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Really annoying issue finally resloved!


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I finally got round to sort out a really annyoing issue I've been having and just had to tell someone about it ..


Since having my Ichiba Y-Pipe fitted a couple of weeks ago I started to notice a slight rattle from the exhaust .. but it was only happening within a certain range and usually only if the car had been driven for a long time ...


I had planned to ignore it as it wasn't too bad ... but over the last week it's been really bugging me!


So I got under the car today to check out the problem and it turned out that the heat shields on the Cats had corroded ... :scare:


Luckily though it was an easy fix ... I just got 2 jubliee clips and tightened the heat shields!


And the best part ... it only cost me £3.00 :yahoo:

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