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Been thinking of joining it, but i dont think it will be become as popular. Look at myspace... was valued at billions a few years back, now just been sold for hardly anything. I think facebook seems to rule the world atm unfortunately in social networking. But, google is a strong player, so who knows.

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Haven't even given it a second look tbh. FB is so ingrained now and sensible in what it does (which is where MySpace fell over) that I can't see anything topping it now.


Everyone I know has FB, and it does everything I need it to. Why would I bother switching?

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Everyone I know has FB, and it does everything I need it to. Why would I bother switching?

Google have a habit of coming to the party late and offering better services than those that beat them to it. Gmail is a case in point and some would argue Chrome is the same.


Invitations appear closed for it atm and I've not been invited - bah humbug! I've only used Gmail since it started and was invitation only :rant:

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I've had Gmail for years, when it was invite only. When I Google "Google+" it brings up a main page like normal Google with the "You" in the corner and shows I am logged in but when I click it says they've exceeded their capacity :thumbdown:

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Google have a habit of coming to the party late and offering better services than those that beat them to it. Gmail is a case in point and some would argue Chrome is the same.

Wave and Buzz would appear to prove the opposite though ;)


Unless Google+ does something much better than FB, it'll die within a year.

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Yeah Wave and Buzz were failures they managed to keep pretty quiet. Not a fan of Gmail personally, works for some people though.


Think they missed the boat personally on social networking, its so established now, unless they come up with something relevant that is missing from FB or LinkedIn not sure it will make serious inroads.


Google works because it has a great search capability and it keeps things simple, that home page is simplistic genius. Problem is when you try to innovate around it you break that simplistic perspecitive - look what happened with Yahoo when it tried to throw numerous services into your face on its search page. Just my opinion. :snack:

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