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Humpy's Build - Update 09/11/15


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  • 1 month later...

Right a little update as it has been over a month since an update, im hoping the delay in updates are going to get bigger! Might mean im slowing down on the mods :lol:


After the recent meet at the ' The Vine ' in Romsey a few people heard some noises coming from the back left Wheel area. The short and curlys of it is that my discs are looking absolutely cream crackered. So new discs and pads turned up along with some Hel brake lines.


BSD grooved blade sport discs front and back with yellow stuff pads.



Also given the old spray painting a go this evening on the rear spats. Will finish these off tomorrow hopefully.




Just a quick mention to Mitz at CS for service above and beyond for getting everything to me in a timescale needed :#1:

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Thanks to the Zed shed team my disc/pads and hel lines were fitted yesterday. Sorry for the crap write up but not my forte so here is a quick round up of yesterday.


So the day started off by going to Tesco's near the Zed shed to pick up a couple of packs of Krispy Creme donuts but sadly they stopped selling these a whilse back. So ended up getting a shed load of other goodies for folks to feed on :teeth:


Keyser started stripping down the discs/pads and when he said at the Romsey meet that I needed some new discs and pads he wasnt flipping wrong! The discs were in a real sorry state and the below pics show...






Pads only been working on one edge as you can see :scare:




New and old




Chris working his magic




Chris having a quick creme donut stop ;)




Disc, Yellow stuff and Hel lines on




Whilst Chris was working on the front left disc Buster was kindly putting the rear spats on that had the last coat of lacquer on Saturday night. Bob did an awesome job of getting a perfect fitment and gave me some great little tips.


Bob in action






I managed to get some pictures when I got back in from work today


Spats on



Spats and recently added black ' 350Z' badges







Thanks to Keyser/Buster/Kim going step by step with me on the process of changing a disc/pads and hel lines on the last wheel. Ive changed my first one, with a little help of Chris now and then of course :blush:


The bedding in process with Chris driving was certainly a different experience :lol:


Thanks again Zed shed team. :#1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmm nice rims... they are looking very nice specially the color of the rims is looking nice and also making them unique....please share a full photo of your car with these new boots. How much you paid for these beautiful rims? because they are looking damn expensive.

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Hi Casey, the rims were bought from a member off here. I believe they are around £1300-£1400 new and I obviously got these a lot cheaper but in all fairness they do need a refurb. Non the less they do look awesome! 350ZWales_zps973092b8.jpg

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Only just caught this update, Always a pleasure to see you mate :thumbs:


I'm glad you only put that pic up of me "starting" the doughnut - I did it in 1 go :yahoo::lol:


I told you sitting in the passenger seat when bedding brakes in was an "experience" :teeth:


Glad your happy with the results :thumbs:

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Thanks :) Not sure what route to take now with the car... Definatley do the Wheels and get refurbed next year before Wales, powder coat brembos maybe? Do I dare start doing engine bay goodies? Change rear bumper as it it needs some work anyway to something different, fancy charge speed but seems everyone is going that route. Hmmmm choices and more choices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A small update with the thanks to SMD and him parting with his car, I was lucky enough to get a few items. Cheers Dave :teeth:


The items were going to be shipped to me early part of the week until the BBQ at the Zed shed was brought up so I decided to wait until this weekend to get these fitted. Problem was it turns out that whilst Dave had his car completely stripped down, Dave happened to mention he was selling his Berks Hfc's and before I knew it I was handing over cash to Dave :lol: Turns out we were now going to be fitting the Berks first thing on Sunday morning after the BBQ night. A complete and unexpected instinct buy which took little persuasion :lol: Berks were fitted by Keyser and Buster ( Once again chaps forever in your debt and thanks for everything this weekend )


The smaller items were now ready to be fitted......


Bonnett Struts fitted in minutes thanks to Buster




Oil/Rad Z caps


The beginning of the engine bay bling.......



Also managed to buy a passenger side door air vent off Mr K and Mrs K's donor car and managed to get this replaced early afternoon ( Thanks Kim for the guidance :thumbs: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing this topic makes me weep for my wallet. I've only just started buying my first little mods for my Zed so seeing this makes me realise how deep I'm going to have to reach.


Great thread and beautiful Zed. Can't wait to see what you do next :-D

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  • 4 months later...

Well haven't done an update for a while but thought I had better do something :) I'm driving upto and collecting a little something from Mitz at Cougar stores tomorrow in the work van. Also waiting for another item from Steve @ redline, I will get these two items fitted alongside my Blitz spoiler which I have had sitting in a cupboard for ages. So looking forward to getting these bits sprayed and fitted :D

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  On 29/10/2013 at 08:53, parello9 said:

are you getting eyelids ? :)


I have them sitting next to me as Im typing this, had them for a few days now just need to find some time to fit them. They have come in Black but still not sure if I should spray them in my Kuro black.


Done a trial fit and they fit very snug. Though the top edge seems to be slightly raised but this will hopefully sit flush when properly stuck down :)


Edit - Just popped out and taken some quick snaps for you Parrell :)




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ohhhh thanks for that


Best fit I've seen compared to dodgy ebay ones anyway


Think ill be purchasing them very soon...ill stay watching your thread though for a update with them on properly :)


thanks for that


how much did you pay for them if you don't mind me asking?

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  On 29/10/2013 at 15:35, parello9 said:

ohhhh thanks for that


Best fit I've seen compared to dodgy ebay ones anyway


Think ill be purchasing them very soon...ill stay watching your thread though for a update with them on properly :)



thanks for that


how much did you pay for them if you don't mind me asking?


The reason why I bought them from http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/77304-mad-look-frp-eyelids-in-stock/ because I wanted to make sure they would fit and not have a dodgy fitting one from fleabay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right then just got back from the body shop who has done a fantastic job and would recommend for sure. Body craft based in Winchester, had a stunning Aston DB3 which was sitting in the spray booth when I first visited and a 1928 Rolls Royce being restored.


Picture that Tony took in the spray booth



I know everyone has seen a HR bonnet before but still a mod to me :)





Love it :)



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