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Newbie with clicking rear axle

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Had early '06 350z (pre face lift) for 5 or so weeks and have the dreaded rear axle click when pulling away/letting off the go pedal etc.


I understand that ZMANALEX is the man who can supply the parts but am new to any sort of forum so have no idea how to PM (only just worked out what it means!)


Any help greatly appreciated.

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  docwra said:
Does it actually do anything though, other than click?? :shrug:

If it's anti roll bar drop links clicking then it's not that bad, it's just really damn annoying.


if it's CV joint clicking then I guess it will eventually wear to the point the ball bearings will drop out of the grooves but we are talking lots of miles before that would happen. So again, just really annoying.

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Cheers for all the replies. Fairly sure that its the CV joint - been doing a lot reading on this and other forums (don't be mad - I chose this one ;) ).


It is a very metallic ping - not unlike a good connection with a metal golf driver for those who like to follow the instructions on their boot lid.


Hoping to get the work done under a third party warranty provided by the (not nissan) dealer from where I bought the car, but need to source parts cheap as possible as they are grumbling about the cost of the parts from Nissan.


The mechanic I use is very experienced (though not necessarily with the Z, more usually Mercs) and so diagnosis should be spot on. Shown him the TSB and and the noise and he concurred that CV was at fault.


I need to PM but I'm told I'll need to make 5 posts first... Hope this isn't breaking any rules...

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pds: Because of recent problems with spammers, until you have posted 5 quality posts you will not be able to send pms and your posts will be checked by a moderator before they appear. So it is no use repeating posts as they will just be deleted.


Sorry it has to be that way but unfortunately the timewasters out there frustrate you and us :shrug:

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A couple of people have mentioned a fix. Is this fix the rotate and regrease option or is there something else?


(Other than ignoring it, which I can't ever since the missus pointed it out!)

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  pds said:
Is this fix the rotate and regrease option or is there something else?


I did the rotate and regrease about 5 months ago now...... not a click to be herd :yahoo:


Other than an extra pair of hands, some tools, grease (special stuff) and a couple of hours it can be sorted. I know people say that this is not the "proper fix"....... but its not come back yet.


If it does come back........after a year would I but a new part...Yes, after two years... probably no, just do the same fix again. :shrug:

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  pds said:
A couple of people have mentioned a fix. Is this fix the rotate and regrease option or is there something else?


(Other than ignoring it, which I can't ever since the missus pointed it out!)


Rotate and grease is only a temporary fix.

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I too have a clicking rear axle :yuck: I'd never noticed it at all until yesterday and now I can hear it all the time.


How much (roughly) would I need to pay at an independent to get it fixed?


The clicking is usually a few clicks when I set off and is far worse if I'm turning right I've noticed. Note that I don't turn left a lot so I don't know if it's as bad. I'm not sure if it's the CV joint or droplinks but it sounds exactly like someone hitting metal with a spanner or something.


I live near Fleet in Hampshire, there is a garage that can do this work there yes? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name them but I think they come recommended here and luckily they are 5 minutes from where I work.

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  zollburgers said:
I too have a clicking rear axle :yuck: I'd never noticed it at all until yesterday and now I can hear it all the time.


How much (roughly) would I need to pay at an independent to get it fixed?


The clicking is usually a few clicks when I set off and is far worse if I'm turning right I've noticed. Note that I don't turn left a lot so I don't know if it's as bad. I'm not sure if it's the CV joint or droplinks but it sounds exactly like someone hitting metal with a spanner or something.


I live near Fleet in Hampshire, there is a garage that can do this work there yes? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name them but I think they come recommended here and luckily they are 5 minutes from where I work.



Easy fix. :thumbs:

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  zollburgers said:
I too have a clicking rear axle :yuck: I'd never noticed it at all until yesterday and now I can hear it all the time.


How much (roughly) would I need to pay at an independent to get it fixed?


The clicking is usually a few clicks when I set off and is far worse if I'm turning right I've noticed. Note that I don't turn left a lot so I don't know if it's as bad. I'm not sure if it's the CV joint or droplinks but it sounds exactly like someone hitting metal with a spanner or something.


I live near Fleet in Hampshire, there is a garage that can do this work there yes? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name them but I think they come recommended here and luckily they are 5 minutes from where I work.


If it is TGM Sport - yes they come highly recommended (and having used them myself) - I'm sure Tom there can sort you out :thumbs:


And Zmanalex can suply the parts - see his sub-forum ;)

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