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The team dont need to unlock a thread to post - its a bug of the system, we dont always notice that a thread is locked as it still lets us post. Not saying that makes it ok, but its an easy mistake to make :shrug:

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Can't win can we.


You moan for a thread to be locked, so it gets locked. Dave quickly tag on an explanation to members as to why we left it open in the first place.

Then half an hour later we're getting moaned at for locking threads.


Can't have it both ways.


Anyways, back to work :boat:

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What people fail to realise is that there are a hell of a lot more people on this forum than the 5-10 that constantly post on everything. Some of these people take offence and on here the majority rule, the team just enact the changes. Dont for one second think this is anything personal between Dave, the team and the two offenders, it has been a long time coming and fully warranted.


At the end of the day the team run the forum as they have done for many years. Something seems to work as we continue to grow. So I'm afraid to say you either like it or lump it. On many forums I know you dont even get to question the moderation team, once something has been done they wont even comment on it.

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I'm sure the team exhausted all options before making the decision enforced. But to be fair the way in which it was posted on the forum was a tad poor.


I witnessed the whole start to finish attempt at the announcement, which changed it's approach and dirrection on a number of occasions. Everyone has an opinion, and if the open announcement is left accessible a number of people will post positive or negative comments. Had the announcement been locked from the beginning we wouldn't be discussing this now 24hrs later. Those affected by Rich and John can be sattisfied action was taken, those who feel the ban was wrong should message the team and keep all this flogging behind closed doors. It's a bit like airing your own domestic arguments on a open forum, you just wouldn't.

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p.s. Unlocking previously locked theads just to get the last word is in my opinion an abuse of moderator priviledge and one reason you wind so many people on here up, childish and petty really...






Would you care to name the many people i wind up on here? May be i should start a thread asking that very question?


Cant be that bad because i coaxed 60 + of you out for a run out in Wales back in 2009 for our biggest ever meet :#1:



What people fail to realise is that there are a hell of a lot more people on this forum than the 5-10 that constantly post on everything. Some of these people take offence and on here the majority rule, the team just enact the changes. Dont for one second think this is anything personal between Dave, the team and the two offenders, it has been a long time coming and fully warranted.


At the end of the day the team run the forum as they have done for many years. Something seems to work as we continue to grow. So I'm afraid to say you either like it or lump it. On many forums I know you dont even get to question the moderation team, once something has been done they wont even comment on it.


+1 Nicely put Chris



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What people fail to realise is that there are a hell of a lot more people on this forum than the 5-10 that constantly post on everything. Some of these people take offence and on here the majority rule, the team just enact the changes. Dont for one second think this is anything personal between Dave, the team and the two offenders, it has been a long time coming and fully warranted.


At the end of the day the team run the forum as they have done for many years. Something seems to work as we continue to grow. So I'm afraid to say you either like it or lump it. On many forums I know you dont even get to question the moderation team, once something has been done they wont even comment on it.


Do you not think that Alex also deserves a ban? or at the very least a warning following his digs at a fellow trader? Alex makes more than his fair share of snide remarks to people, normally verging on being down right rude to them.


IMO Alex has too much protection because of his fan club :thumbdown:

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Traders will have their fans and complainants. In the worse cases it has led to traders being excluded from here.


At the end of the day the size of 'appreciation threads' speak for themselves.


The team receives many messages from the 'silent majority' about excellent, good, not so good, to downright poor service, which generally reflects postings on here by members. When something has gone wrong we try to sort it out behind the scenes as experience has shown there is usually a good reason which does not need to get blown out of proportion.


It should not come as a surprise then that when a trader who has been found to provide an excellent service by a large number of members up and down the country is then critisized by those known to support a competitor, they will defend their position.


As I have come to see over many years on here, and given we are a national and international forum, unfortunately the language used often can be misunderstood, or perceived as being rude.


ZMANALEX has single-handed probably kept more members cars on here going with spares and advice than all the other traders put together. And I understand we are not the only place he serves. No doubt his reputation is what irks some but at the end of the day that is what the vast majority of members rely on - recommendation, and why they vote for him with their wallets.

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That's fine Dave but this together with the way that you were brought back hasn't covered the forum in glory has it? I asked the question several days ago "Why was no official announcement made", Ricey happened to notice and the response given was something like "oh well it happened when the riots were going on and perhaps you didn't notice", another moderator also stated that "it looks like you guys have made the announcement". That really isn't acceptable and now it could look to some as if it was an "under the table manoeuvre" of some kind. I tend to believe it wasn't but the whole thing is clouded in shabbiness now because of the poor way in which it was handled IMHO buy the team. Sorry guys but that's my opinion.


p.s. Unlocking previously locked theads just to get the last word is in my opinion an abuse of moderator priviledge and one reason you wind so many people on here up, childish and petty really...






Would you care to name the many people i wind up on here? May be i should start a thread asking that very question?


Cant be that bad because i coaxed 60 + of you out for a run out in Wales back in 2009 for our biggest ever meet :#1:



What people fail to realise is that there are a hell of a lot more people on this forum than the 5-10 that constantly post on everything. Some of these people take offence and on here the majority rule, the team just enact the changes. Dont for one second think this is anything personal between Dave, the team and the two offenders, it has been a long time coming and fully warranted.


At the end of the day the team run the forum as they have done for many years. Something seems to work as we continue to grow. So I'm afraid to say you either like it or lump it. On many forums I know you dont even get to question the moderation team, once something has been done they wont even comment on it.


+1 Nicely put Chris



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Can't say I enjoy posting on this forum anymore :yawn:




+1 Certainly gone down hill in the last couple of years. :)



Anyhow i am down Anglesey and about to go boating so if you dont mind i think i will have the last word and lock this thread, it is after all the weekend and we all have lives outside of the forum ;)


But hey if i am lost at sea you can all rejoice later :lol:

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