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iPhone Mount


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So after looking around trying to find the perfect solution I thought I might as well build one myself! I saw someone on some 350z USA forums so thought it can't be that hard! I didn't want anything sticking on the windscreen or poking out from the side, wanted something that could be easily hidden yet look good.


MDF + Jigsaw + Elbow Grease + Felt =



It's not the best of photo's but I'll get some more tomorrow with the iPhone in it, it's hard to take a picture of an iPhone in a mount with said iPhone :p The red ribbon is just in there for now so I can take it in and out when I want as it's not finished. Going to add a backing piece of MDF to it and wire through an iPhone cable from my new head-unit which I'm yet to install. It does mean that when I am out of the car I can take the head unit screen with me and put the lid down on the iPhone mount. Although I might take the cubby lid off and see what it looks like without it permanently.


So if all goes well this week and my iPhone doesn't fall out while I'm driving down the road, I'll have a nice setup in a few weeks!

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