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My first day at the ring


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well it took a few hours but we got to the ring yesterday at 3.


Great journey and got to drive bennets zed a fair way of the trip. Followed a muercielago down to the tunnel, and whilst crossing he came to find us. Very pleasant chap who was off to a chateau, gorgeous car. He said he had just bought a gt4 zed for his son and loved it. Lives in maidestone so we have another SE member soon    :thumbs:


Autobahn was interesting, the zed just kept pulling and pulling to over 160 with such ease   :teeth: think there was a hole in the fuel tank though when we did.


Got to see the last few laps of the vlN race and wow, some gorgeous cars and lovely noises. The new Aston zugato looked amazing :cloud9:  , saw a few of the lexus super cars too but it was the porches that impressed, truly were made for this place. Funny thing is gt3's are two a penny here, like focuses back home. 


Bennets zed seems to be getting a lot of attention. He's going to take the bungs out today, lucky I bought my ear plugs. Mind you they were handy last night because of all the snoring....


Hotel is amazingly friendly, spent most of the evening in the bar with the owners. Shocking though the number of people that came up last night to ask really basic questions. Very apparent that they have come here having done absolutely no research on the track, hope they stay well away from us on the day. 


Off to tackle the track today, it's predicted sun all day and can't wait, thing that impresses most is the gradient of the track, that doesn't come across in the games, going to be a fantastic day. Nervous but very excited can't wait.


Pics and vids to follow   :thumbs:

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Your crafty monkey.... :blush:


Hope your having a good time, and enjoy the ring :thumbs: All you needed was that T-shirt :lol::lol:


Look forward to the pictures. :snack:


Sounds good Will, bet you can't wait. Good luck.


Oh tell Bennett I'll no longer accept calls from him from this day forward :wave:


After sending him a text wishing him a safe journey I didn't get a reply, so that's it, it's OVER!! :boxing:

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Wow, thats all i can say, what a place, awesome. Amazing track, fantastic cars, great people all with a common interest, so friendly.


Well the weather was great, too good to be honest as the Saturday bought out loads of people keen to get on the ring. It started early as we could hear the cars off the line through the bedroom window at 8am, what an alarm call.


Bennets zed performed brilliantly, after a tester lap and some tweeks she shone. Must admit the K1 exhaust is too much for me cruising on normal roads but on the track it shines, the noise is amazing. Stability and grip were great, and we caught and passed other cars with ease. Gt3's and M3s were in a different league though, they just stormed past. Had some interesting tussles with caymans, suped up civics, corvets. Man it was brilliant. It you are interested in cars at all you really must go at least once in your life. Still on a high thinking about it.


There were quite a few accidents on the saturday though, mainly due to the sheer number of cars on the track, one car blew its engine and dumped oil all over one of the fast sections, we came just after but bennet spotted the problem and we avoided the issue. Took 2 hours out of the day but it gave us some time to check out the cars.


Sunday was my turn, didnt have the guts on Saturday due to the traffic volume. It was a little wet that morning which must have put a lot off so when the dry line appeared it was perfect. Man what a rush. Bennet was a great teacher and me a poor padawan but hell i had fun. Was spending more time looking in my mirror than looking ahead, trying not to hit any expensive cars until a firm word from Bennet to focus ahead and then i flew. It was SOOOO cool, even managed to overtake quite a few. After 2 laps i was exhausted and had done my bit, also managed to deposit alot of the pad onto the disks....opps.


Had a fantastic meal in the Tiergarten restaurant, argentinian steak served on a hot hot slab taken from the carosel corner. It was tasty, better yet we met a guy who owned a GT3. He offered to take us out the next day. OMG, i was never a massive fan of porsches before but now they have my total and utter respect. It was a crafted tool made for the place. Amazingly fast and effortless with so much grip. Still they can bite though as the owner found out the next day with a spin, but thankfully he and the car were fine.


Some great cars there, the alfa competition, porsches, ferraris, merc SLS's, vets, vipers and a few zeds. You can check out the pics below


http://s1016.photobucket.com/albums/af2 ... ng%202011/


Totally fell in love with this




Until we had a ride in this




However Bennets car was the star for me, i will never forget that drive




Anyways i'll shut up and link the photos, ill put some vids up later too.


Thanks again bennett for the invite, the passenger laps and the tuition, what a great weekend.


Time for a nap

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Good stuff Will, that GT3 I bet flew around...a fantastic track car that.


As exciting as it seems, I would be terrified of accidents on the track - were you guys fully insured? I heard if you crash into a barrier you have to personally fork out £20k or something mental?

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Wow, that sounds like an amazying trip!

Car heaven!! The Alfa is beautiful and the GT3 awsome.

Only had my Zed for two months, so it's going to be a couple of years and a few track days before I venture over.

But definitely on my list of must do's and something I've talked about for a while and now I have the car to do it in!!




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Good stuff Will, that GT3 I bet flew around...a fantastic track car that.


As exciting as it seems, I would be terrified of accidents on the track - were you guys fully insured? I heard if you crash into a barrier you have to personally fork out £20k or something mental?


Thanks for the comments guys, yeah it was a once in a lifetime must go....may go back too lol


We didnt get insurance coldel, yes it can get dicey and there were a number of incidents but as a percentage of the number of cars there it was minimal. But yes if you are one of the unlucky ones then it can get very expensive. For example touch the barrier and dirty the track so that the marshalls are required = a £2500 bill to start with. But you just have to be sensible. if its raining or there are too many cars just hang back and wait. Saturday was a little too busy but sunday was fine and very quiet in comparison. You just have to be aware of other cars, take the first few laps nice and slow and dont over do it and exceed your ability. Admitedly you cannot account for idiots though.


If you are worried you could always hire one of their Suzuki swifts. They are brilliant and not too expensive.

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Good stuff Will, that GT3 I bet flew around...a fantastic track car that.


As exciting as it seems, I would be terrified of accidents on the track - were you guys fully insured? I heard if you crash into a barrier you have to personally fork out £20k or something mental?


Thanks for the comments guys, yeah it was a once in a lifetime must go....may go back too lol


We didnt get insurance coldel, yes it can get dicey and there were a number of incidents but as a percentage of the number of cars there it was minimal. But yes if you are one of the unlucky ones then it can get very expensive. For example touch the barrier and dirty the track so that the marshalls are required = a £2500 bill to start with. But you just have to be sensible. if its raining or there are too many cars just hang back and wait. Saturday was a little too busy but sunday was fine and very quiet in comparison. You just have to be aware of other cars, take the first few laps nice and slow and dont over do it and exceed your ability. Admitedly you cannot account for idiots though.


If you are worried you could always hire one of their Suzuki swifts. They are brilliant and not too expensive.


Hey Will,


Glad you enjoyed it and it was good to see you again! I loved it too, it was a propper experience! I only got 2 laps though due to the closures on the Sunday...


Quick question - you keep mentioning Saturday amd Sunday... do you mean Sunday and Monday? As the Sunday morning when i was there was crazy busy... i cant picture it being any more busy!

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Nice one Will :thumbs: I can see you have been very productive at work today ;)

I got back safe and sound and slept like a baby all day. Got an email from Mike and we are making some plans for July/August. I will have a seat available for you or anyone who wants to have a Nurburgring experience. I think i should offer this as a service :lol::D


It was a good trip and i very much enjoyed your company and calm. I was very happy to get a few complete lap vid after trying for so long so i am so expectant that they show up well B)

I got the Pics from (Mr Kwong - chap from Hongkong) and yet to look at Jorg's website for other pics. Will post up when i got the chance. Catch up with you during the week.


Chris, i hope you made the best of your time. Unfortunately you had to go back so early and i never gave you a passenger lap i had so promised myself to give you :teeth: Anyway next time!

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Chris, i hope you made the best of your time. Unfortunately you had to go back so early and i never gave you a passenger lap i had so promised myself to give you :teeth: Anyway next time!


Hey pal,


It was great to see you on Sunday morning... i'd been driving round for 30mins trying to find the enterance! And i must apologise for both myself and my brother - we were out until 3am in Adenau drinking (after a 14 hour journey), and we were both very rough.... i was sick at 7am when i got up, and i've not done that in about 5 years... :blush:


I got on track straight away after leaving your hotel and did 1 lap (see the video on my thread)... i loved it, but took it very very slowly (possibly because of the night before lol). The track was then closed as i came off for 2 hours, so we went to the GP circuit and got some food, and i bought my all important stickers. So we eventually got back to the track at 11.30am and i was going to do 3 or 4 laps, but having done just 1 more it got closed again (Thats when you saw me in the queue). So unfortunately we had to call it a day then as i needed to leave at 12pm to catch the ferry - and we made it there with just 2 mins to spare - we were the last car on the boat!!


Anyway - thankyou very much for your input and advise - i wouldn't have experienced this if it wasnt for you. :notworthy:

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