished lip.


A garage washed my car and very kindly ruined the GT-C's on my Supra :angry:

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  DaddyCee said:
slightly off topic - but was thinking of buying C5 from gtechniq.... is it any good?




I bought some and it has worked a dream, makes removing brake dust a case of warm water car shampoo and a wash mitt and an easy wipe and it all comes off no problem.

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  Jeff G said:
  RisingPower said:
  DaddyCee said:
what brand of light alloy polish would you recommend?


You were the one getting the volk sf's right?


In which case. DON'T for the love of gord use polish.


Just use a gentle shampoo + wax otherwise you'll ruin them.


That is me getting the SF's :)


Don't worry, I know all about Volks and the lacquer they use on the polished lip.


A garage washed my car and very kindly ruined the GT-C's on my Supra :angry:


Since the set of SF's you are getting off Goat Of Mendez have already been refurbed with a diamond cut finish and properly lacquered it's not going to be a sensitive as the original Volk anodised finish.

Although caution should still apply. Just wash as normal with car shampoo and protect with Rim Wax or Poorboys Wheel Sealant, using Poorboys myself and couldn't be happier (and this is on bare polished metal on my Volks)

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  DaddyCee said:



Thats the one.

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