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Absolutely gutted but justice for once


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Came out the pub last night to be confronted with this




To say I was gutted was an understatement. I could see the print of someones trainers in the dent, and they had spat on the roof as well which you can just make out in the photo...


About 15 minutes before I left the coppers came in and took two guys out who were steaming sitting at the bar, so I went back upstairs and asked the barlady what they had been lifted for, she said they were fighting at the front door, where my car was parked...


So they said to go down to Coatbridge Police station as thats where they would have been taken, I was driving down Airdrie Main Street when I seen two bobbies on the beat so thought I would pull in and ask them what I should do, as I was looking for a space to pull in, low and behold these two assholes are sitting on the pavement arguing with each other.


So I park and run up and the coppers are just standing over them watching them and tell them they had been chucked out of the pub for fighting and my car was damaged and it must have been one of them. So one of the coppers walked down to my car and as he was looking at it they must have kicked off cause he went away running up to help his partner.


Then cops were coming from everywhere as they must have radioed for help. They had cuffed one of the guys who was shouting and bawling calling them all the names under the sun, they put him in the back of a cop car but he was kicking the windows and seats so they dragged him out, one of the coppers had him by the throat which was nice :)


A police van arrived and they stuck him in one of the secure cages and took him away. Cops got me to drive round to the police station and got the guys trainers sent up which showed a perfect match so they took all the photo's and took swabs from the spit he put on the roof so proves without doubt he done it.


So on one hand I have been very very lucky to have the idiot caught, but now I don't know how I am fixed for getting it fixed?


Will I be stung for my excess if I go thru my insurance given that someone will be charged with the incident? Will I be able to claim some sort of criminal damages etc?


The metal has no creases in it so I am just hoping that it can be done by a paintless dent repair guy I have used in the past..


Any info would be gratefully received.

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  Neilp said:
Gutted for you mate! Did you get their names? As I'm from around this area and have many friends and family over in that hole, I may be able to help you out :thumbs:


The guy that was his mate was a guy I know's cousin so I am going to find out who he is and where he stays, one way or another he will be paying.

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I don't want to add too much more rain to your day but just to balance your expectations all you have so far is circumstantial evidence.


1. Trainer and print just proves that the chap owns a pair of trainers that are of the same type that were used to damage your car. Unless there is any specific wear patterns to direct link the damage to his trainers then it won't get past a judge. It's highly likely that someone else might have a pair just like those used unless they are a very rare brand.


2. The swab of the spit only proves that the chap, or someone else, spat on your car. it doesn't prove that said person kicked the door in.


3. You need an eye witness or CCTV footage. Does the pub have any? Is there CCTV in the street?


Best of luck though. I hope you do get a result.



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  maxi-glasgow said:
  Neilp said:
Gutted for you mate! Did you get their names? As I'm from around this area and have many friends and family over in that hole, I may be able to help you out :thumbs:


The guy that was his mate was a guy I know's cousin so I am going to find out who he is and where he stays, one way or another he will be paying.


Agreeing to the fellow zedder above I can't see you standing a chance on court without CCTV or eye witnesses. I am sure someone will have seen it happening. Ask around in the pub.


But the guy who did it doesn't know it either....you can be very convincing if there is no CCTV around ;) get in lad!!!

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  maxi-glasgow said:
  Neilp said:
Gutted for you mate! Did you get their names? As I'm from around this area and have many friends and family over in that hole, I may be able to help you out :thumbs:


The guy that was his mate was a guy I know's cousin so I am going to find out who he is and where he stays, one way or another he will be paying.



Tell the police you wish to file for criminal damage, or get a solicitor to write to the police stating you wish to sue for criminal damage.


That way you will get to know his home address as it will have to be returned to your solicitor in order to begin proceedings. Job jobbed.

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  Neilp said:
Gutted for you mate! Did you get their names? As I'm from around this area and have many friends and family over in that hole, I may be able to help you out :thumbs:


I like it Neil!! :thumbs:

Nothing like a bit of payback :boxing::D


Gutted for you dude hope it gets sorted :thumbs:

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  Greekman said:
  maxi-glasgow said:
  Neilp said:
Gutted for you mate! Did you get their names? As I'm from around this area and have many friends and family over in that hole, I may be able to help you out :thumbs:


The guy that was his mate was a guy I know's cousin so I am going to find out who he is and where he stays, one way or another he will be paying.


Agreeing to the fellow zedder above I can't see you standing a chance on court without CCTV or eye witnesses. I am sure someone will have seen it happening. Ask around in the pub.


But the guy who did it doesn't know it either....you can be very convincing if there is no CCTV around ;) get in lad!!!


CCTV is the pub only covers the stairwell but nothing outside, and the police CCTV doesn't look at the right place either.


If needed I had a pub full of mates who will be only too willing to come forward that they witnessed the full incident ;)

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Very sorry to see that but at the risk of being flayed, I would be tempted to see if your dent man can get that out and if can and its say £50 worth I would be tempted to put it down to a lesson learnt and leave it at that with no insurance involvement, and remember not to leave your car in quite such a vulnerable location in the future. Easy said I know, but the principle is the same as supermarket car parks where we far park as way from potential damage situations as possible. :surrender:


On the other hand if the dent can't be got out then I expect you are into mega hundreds for a fix and yes, you ought to push for a Court Order for payment.


If you are not with Direct Line hopefully it should not affect your NCB. But you will still have to declare it as a 'claim' on each renewal but hopefully with a Court Order confirming it was vandal damage that should not affect your future premiums. Good luck with the outcome :thumbs:

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  scubapics said:
I hope you are not suggesting your mates would lie for you? What if those chaps didn't actually do it? Play the game and keep your honour intact.

Play the game but break the rules :lol:


Keep me updated maxi. I know some very important people from that place ;)

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Just went into place next to my mates garage for an estimate and it's £1,160 + VAT!!!!


Needs new door skin and that's £400 by itself.


Spoke to paintless dent repair guy I used before and he said Jags are really hard to work with door wise so I have to email him some photos and he will let me know what's possible...


Ebized, I pay that bit extra for protected no claims discount anyway.

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Bit the bullet and phoned Admiral and they said that vandalism claims get put down as an at fault claim, and my guaranteed no claims guarantees me for 3 claims. So if I claim this thats me got one strike, second strike I lose my guarantee and third claim it would start affecting my no claims discount....


They said since someone has been arrested they would pursue them for the money but in the meantime I need to pay the excess and if they do manage to reclaim the money I will be reimbursed, but I will still have a strike against my guaranteed no claims discount policy.


How is that possibly fair?


I can understand it to prevent people claiming vandalism for something they done themselves, but not when the vandal has been caught and arrested surely?

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Even with the Direct Line protection you have to pay the excess:




But as that says there, get a crime reference number and that should help with future insurance quotes you might need ;)


As you have found out from Admiral it is going to cost if they get involved - lets hope your dent guy can work some magic and perhaps save the insurance getting involved at all :shrug:

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I believe that if the person who carries out these type of acts is an actual car owner or holds car insurance that it should be claimed just like he had driven into you and it's his insurance company that should pay.


And HIS insurance would go up due to forfeiting ALL no claims bonus as it was a deliberate act.

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The Direct Line vandalism protection does not apply to car on car damage. If someone wilfully damages a vehicle it would be a prosecution unrelated to car insurance - either by the police prosecuting or the vehicle owner bringing a private prosecution, with the hope the Court would award damages against the culprit to cover your loss, as I understand the law.

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  maxi-glasgow said:
Bit the bullet and phoned Admiral and they said that vandalism claims get put down as an at fault claim, and my guaranteed no claims guarantees me for 3 claims. So if I claim this thats me got one strike, second strike I lose my guarantee and third claim it would start affecting my no claims discount....


They said since someone has been arrested they would pursue them for the money but in the meantime I need to pay the excess and if they do manage to reclaim the money I will be reimbursed, but I will still have a strike against my guaranteed no claims discount policy.


How is that possibly fair?


I can understand it to prevent people claiming vandalism for something they done themselves, but not when the vandal has been caught and arrested surely?


It will also be a claim that you will have to declare in the future - we got hit earlier in the year, faultless claim - did some tinkering with quotes and it pushes it up by £60 :angry:

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Police phoned me today to say the scumbag has been charged with vandalizing my car along with several other charges.


He asked me if I had the car fixed yet and I said no but got first estimate of £1,160 + Vat and he said he will add this value onto the details passed onto the Fiscal. Told me if he gets found guilty then this value will make up part of any fines handed out.


So now I don't know whether to bother going thru with claim.


Paintless Dent repair guy is hopefully making it tomorrow and fingers crossed he can work his magic and save me a fortune...

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  maxi-glasgow said:
Police phoned me today to say the scumbag has been charged with vandalizing my car along with several other charges.


He asked me if I had the car fixed yet and I said no but got first estimate of £1,160 + Vat and he said he will add this value onto the details passed onto the Fiscal. Told me if he gets found guilty then this value will make up part of any fines handed out.


So now I don't know whether to bother going thru with claim.


Paintless Dent repair guy is hopefully making it tomorrow and fingers crossed he can work his magic and save me a fortune...

Hope you come out on top with this one mate :thumbs: Hope the bastard gets charged :)

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Och Alan - that's crap!! :headhurt:

Now you've slept on it though you'll probably be thinking is this worth anymore hassle? Unless it costs significantly more than your excess I think the answer is probably no :shrug: Not worth your valuable energy :)

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