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Photo Challenge Aug 11 - Wheels


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After finding there were a surprising number of amateur and professional photographers on the forum I thought it might be fun to have a photo challenge :) I saw this on another forum and it seemed to turn out some great results.


The idea is simple. you have until the end of this month to go out and take a picture that fits with the challenge subject. It doesnt have to be the only thing in the picture but it should certainly be an important part of the picture


The subject is... WHEELS


For all those who wish to participate in this challenge please take a moment to read through the following:


1. The deadline for submissions is 31 August 2011

2. Include your forum username when submitting

3. The attached photo must be in the form of a .jpg

4. Please keep your photo anonymous (no distinguishing watermarks, and no photos that have been posted previously on the forum)

5. Submit no more than one photo

6. If you wish you may include a title when submitting your photo (please ensure that the attached photo is renamed as the chosen title)

7. All submitted photos will be posted, along with a poll, in a new thread within the first week of the following month

8. Once created, the voting poll will last for 7 days before it closes automatically



Please enter your email subject as "August 2011 Photo Challenge Submission"


>>>>>>>>>> Copy and Paste this form into your submission email <<<<<<<<<<


350z-uk.com username:


* Photo Title (optional):


Is the attached photo 1mb or less? Y/N


Is the attached photo a jpeg? Y/N


Has this photo been posted before on 350z-uk? Y/N


Was this photo taken this month? Y/N


>>>>>>>>>> End of form <<<<<<<<<<


Please submit only one photo per challenge.



* Please ensure that the attached photo is named the title you wish it to have otherwise the title will not be used.

.................................................. .................................................. ...


Please email your photo to photochallenge@akaridesigns.com





What is the Photo Challenge?

TPF’s Photo Challenge is a monthly photo contest, with a new theme for each challenge.

Who is eligible to enter?

Any registered member of 350z-uk may enter.

How do I submit my image to the Challenge?

Images must be emailed to: photochallenge@akaridesigns.com. All submitted photos must include a form that needs to be completed. Just copy and paste the form into your reply email. This will ensure that no mistakes are made when photos are submitted and therefore, hopefully, no photos will be disqualified. If the form is not included in the submission email, the photo will not be included in the Challenge gallery and voting process.

Is there a size restriction on the image file?

Yes. The image can be no larger then 1MB.

Can I submit any image of mine, as long as it meets the Challenge theme?

Images that have been previously posted on 350z-uk will be disqualified. Images with watermarks, signatures, or any distinguishing marks that identify the photographer will be disqualified. The picture must have been taken in the month of the challenge

If there is any question of copyright violation, the image will be disqualified.

Will I get a confirmation that my image was received?

As long as your submission has followed the Challenge guidelines, ie, you've submitted with the entry form and are within the image size values, etc., you will NOT hear back from me. If there is any special issue with your submission, however, you will be contacted.

Where can I view the photo contenders for the contest?

They won't be displayed until after the deadline to submit. After the deadline, there will be a new poll with all the submitted pictures attached.

How long do the voting polls stay open?

The voting polls will be open for one week.

Is it possible for people to vote for photos more than once?

Each registered member is only able to vote once.

Is there a prize for winning the Monthly Challenge?

Prizes may be available or can be donated. Or maybe it will just be the respect of others and the sense of achievement from winning.

If I win a prize, does this mean I am NOT eligible to win the next month, too?

Yes. In order to keep the Challenge open for a “first win†to as many eligible 350z-uk members as possible, a prize will only be awarded to the same winning member once every six (6) months.

What happens if there is a tie in the votes?

In the event of a tie, I'll find someone qualified to decide which is best.

The Challenge theme this month seems vague to me. What image should I choose?

You can send in whatever photo you think best represents the subject. The challenge is deliberately kept brief, so a lot is left to the interpretation of the photographer. Part of the fun is to see all the different ways we respond to a given theme. Use your imagination - and have fun with it!

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Moved it into your sub forum John as you are running this as part of your business, and it is not a forum competition :thumbs:

It's not a competition it's a challenge :) and isn't part of the business hence not in my area, I just used Akaridesigns email as it's unlimited space and easier. :thumbs:

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On other forums with this sort of thing, some had a rule about photo-shopping the picture, take it you can do some photoshop editing as you didn't mention it?

Well it's meant to be about the photo not the photoshopping so really it shouldn't be photoshopped :)

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  • 1 month later...

I thought maybe it was because people didnt see it as i only found it this morning, but the thread had a lot of views, maybe run it so the winner of each challenge goes in the 350zuk calander if it could be arranged, doesn't have to be the main picture but there are often three or four pictures on each month, but then of course the challenge would have to be restricted to 350 & 370's and would need agreemnet of calander organiser. If been wanting excuses to get out and use my camera again properly rather than just point and clicking. Thought this was a good idea myself and suprised there wasn't any interest.

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one of the key things i think was the lack of a definate prize fund. But seeing as this wasnt meant to be part of my business and was just meant to appeal to the photographers out there i didnt think it needed one.


It was originally in the main off topic section where people could find it but was then moved here for reasons unknown.


I'll have a think and launch a new one, probably run it across more than one forum to get extra interest.

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.... A definate way of generating more interest is to change the topic I reckon. Best pic of your zed with a scuddy girl? :lol:


Other ideas:

Who can design the best air freshener - MAKE


Who can change a wheel quickest with the OEM jack - RECORD VIDEO


...maybe even guessing game - audio clips of exhausts - guess the set up. RECORD AUDIO

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