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The 'GTR shop'


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My 4 yr old nephew has been telling me he's getting a GTR when he's big cos it's faster than my zed lol


Everytime we pass a showroom he calls it a 'BMW shop' or 'merc shop' (he knows most of the car badges) and says he's gonna buy a car from the GTR shop when he's a big boy lol


So with the new performance Nissan showroom a few minutes drive from me I took him in to have a look at the GTR in the flesh and the salesman let him into the drivers seat





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My 4 yr old nephew has been telling me he's getting a GTR when he's big cos it's faster than my zed


:lol::lol: Fair play to him, I think he's got a point, it is faster :thumbs:



P.S.... I think we would all like to go shopping in the GTR shop :lol:

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I wish!!!! U can buy me one if u want Alex :lol:



:lol: that'll be right.

Your nephew is already a total petrol-head - good effort :#1:

Shame he's not a bit bigger he could come get some pax laps - although I wouldn't put a child in with Mr T - he nearly managed to make me :scare: tonight :lol:

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Well he said he's got enough in his moneybox to buy a gtr so I might be tapping him :lol:


Swap the money out for chocolate coins :ninja:


Hahaha - or as he has an infant mentality offer to swap a big handful of coins for some of his banknotes mwhahahaha

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