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Alloy Wheel Repair??


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As you may have read in my other recent thread some lady decided to attempt to slice the front corner of my car last week and I've been getting quotes & advice from a few places about getting it repaired.


Looks like it's going to end up being an insurance job as the cheapest price I've got so far is in excess of £700.


However, the comments I've received regarding the alloy repair have made me nervous. Their comments are as follows -:


1) Westway Nissan Approved Bodyshop (not at dealer so just 3rd party) - initially said they couldnt' do a 'standard' refurb due to the finish on the wheel and it'd have to be sent to a specialist; they then thought they could do it after looking some more.

2) Body-shop No2 (I know the owner and seems a high quality outfit) seemed more relaxed about it but said they'd just send it to a specialist anyway; cost was £75 from memory.

3) BMW Dealers Own Body-shop (they repair any marque). The first chap who looked (obviously not as senior as the next chap) thought it might be a new alloy completely due as he thought it had a 'milled' finish. Quickly passed me to the next chap up the ladder who thought they'd be OK to sort it but asked one of the painters to come and have a look. After a couple of minutes looks, rubbing & muttering decided they could sort it out in-house.


So, have any of you guys had an alloy repaired yet, if so, was it sorted out OK??? I may just be being overly cautious here but, the way they've all taken a little while to decide they could sort it, has made me nervious that in fact they're not sure what the outcome will be.


Thoughts appreciated.

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  Lincolnbaggie said:
If it's going through the insurance just get a new wheel :shrug:


I kind of thought that, but, because the lady was good enough to leave her contact details on my windscreen (I wasn't in the car when it happened) I didn't really want to take the p!55. That said, if there was any doubt with the end result, I'd want a new wheel.


They would have paid cash, but when I mentioned the quotes were starting from £700, they said it'd have to be an insurance job which in one respect has made life easy but still feels wrong spanking the her insurance policy unneccessarily (even though non of this is my fault and in fact a complete pain in the @r5e).

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  rogerxp said:
even though non of this is my fault and in fact a complete pain in the @r5e).


Exactly - she drove into your car and has caused you inconvenience. It won't cost her any extra for a new wheel, only her insurance company (and we know how much money they make).


Plus a repair is never the same as a new part.

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Think you will find a new wheel on its own will be a grand :shrug:


That looks easily repairable to me just a case of getting a specialist to do the work so that the final finish matches. I have seen something about the the paint used - will try to find it.

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If its anything like the Black Edition paint, it will be a 2 stage pearl which isnt an easy fix to get right. Not sure the standard wheels are, but if its an insurance job, you may as well get a new wheel and keep yours as a spare - you could then get a local SMART repair place to touch it up :thumbs:

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Seems some have had successful repairs:





and this is what I recall that was said in the US:


"Hyper silver is a lead based metallic silver paint over a black base coat. The lead based paint is not legal for sale in the US because of its toxicity. If you get a duplicolor, it won't be exactly the same as hyper silver because you're not laying down the black base coat first. (I'm not sure if the 370z's wheels are hypersilver to begin with)


The way silver wheels are made is either 1) silver powdercoat or 2) silver paint with clear powdercoat over the top. Paint without a protective coating is not very durable. If you youtube "rays forged wheels" there's a video that shows how they forge, heat cure and powder coat. Any type of touch up paint will just covering be up the marks that have went through the thick protective coating. The only way to feally "fix" it is through "wheel refinishing", where they strip the coating, sand blast the wheel, repaint it and apply new clear coat. Lot's of companies offer this and will run $200-250 a wheel."


and another comment


"Yep, my repair guy stated the same, metallic silver over a black base coat. I will say this, he was very good at duplicating the finish on the repairs he did for me on my 2006 350. If I didn't point it out to people, they didn't notice. Even pointing out the repair, you really couldn't see it. It is one of the harder colors to repair though"

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The reason they have quoted for a new badge is that they will be removing it for paintwork. This is a good thing, rather than masking it out or trying to stick it back on with double sided sticky tape. I admire your sentiments regarding trying to keep the costs down, but would want the car back to exactly how it was pre accident and no compromise.


All the best with the repair.

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I can't quite tell the extent of the damage from the picture but if it's no worse than a bad curb scrape it shouldn't cost anywhere near any quote you have had!


A local garage damaged my GTR alloys really badly when changing the tires. I took the two of them to a garage in London (where my brother has his wheels refurbed) and they where unreal! Amazing job and it cost me £55 per wheel. The color on the GTR's are quite a hard one to match too!


If you are interested in this garage, let me know and I'll get the details for you :thumbs:

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The £1,500 figure is for the whole job (wing repair/repaint, bumper repair/repaint, alloy fix, etc) not just the wheel :) .


Good point about the badge, hadn't thought about it that way.


And, you're right, I do want the car to be returned perfectly, and have loosened by opinion on the cost now it's going down the insurance path. Think the BMW body-shop are taking the perverbial (surprise, surprise) so think my mate at the local body-shop will get the job but I'll firstly be quizzing him on the colour match for the alloys as this is what is making me feel most nervous.


Thanks for your input chaps :thumbs: .

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