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Things you don't say to your Other Half


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Her figure is pretty hot!


I like a wealthy woman!


Ever thought of having a gastric band fitted?


These are true...


Why did you just change from 4th to 3rd to 4th to 3rd (My other half did actually do this, I got told off and asked to mind my own business) :blackeye:


Just going to clean the car (I won't be seen for 8hours)

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Him - Fancy a quicky?


Her - No


Him - Mind laying still while I have one?


OR (more likely)


Him - Fancy a quicky?


Her - As opposed to what exactly??????

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Coming home on a Saturday afternoon after the football match.

The house is absolutely immaculate, just like the Z after a days cleaning and detailing and saying "well that must have taken all of an hour what else have you been up to for the rest of the day"

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  Ricey said:
Carla just said the best she's heard someone say to their missus is..


'no that dress doens't make you look fat.........its your fat that makes you look fat'




That's the best one! :lol:

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