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Pies, lovely lovely pies, pie appreciation thread

Willy P

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  Husky said:
Food is overrated ;)


You can buy one decent sized chicken and have


day 1 - chicken breast

day 2 - breast

3 - chicken leg/thigh

4 - stew

5 - stew

6 - soup

7 - soup


repeat :D


I have heard that cigarettes are a good appetite suppressor! Albeit not an economical solution in hindsight - Kate Moss swears by them :lol::lol::lol:

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Okay okay,


I have made my mind up. I am not going to sell. I can still afford it, I just will have to be a little more frugal when going out etc. Anyway, I'm getting my exhaust fitted tomorrow so I will have something else to smile about. :teeth::teeth:


Thanks for all the cheap eating tips. I would never let my diet suffer so I can keep a car though. Looks like I will stick to rolling my own fags and perhaps not pushing so hard on the loud pedal.


Have a lovely weekend all...


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This one was definitely necessary. Blown backbox requires replacement. Not getting it done now because I had a text from my mechanic at 5am :scare: explaining he'd just got out Crawley nick. Savage turn of events. :thumbdown:


Monday it is then...

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  Willy P said:
This one was definitely necessary. Blown backbox requires replacement. Not getting it done now because I had a text from my mechanic at 5am :scare: explaining he'd just got out Crawley nick. Savage turn of events. :thumbdown:


Monday it is then...


Maybe he was trying to get you a free exhaust?!

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  Ekona said:
  rabbitstew said:
You can get 4 single pies for a quid from iceland

But that involves actually going into Iceland, which is just the most vile chav-ridden scum hole I've ever been into. Never, ever again. :thumbdown:


:thumbs: And very true! Eat vermin.. be vermin..

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Curtains, pies, Lidle, who gives a crap now.....we have a result, the big guy is remaining in the fold. I prayed for the Lord to deliver his soul from the sale of his 350 and sweet God answered. He 's staying!!! It is one of the forums best pieces of work this week.

Meanwhile back at the ranch guys, my misses has been looking at carpets.....Prey for me ...PLEASE!!!!!! who knows what lies ahead, she will be wanting holidays, hot water and the heating on winter and one of those new fangled automatic washing machines....HELP!! I prefer my work shirts beaten on a rock in the nearby river....




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  Sarnie said:
It may be depressing but if you have to shop at lidl etc to afford your zed, you can't afford your zed. Cut out luxuries such as booze smoking sky tv etc, but to start cutting down the food bill (unless you blowing £1000 a month at Waitrose every month) is a step too far in my opinion. A car is just a car, no matter what car it is.


whats exactly wrong with lidl, why spend more on the same quality food when there's no need too :shrug:


i shop at all the supermarkets, depends what i need, when and where before anyone starts :boxing::blush:


guess some people are too proud to be seen in lidl/aldi etc etc :shrug:

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The pie maker is a bit like those old sandwich toasters you used to have in the 80s. Stick some pastry in, any filling, put a lid on it and is ready in 10minutes.


Personally I just use a big oven dish when I make my own and do it the old fashioned way.


Nothing at all wrong with iceland, lidl, asda etc. I get a lot of my stuff from there these days and you can get some great bargains.

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  rabbitstew said:
  Husky said:
anyone tried the dohnut makers?if the pie maker is as crap as them i wouldnt get one :lol:


donut maker?! christ... whatever next.


wife impregnators ... oh no hang on, someone already invented the turkey baster :lol:

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  Neo said:
  Sarnie said:
It may be depressing but if you have to shop at lidl etc to afford your zed, you can't afford your zed. Cut out luxuries such as booze smoking sky tv etc, but to start cutting down the food bill (unless you blowing £1000 a month at Waitrose every month) is a step too far in my opinion. A car is just a car, no matter what car it is.


whats exactly wrong with lidl, why spend more on the same quality food when there's no need too :shrug:


i shop at all the supermarkets, depends what i need, when and where before anyone starts :boxing::blush:


guess some people are too proud to be seen in lidl/aldi etc etc :shrug:


I've got to be honest Carla talked me into going to Aldi the other day 'its really good, basically it'll cut the food bill in half and its all just as good'.........fair enough lets give it a crack.


3 minutes I lasted before I could actually feel the life being sucked out of me - that store is like a giant Dementor!


The people in there looked like they were either dead, dying or wanted to die.


Nothing to do with being proud - if I had no money I'd shop there but jesus! Picking through rebranded food that I just don't get! If you don't mind 'own brand' foods then just go to a normal supermarket and buy 'own brand'..........then you don't have to deal with human detritus dragging their weary carcasses around Aldi!


The best way I can associate the experience is with is going to a 'shopping centre' or a 'precinct' in one of those little towns that was economically and socially left behind in the 1980s - Runcorn, Widnes, Ellesmere Port all spring instantly to mind from my area........filled with weary souls sporting alcoholic odors, behemothic teenage mums sporting fluorescent tracksuits and Elizabeth Duke Jewelery (2 carat gold 'mum' matching necklace and ring set), the 'roid engraged musclebound 'otherhalf' who insists on wearing a vest even though its January (usually sporting the names of his various progeny tattoo'd on his neck), old women with whispy beards and a cat in their handbag....... and finally lest we forget the WW2 veteran painfully shuffling along with an armful of Aldi bags because his state pittance won't stretch to a weeks shopping from Tesco.


...........what were were talking about again? Oh yeah!...........keep the car if you can stay out of Aldi mate :thumbs:

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  Ricey said:
behemothic teenage mums sporting fluorescent tracksuits and Elizabeth Duke Jewelery (2 carat gold 'mum' matching necklace and ring set), the 'roid engraged musclebound 'otherhalf' who insists on wearing a vest even though its January (usually sporting the names of his various progeny tattoo'd on his neck), old women with whispy beards and a cat in their handbag....... and finally lest we forget the WW2 veteran painfully shuffling along with an armful of Aldi bags because his state pittance won't stretch to a weeks shopping from Tesco.


In all fairness, you have actually just described my local Aldi perfectly! :lol:

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Oh dear god, this thread has taken yet another turn for the weird. It's now a comparison of supermarkets.


I too like pies


Yes I am keeping my car, I might even buy my sister's kuro off her after seeing the state she has let it get in. I spent a good 2-3 hours washing it yesterday and I'm now tempted to go and clay bar, polish and wax it. Holograms and scratches galore.



What do you have against whispy-bearded old women with cats in their bags? that's my mum

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