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Top Ten Films


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hmm let's see


10.Saving private Ryan/Band of brothers/apocalypse now

9. Kill bill trilogy/pulp fiction

8. Matrix trilogy/Blade runner/strange days

7. Stand by me

6. Eyes wide shut

5. House of flying daggers/Ong-bak/Hero/Blade trilogy (had to put some martial arts films on there somewhere :teeth: )

4. Sin city

3. Bound

2.Silence of the lambs trilogy

1. Lord of the Rings trilogy

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That's about 28 by my reckoning. ;)


It is difficult though, when there are so many brilliant films it's difficult to pick just 10. :thumbs:


yeah I just tried to divide them by type :p


Fair enough...here goes


1. As Good As It Gets/ Analyze This/Analyze That

2. Leon / Goodfellas / Casino/ Godfather 1 and 2/Nikita

3. Withnail & I / Jack and Sarah/The Producers/ Le Petomaine

4. Silence of the Lambs trilogy/Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer

5. Shawshank Redemption /Catch Me If You Can/

6. Deuce Bigelow Male Gigolo /Hot Chick/ Happy Gilmore/Trading Places

7. Dog Soldiers / Saving Private Ryan/The Big Red One/ Platoon

8. Falling Down /Dead Man's Shoes/ID/Scum/Football Factory

9. Napoleon Dynamite /

10. Apocalypse Now


To name but a few off the top of my swede

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In no particular order




Pulp Fiction


Gone in 60 Seconds

Smokey & the Bandit

Bad Boys 1&2

Fight Club

Jackie Brown

How High




Likley to change when I can think of some other I like :teeth:

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Not sure of the order but:-


Kill Bill

Point Break


The Green Mile

Lord of the Rings trilogy

Happy Gilmore (come on!! :D )

Saving Private Ryan

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Pulp Fiction

Top Gun


Also for consideration:-

Big Trouble in Little China

A Muppet Christmas Carol




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In no particular order...


Blade trilogy

Original Star Wars trilogy

Indiana Jones trilogy

Lord of the Rings trilogy

The first three Alien films (not Resurrection)

Saving Private Ryan/The Thin Red Line/Platoon/We Were Soldiers/Black Hawk Down/Apocalypse Now (love my war films)

Pitch Black

Master and Commander



There are so many good films it's difficult to choose just 10 to make up the list.

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In no order, and at least I've kept to 10 (and yes, putting trilogy is cheating!!)


Star Wars (IV)

Shawshank Redemption


Happy Gilmore

High Fidelity

Gone in 60 Seconds

Minority Report

The Shining

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Pulp Fiction


A list of 20 would be easier, but then were do you stop? So many to leave out............thought long & hard how to squeeze Matrix in there too


EDIT: hell! And Leon, this aint easy!!!

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