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Fitted my Aerocatch bonnet pins...


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Took the plunge and made a start on the areocatches today.


Started by covering the engine bay as carbon dust will go every where! lol..



Masked off where the catch was to be fitted.



Place the bonnet catch on and added some butter to the top and closed the bonnet to see where it touched! ha.



Marked it and rilled a 8mm hole from under the bonnet though to the top skin.





Fitted the aerocatch template.



Made my first cuts with the dremel! Took a lot of balls to cut into my CF bonnet! lol..



Cut out.





Test fitted the catch and it touched the under skin so that needed to be removed.



Chain drilled the under skin, and refitted.





Point where I have drilled the slam panel for the catch clip to sit.



Clip fitted.




I've got a small problem that the pin that the top clip locks onto does not fit well at all. Im looking to make a new custom clip from 2mm stainless steel plate tomorrow. If I dont get the 2nd catch fitted ill end up finding some way to wire the bonnet shut for TOTB and sort it out after?


Anyway thats it for today! lol.. :p

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Finished the 2nd catch today, A little harder to fit than the fist as this one had to be measure many times to ensure it was at the same angles as the other side! I dont want one being wonky! lol..






No fitted pic's yet as its started raining! ha..

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  djtimo said:



Some fitted pics!



They actually look LOADS better than I was expecting.


Just because personally I don't normally like them. But they REALLY suit the bonnet and the overall look.


Congrats my good man... Hats off to you! :clap:


So do you now remove the normal clasp system?

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