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Im 21 ive got a price limit off about 10,000 but i need to part ex my old car which is a 2010 vauxhall corsa sri 1.4 so if anyone is intrested in a px i got some cash saved up as well. but i have a found a car i think is good its a 2004 got 34k on the clock, full nissan service history and they want 9000 its just a basic model :bangin:

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p

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well ive been to see it and it looks good ive seen the nissan service history i just wanted some people who know more about it than me to have a looks. ive been looking for about a month and its one of the best ive seen well in my opinon lol

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This is a screen dump of the CAP Value (albeit not that nice!) for that car, on the face of it the price is right

I have also HPI'ed it for you too and there is nothing showing up on there either :thumbs:

Text me your email address and I can send you a copy.


NISSAN 350Z COUPE 3.5 V6 3dr (2003), 2004 04 , 34,000 Miles


Mileage Retail Clean Average Poor


5,000 10250 8400 7975 7400

20,000 9675 7850 7400 6825


34,000 9150 7325 6875 6300


40,000 8925 7100 6650 6100

60,000 8195 6350 5900 5375

80,000 7550 5725 5275 4775

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the insurance is quite cheap i think 1200 ok its probs more than alot of you pay but im paying 1000 on a 1.4 corsa so to me thats a steal. ive rang the company up and they are happy to go ahead with the policy so just got to get the car now. i am planning on doing a hpi check this week and i am a mechanic my self and im happy with the state the vehicle is in. i was just wondering if that milage seems ok and price for that spec

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I was 20 when I got my first zed. Ring Bell.co.uk and get a quote, add old people to the policy (parents etc) and it can come down by 20% or more. They were the best by far for me.


As for the advert, there's loads of UK GT models with low mileage for under 10k. Buyers market at the moment so take your time and get a good one.


Oh - one last thing - double your fuel costs and budget £2000 a year running costs. Purchase price of car is nothing in comparison to running costs. I've spent over £4k on my zed in the last 6 months and it's no dog.



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Fair play to you mate I've had a little searchy in your area and you have got some right crap for sale local to you!


If you want my advice expand your search nationally (or at least to 100 miles). Ask local forum members to go and check on anything you find to see if its pukka.


Bottom line if your happy paying 9k for a non-GT, 2004 plate car then go for it.........genuinely I think you'd be getting ripped off and you can get a lot more bang for your buck if you look around (or alternatively get the same spec but save yourself a couple of grand). Don't forget if your being put off by cars having no Rays ETC but they're a couple of grand cheaper you can always pick these bits up.

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  balla said:
right i have taken peoples advice and broadened my search and i have found this one would like to know again what people think about it.

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p


Back to my original post before I realised the last car wasn't a GT..........its about a grand over priced - I know there are a few up for around that price but the question is are they selling.......look at the for sale section here - some scary cheap prices cropping up


This is a bit more like it - all under 8k


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p


This one is same price as the one you found - 2005, GT pack, thingamabobby alloys, just had a P3 and new Bidgestone rubber all round.


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p

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