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Do u judje peeple by there speling?


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  captain said:
  Husky said:
But, as a slowly changing thing there is currently a widely accepted version of the english language that is correct. At the moment text speak is just that, "text speak" something derived from the English language but not included in it. A language by nature is based on what the majority perceive it to be so of course, as the number of lazy people rise, so does the number of ridiculous additions to the language.


So what you're saying is that I am judging people that are at the forefront of the evolution of the English language? oh dear :wacko:


TBH Husky I'm not arguing with you per se, just the concept of "correct English".


The word teenager didn't exist until the 1950s (dreamt up by by NY ad-men) but almost immediately became common usage. The very best of text-speak will be amalgamated overnight and the rubbish stuff will be discarded.


Text speak is no indicator of intelligence, pride, education or class. It (probably) can only be taken as an indicator of a comparably young age. :thumbs:


As for your last sentence, the answer is yes! Text speak is self-evidently at the very forefront of the evolution of the English language and you are judging people who use it.


Is my post invisible or something? Text speak is alternative spelling of correct words, its not a language at all, not even a pidgin or a creole, its incredibly unlikely to supercede spellings we have been using for hundreds of years. It is just badly spelt English.


As for everyone saying "I cant spell, does that make me a chav" of course it doesnt, you are making the effort to be understood - its people using txt spk that are the chavs. :)

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To be honest I tend to judge people on the mongy things they say rather than the way the spell them.


For example I'd judge these 2 imaginary people in the same manner;


1. This BMW pulled up along side me at the lights so I purged some NOS out of my bonnet at him and raced him to the next set of lights.


2. Man da Beemer was chukkin his nutz at da lights so I's squirted me ting at him and bombed ma whip until he wuz toast.


However its plainly obvious that one is a complete dick with a fast car and a particularly small penis. The 2nd is 37% retarded 22 year old chav who's upgraded from a Nova and bought one of those stick on chip thingys for £10 off ebay.


Beyond that I'm not really fussed by how people spell or punctuate things. :dance:

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see ricey you have done it though, you judged the two people differently based on the way they have presented what they are saying. the second one you describe as "37% retarded 22 year old chav" just because of the way he writes. This is what I am getting at, not spelling, not dislexia and not grammar.

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  Husky said:
see ricey you have done it though, you judged the two people differently based on the way they have presented what they are saying. the second one you describe as "37% retarded 22 year old chav" just because of the way he writes. This is what I am getting at, not spelling, not dislexia and not grammar.


Thats a good point I suppose - I'm building an opinion of the individual by the way they've written something. I suppose its all to do with stereotyping when your in an environment like the internet because you don't meet the person in person.


I suppose my point was whilst I'd build an 'image' of someone based on the way they 'type' I'd base my 'opinion' of them based on the content of what they say.


My example above (without having any other knowledge of the peeps in question) I'd have the same level of contempt for both but would assume one was the alpha male penie and the other a chav Nova-boy.

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at work if a student struggles to spell as long as i can read it i let it slide, and maybe correct it if i feel it necessary. for some students; to many corrections can be disheartening. so i use the little but often technique.




if a student uses Txt language on their work i usually refuse to mark it; or rip it up :blush:

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I think you're absolutely correct Rich, and good on you for doing so.


;) ;) ;)




What's with not using a capital letter at the start of a sentence too? That's as lazy as not bothering to indicate, your finger is right by the shift key! :bangin:


(Not aimed specifically at you Rich, but now I mention it... :p:lol: )

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  Ekona said:
What's with not using a capital letter at the start of a sentence too? That's as lazy as not bothering to indicate, your finger is right by the shift key! :bangin:


(Not aimed specifically at you Rich, but now I mention it... :p:lol: )


I was going to mention that about Husky's posts considering he started this thread...

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Y'know what they funniest thing about this thread is?


......the amount of spelling and grammatical errors made by those who are moaning about them in the first place :lol:



I HATE people using text speak in MSN conversations or on forums. Me and my ex had a few fallings out over it, she used text words that no-one else had even thought of. It drove me bonkers.

If you use it in a text message, then fine....especially when trying to keep a message limited to a single text.


But for the love of God, please don't use it on a forum where you have acres of space to type (although we all wish we could limited some members messages to just 160 characters!)

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  LRF4N said:
Making fun of someone who has their own text language is one thing but falling out over it is taking it a bit far :bangin:


Say that after you have been on a boat on the other side of the world for 6 weeks, with hardly any contact with her, and then try deciphering an email they've sent you!

Trust me, it's an offense worthy of falling out! :lol:

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I hate text speak so much! I don't even use it when sending texts! Gone are the days where you had limited texts so that you had to watch how many words you were typing and that was the only reason I can see for shortening a text message to "r u ok hun?" (my god that irritated me typing that!!!!!)

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What gets me is the lack of punctuation in everyday life. At work, secretaries are told not to put any punctuation in letters.............why not? Punctuation makes a letter easier to read.

I have only one thing to say...........................b*ll*cks :lol:

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  HaydnH said:
  Ekona said:
What's with not using a capital letter at the start of a sentence too? That's as lazy as not bothering to indicate, your finger is right by the shift key! :bangin:


(Not aimed specifically at you Rich, but now I mention it... :p:lol: )


I was going to mention that about Husky's posts considering he started this thread...


  Husky said:
It may be bad but I've found more and more that I do these days. I don't so much judge people on the miss spelling of difficult words or missing capitalisations or even punctuation, but things like "text speak" drive me nuts.


and again. missing the capitalisation off of a word doesn't make it any more labour intensive to read so i slap that down as the same as incorrect grammar and the spelling of long words, it's a forum so who cares. Text speak on the other hand.

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  Sarnie said:
I type full words, even in a text. And it takes me no longer, therefore there is no actual need or 'txt spk', even laziness is just an excuse.


One that I've seen on this site recently that has boiled my **** has been:


"What do use think of the price of this zed?"


Use?????????????? :scare::surrender::wacko:


Thats a scouse colloquialism in fairness -"what are you's lot up to laaaaaaaa"

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