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WTF!! :wacko: It was a welcome back Dave thread that as per usual went off topic that was far from sensible. I no longer want to discuss my thoughts and position with anyone else! Its the weekend and its time to enjoy life outside of it. Really dont understand why you are making a mountain out of a molehill. :)

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Christ almight, people are taking the forum far too seriously. I thought the whole point of this forum is to have a laugh, meet people who have similar interest in their car as yourself. But also to have a vast amount of knowledge at our fingertips, but has turned into a bitching contest and peoples way to vent their anger.



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Damned if we do damned if we dont. Dont lock something and people moan.....lock something and people moan.


The life of a moderator was not sold to me like this :scare::surrender::lol:


Draw a line under it ladies and gents and lets move on.

The ban stands, the reasons for the ban stands, the reasons for not locking the announcement stands. No amount of moaning by members past or present is going to change what was done.

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:scare: wits going onnnn? Just woken up with the most horrendous champagne hangover and you've got Graham of all people swearing :bangin: Dave ya gotta stop this thread locking habit :lol: Suppose better go read what's been said then :shrug:
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Damned if we do damned if we dont. Dont lock something and people moan.....lock something and people moan.


The life of a moderator was not sold to me like this :scare::surrender::lol:


Draw a line under it ladies and gents and lets move on.

The ban stands, the reasons for the ban stands, the reasons for not locking the ban stands. No amount of moaning by members past or present is going to change what was done.


Dude no ones that fussed about the ban ....they had it coming for a while I guess (although I've had the highlights of the final act that actually got them banned and its a right crock)


It's the underhand 'fishing', hired guns who were used to get the job done and then the way it was handled that people have taken issue with.


Your not going to admit it mate and I no you cant (team solidarity and all that) ....but don't take people for idiots.


It's not just one or two people who've mentioned it.

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It's the underhand 'fishing', hired guns who were used to get the job done and then the way it was handled that people have taken issue with.


Your not going to admit it mate and I no you cant (team solidarity and all that) ....but don't take people for idiots.


It's not just one or two people who've mentioned it.

I can see how you may have come to that conclusion but it couldnt be further from the truth. Dave was coming back for a long time, it just co-incided that he came back as the two in question were playing up. They had also been on the radar for a long time and received warnings for their attitude and bahavoir before as are a few other members.


All we are guilty of is letting Dave press the button and also maybe not enacting it in the best way. We have given warning and bans in the past and this did not lead to those receiving them changing their ways so the team felt that this change in tact might have the desired effect.


Perhaps now people may think before they dig/rant/fish/etc as we will be taking a sterner line with this kind of behavoir as it has become apparent it is out of control. You can be sure that any warning or ban is issued from the team as a whole where a majority of a vote wins.

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Moaning and bickering on this forum surprises me, especially as I am one of the youngest members. You would think that the required levels of maturity and responsibility that come with owning and running a powerful sports car would translate into good forum etiquette, respect, and an ability to take what happens on the internet with a pinch of salt and not get all worked up about it.


I guess not. :dry:

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Try to have a sensible discussion and the thread gets locked!!!!!Q! :rant::rant::rant::rant: Treating us like kids does not promote a happy forum :thumbdown::thumbdown:

Funnily enough, acting like kids doesn't really help matters either.


Why do people think that Dave has some magical power over the rest of us? Do you really think that Dave just wandered back in, clicked the ban buttons, and told the rest of us to like it or lump it? Is that honestly how some people view the running of this forum? Look, if anyone has a genuine grievance then they can either PM any member of the team directly for a subtle chat, or they can start a sensible and balanced thread in the appropriate section. If you start running around and pointing fingers straight off the bat then how do you think we're going to react? Certainly not with cake and flowers, that's for sure.



Tell you what, if anyone ever feels like having a real go at someone in the Team over something we've done and really wants to let rip, then PM me directly. I'll happily take whatever on the chin, but do be aware that I'll happily respond in kind. Can't say fairer than that, can I?

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Ekona it's the approach that has pee'd people off, which has now woefully deteriated and annoyed members that weren't even involved. It's also the reaction of some of the team which has annoyed many.


I personally asked Admin to not post an open announcement, and now look!


What's done is done, maybe we should turn the forum off until the morning to let everyone calm down and start afresh in the morning.


Beavis has taken the brunt of the backlash but responses back to members was shall I say rude. I have no issue with whoever was going to make the announcement, but it should have been just that and nothing more.

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That was relayed to the team Ian, but in this instance the team consensus was that it should remain unlocked as we had been accused in the past of not letting people have their say.


As Lexx says, damned if we do, damned if we dont - we cant please everyone. What we do know is that warnings/bans in the past did not work so this was a new tact.


Should be noted that for all the posts slating what we've done, we have also had PM's from members saying they agree with what was done and how it was done.

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Should be noted that for all the posts slating what we've done, we have also had PM's from members saying they agree with what was done and how it was done.


More PM's praising the team than people posting about how they disapprove of our handling.


Also Ian - You can ask for us to do something such as locking a thread. And we do take such advice under advisement. However we do not have to act on it.


I don't know how many other forums you are on, but I am on almost a dozen that cover cars, and many more for other subjects (yes, I have an inner geek), and this one is easily moderated with the most laid back attitude of them all.

Sure you are on forums that are way worse than this one? A certain national car forum/online mag springs instantly to mind.

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Beavis has taken the brunt of the backlash but responses back to members was shall I say rude.

I actually think he was quite restrained. I would've been somewhat less 'diplomatic' about things. :shrug:



As Chris said, we tried something different to see the reaction. Personally speaking I'm disappointed that when people are given some freedom to add input they decide to go on the offensive, but what's done is done now and I'm guessing that we probably wouldn't open a thread for comments next time. If you don't give something a go you'll never know how it'll go down, and I think there's lessons here for all of us.

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As said yesterday I can't comment on the ban I've not seen the evidence. If you guys feels it's appropriate then so be it. I'm not going to try making a case to revert. I'm sure there have been plenty of positive pm's, but still feel it could have been handled a bit better, hence more than one member has gone on the offensive.


I'll carry on with my BBQ now :)

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as i am mainly a viewer :snack: rather than a poster most people wont know me from jack,


but i have been viewing the forum (daily for the majority of time) for almost two years, and it is a very enjoyable forum to be a member of.. :clap:


as everyone will have one, i thought for a change i would voice my opinion, 'throw in my two pence' as it may be.. :blush:


my opinion is not on the actions of members, or the subsequent suspensions..


the opinion i am going to voice is on the aftermath as a whole... :dry:


the way the Mods and Admin team trialled a new method of handling the aftermath of a ban should not be flamed as the wrong way, it was a different way, so that members could give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM or praise on either the ban or the way it has been handled..


i do not have a problem with anyone on the forum, and would hope there isnt anyone my rare and random outbursts have annoyed..


as a rare occurrence, the ensuing blatant bitterness some members have towards others has really shocked me and the petty arguments that have then came to light is rather embarrassing..


again, sorry.. but had to get this off my chest :blush:

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