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Smelly Clutch


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Had a bit of a clutch pong the other day while taking off a bit rapid from the lights and just thought I must have slipped the clutch at high revs. Happened again today on a spirited change from 2nd to 3rd at about 6k.

Apart from this it seems fine no slip when pulling uphill in 3rd and flooring it and nothing when reversing.


I am going away tomorrow for 10 days up to the lakes.


Should I risk going in the zed or go in the Micra.


How do clutches fail in these things slowly or all at once?


42k no idea on clutch history.........

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should be fine :thumbs:


easy check though,


at a stand still, stick the car in 3rd, give it some revs and see if it pulls away, it will be a bit juddery, but you'll be able to tell if there is any slipping.


other test is to drive at about 40 mph in 3rd or 4th gear, and then pop it in to 6th and floor it at the same time. if its all good the needle should drop and the car slowly creep back up to speed.


if its bad the rev needle will shoot up.

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  flyboy said:
Had a bit of a clutch pong the other day while taking off a bit rapid from the lights and just thought I must have slipped the clutch at high revs. Happened again today on a spirited change from 2nd to 3rd at about 6k.

Apart from this it seems fine no slip when pulling uphill in 3rd and flooring it and nothing when reversing.


I am going away tomorrow for 10 days up to the lakes.


Should I risk going in the zed or go in the Micra.


How do clutches fail in these things slowly or all at once?


42k no idea on clutch history.........



Well your clutch is definately on its way out mate and should be replaced.


As regards your proposed trip, if you go easy then you may be okay, however it all depends on how badly your clutch is worn.


Plenty in stock at decent prices if push comes to shove.




Drop me a pm if I can help you further :thumbs:


Alex. :)

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  flyboy said:
Had a bit of a clutch pong the other day while taking off a bit rapid from the lights and just thought I must have slipped the clutch at high revs. Happened again today on a spirited change from 2nd to 3rd at about 6k.

Apart from this it seems fine no slip when pulling uphill in 3rd and flooring it and nothing when reversing.


I am going away tomorrow for 10 days up to the lakes.


Should I risk going in the zed or go in the Micra.


How do clutches fail in these things slowly or all at once?


42k no idea on clutch history.........


Staying anywhere nice? :lol:

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That should have been going on Friday not tomorrow.

Camping at Castlerigg in Keswick.

Planning to do a bit of High Street if its clear as the last 3 times i have been up there its been micro navigating with a compass as visibility has been 10 feet.

Hoping to get up Helvelin from patterdale/glenridding via striding and back via swirrel.

Plus the old man from hawkshead and maybe great and green gable thrown in with another trip up scarfell pike if the visibility is good, Cant beat the corridor route up for the Views.

Could always meet up for a beer somewhere if your up for it! Or get out on the hill together if your so inclined :D

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  rtbiscuit said:
should be fine :thumbs:


easy check though,


at a stand still, stick the car in 3rd, give it some revs and see if it pulls away, it will be a bit juddery, but you'll be able to tell if there is any slipping.


other test is to drive at about 40 mph in 3rd or 4th gear, and then pop it in to 6th and floor it at the same time. if its all good the needle should drop and the car slowly creep back up to speed.


if its bad the rev needle will shoot up.


Well Iv done all your tests RT and it passed them all. :thumbs:


I will risk it and take it away as touring in the Micra just isnt the same. :yuck:


Am looking around for a decent clutch kit just incase. :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well all is good, no problem with the clutch. :thumbs::thumbs:


It must have been me riding it on the bite point on the spirited take off's. :thumbdown:


Did Wynatt's and Honester passes with a few uphill starts due to idiots who don't give way to the uphill traffic while coasting down. :rant::angry::rant:


Will probably lower the bite point as my Knee hits the bottom of the wheel when coming off the clutch due to most of my 6'2" being in my legs. :lol::lol: This might cure the problem.

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I’ve had the same problem on a couple of occasions. Doing a flying start from the lights once and pulling away on a steep hill. On the first occasion the car had only done 15k or so and the second 40k. I very rarely pull away fast and would be surprised if told my clutch was on the way out :scare: . Over the years I’ve seen this mentioned before and as far as I recall most said it was normal?

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Yep i get this on highly spirited starts. The clutch pedal also can refuse to come up if your being a total di*k.


Also.. walked Great Gable myself the other week. Well worth the scramble!!


Didnt take the Zed on the 660 mile round trip though but wish i had.

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I have to preform surgery to the boot area to get the camping gear in for a week away, Removal of spare, all tools and the poly mouldings from both sides.

End up with lots more space, its a pain but worth it to have the zed with us instead of the micra :thumbs:

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