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My back

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As some of you know I was suffering with a bad back at Wales (and the week before and after as well) - saw my GP last Wednesday, and am having an MRI scan tomorrow morning! Who says the NHS is no good :p


No idea what to expect as never had one before - any tips, or do I just lie there and think of England :surrender:


Think of me everyone :byebye:

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I dont envy you the back pain mate, it horrible. I hope they find something they can fix easily.


I had two days being bounced, well wheel-chaired around my local hospital getting a lot of different tests and as an NHS doubter was very impressed. I even had a senior consultant popping in and out of lecturing after each test.


Hope you get sorted soon.

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I've had a couple of MRI scans, one on my shoulder and one on my groin! :scare: (long story).


You just lay there very still for anything from 10 mins to 20 mins and listen to the noisy machine take pictures of your internals. It sounds quite scary as it judders and makes some serious noises around your body.


The nurses and doctors will of course hide in a special coated bunker so they are not affected by the harmfull rays being shot through your body!!!!! :scare::scare:


If you find that you come out the room green, it's not gone well.


Good luck mate as I know you were suffering pretty bad.

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You have to lie very very still and think of anything to take your mind of the big white humming machine that they are inserting you in to!


On the plus side it doesn't hurt and an MRI is an amazing piece of kit!


Good luck hope it all turns out well :thumbs:

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Cat scan is your brain, MRI is a sodding great big tube.


One piece of advice, just smuggle in a lucky charm. Something metalic like a teaspoon................. :p:lol:

i think the nurse would rape you if you did that :lol:

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Sounds like a good reason to do it, assuming we're talking fit nubile nurses ;)

:lol::lol: if only


It's going to be at S****horpe - I don't think they have fit, nubile anythings there :surrender:


She did ask me to remove any piercings if I had any that weren't "immediately noticeable", but then commented that at my age I probably didn't understand what she meant :lol:

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Sounds like a good reason to do it, assuming we're talking fit nubile nurses ;)

:lol::lol: if only


It's going to be at S****horpe - I don't think they have fit, nubile anythings there :surrender:


She did ask me to remove any piercings if I had any that weren't "immediately noticeable", but then commented that at my age I probably didn't understand what she meant :lol:


What about all that shrapnel you picked up in 'Nam?

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She did ask me to remove any piercings if I had any that weren't "immediately noticeable", but then commented that at my age I probably didn't understand what she meant :lol:

What about all that shrapnel you picked up in 'Nam?



Glad this is finally going through though Neil - it didnt look like fun at Wales :headhurt:

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I've had a full body MRI and I have to say it was the very first time in my life that i have understood claustrophobia......I hated it......


Yes very claustrophobic, but not too bad.


I had spinal surgery in 2008 for 2 crushed disks (the bottom two). To be honest i wish i would have invested more effort in physio before i had the surgery as the physio really does help (build all your muscles around the base of your spine). The surgery didnt cure my problem, and i can never run or play football again - and im only 27. I have subsequently put on 4 stone since the surgery :snack:


Post back on here what the prognosis is... i had a wallis ligament procedure where they inserted an artificial ligament to separate the vertabrae, but i wish i'd gone for the titanium disc replacement procedure.

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Just don't try and put on the gown the other way round, as I tried once. Can get really embarrassing :blush:


I did that and all the fit nubile nurses came into my room to gasp in amazement and ask if they could touch it. It was a private hospital though so that's what you're paying for I guess...... :lol::lol:

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