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avatar blu-ray 3d disc


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I bought a Sony 3d TV, I really want Avatar on 3D Blu-ray but Panasonic are not releasing it till 2012 as they have some sort of exclusive rights with their 3d products.


The only ones you can get are from people selling them on ebay who have bought a 3d Panasonic tv and they are going for crazy prices. circa £80.


No way im paying that so if anyone knows any other way I can get a copy cheap can you let me know :thumbs:


Just to be clear, I want an original copy . I don't want to download or share :thumbs:

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Topic locked, as we're not daft enough to not realise what is being asked/suggested here. Just to be absolutely clear, there can be no sharing of copyrighted material via this forum.


Ta :thumbs:


EDIT: Thread unlocked as Tarmac has now made it clear he wants an original legit copy only. I've left the thread as-was though for clarity.

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HOW MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!


Pay me £100 and I'll personally paint myself Blue, come round your house and act it out!


You've no chance mate - ebays a pretty good barometer of how available things are.........in this case its telling you they're like rocking horse muck.

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