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Tarmac Sportz Website

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Most of you know that this is in development... Its turning out to be the bane of my life at the moment :lol:


Aside from the usual exhausts and performance parts, is there anything that you would like to see on there... ? I'd like to gauge some ideas from you guys really...


Obviously I can get parts for all Japanese performance cars but product knowledge and what sells is something im not as familiar with away from this forum.




I started Tarmac Sportz approximately 3 months ago and although its going well I don't want to run before I can walk and I don't want to get bogged down in loads of stock so I have to think strategically as to what goes on the website.


At first, the parts I was think of supplying were:







The 350z and 370z's are my bread and butter but I need to research the others quite a bit.


Mind you, ive just had some guys from the Primera/Almera owners club ordering bits so it could spiral to more.


Any input no matter if its parts or car suggestions with big modding scenes would really be appreciated ... the website is essentially for you guys so seems right to let you have some suggestions



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I think here is a little bit of a gap in the market between things for under £20 and things over £100...


Couple of little things like the grounding kits or something might be a good idea.

(Although I suppose that would be closer the £20 mark)


Also, there is the chance for someone to make a LOT of money by proving (dyno I suppose) that they can provide a trumpet/cornet (what ever they are called) kit type thing to convert a pre 06 air box to the same gains as a post 06 air box.

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I would like to see naked ladies with car parts :blush:


Failing that i suppose all the usual tried and tested goodies for the newbs and those turning to the modding dark side and lots of tasty exotic exhausts etc for 99% of us to drool over and wish we could sell a kidney to buy :cloud9:


Oh i might need another little Z badge as i cant find the one i got in Wales :rant:

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  Dblock said:
I think the civic and supra markets are quite big but also well catered for. You keeping it Japanese?




Supra modding scene is massive have a look on www.mkivsupra.net for a feel of the place. It is a very busy forum but is very friendly. There are very well established traders that people use but some of their prices can be a bit on the high side. If you can get your foot in there it could work well for you. :thumbs:

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Just brain dumping but...


...CV joint for clicky axle will always be in demand I would have thought. Clutches. Interior mods. Tyres I would probably steer clear of as the competition is a bit fierce out there already. Same for wheels I reckon...bodykits, there seem to be a good business in copys out there so you might be finding this area a bit tough, especially if your market are the genuine body kit options which probably have lower actual buyers.


What I just don't see out there at the moment is a UK based site which makes the purchase of parts etc easy and that those parts are clearly priced up on the site INCLUDING delivery and tax where applicable. ebay is a bit of a pain as you need to actually trawl through it and there are always doubts over the quality of the product and there tends to be a bit of fluffyness around price, it always feels like I am taking a bit of a gamble.


What about ICE packages? Or is that going somewhat outside your remit? So a full pack which has a choice of stereo and you then supply with it the correct facia, adaptors, looms etc. Takes the pain out of ordering various bits off different websites and hoping it all tallys up. Most people need all the extra stuff like looms etc yet you hardly see head units sold with it all ready to go.


I think as well you need to consider what people use websites for when purchasing, if someone is buying a £1500 exhaust off you they probably want to be reassured by you that everything is ok and a correct fit etc so will seek out a decent 'contact us' section or use this forum - whereas if someone is buying a plenum spacer for £175 then they are more likely to just click 'add to basket' and just buy it without that need for interaction and reassurance. I think that is where your website will stand out, mid ranged priced stuff, transparent pricing (so no hidden import taxes which you might or might not incur) and a decent range of options (most websites I see that are UK usually have only two or three brands of exhaust for instance).


As someone said above, there is a gap in the market for stuff priced up at a slightly lower end, I would have said that price range being £50 to around £300, you would certainly soak up modding 'grazers' who don't mid putting a hundred quid a month towards this and that on their Zed and want to do it in 5 minutes just like they would on amazon.


Oh and thorough product descriptions, a few websites I have seen have very basic descriptions of the products, some are terrible in that they copy and paste the description from one product to the next and just change the brand name. A few body kit websites I have seen do this. Annoys me. If I am going to spend a few hundred quid with them the least they can do is put a bit of effort into telling me what I am getting.


I think I am rambling now...sorry, I work as a consultant for businesses launching new products so I get carried away sometimes... :wacko:


So thinking a little more, your website, like any new product, needs to pursue an insight, an insight is:


A consumer truth

A consumer need

A consumer friction


I think in the case of mods/parts for a 350z, if I google 350z parts I don't get very much in the way of websites and what I do click on does not look very professionally done (truth). I have emailed a few sites and never got a response, I lack trust in the website to deliver and if they do I am worried if its not what I want I wont be able to get my money back I want a bonafide and well stocked website with proper up front pricing in pounds (need). Just because most parts for 350z are US based I just cant bring myself to go through the hassle of contacting US based sites to get the bits I want (friction). I can't get a Greddy SE in the UK, so where do I go?


Just some thoughts... ;)

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Thanks guys, good Reading there.


I can't afford a massive all singing and dancing website yet but it should hopefully look a little bit proffessional, coldel, good pointers there , I will take that on board, I find the same issues to be honest.


It may take a few revamps to get it where I want but I think I will get it out there first and raise some cash and awareness.


I can get the Greddy by the way

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If you decided to branch out from Jap cars you should look at the VAG (Vw, Skoda and Audi etc) tuning scene, there is alot of young lads who have got Mk4 Golfs out there with money to burn... I should know I was one of them! If you look at it from a stock perpective you could have a part which is suitable for a Golf,a Fabia, a A3 and a leon all because they all share the same engines.


I would think stay away from servicing parts for the 350z & 370z as there are alot of traders on this forum already doing a great job? :shrug:


Just my 2p :)

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I like the package idea,

you could apply it to all parts of the car I.e

Exhauts package 1 = back box

Exhaust Package 2 = berks , y pipe , back box

Interior package 1 = carbon dash kit

Fuel upgrade package etc

compete charger kits or turbo kits but where you no u can just order it instead of keeping stock which is impractical for these certain items


Just keep it simple and like your doing now lay it all on the table where there's all info you need and it leaves no questions .


You could also do installation guides of the equipment you sell and attach it to the sale page so people no weather they can or have the confidance to try and install it them self or leave it to a garage :thumbs:

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  Dom187 said:
  rtbiscuit said:
i'd like to see more competiton on service parts, only having one person supplying them isn't the best setup, there is no competition, there for prices aren't competitive :shrug:


Good point :thumbs:


Psst - what about Camskill, Sumopower, JDM performance, Co-ord, Opie........ or god forbid...Nissan :lol: people are always free to shop around :shrug:

All business is reliant on quality customer service and knowledge - Chris is good at that from what I hear - so he won't go far wrong - go for it Chris :thumbs:

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