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Wales May 2011 - feedback


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For those who attended this year, let us know what you liked/did not like, what worked well/what didn't, while fresh in your minds.


And any suggestions you have for next year. On here, or pm me if you wish :thumbs:


Added by ChrisS.

Can those who used the dent man,leave feedback here as well please.viewtopic.php?f=19&t=49816&start=0


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parking at hotel lunch stop

carvery at hotel lunch stop

food from moreton

plenty of space to sit around at moreton



not so awesome:

no sectioned off car park at moreton

rainy bits :p

welsh speed cameras

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Another legendary weekend :#1:


Good points

The Moreton actually had me booked in (3rd time lucky)

Well organised especially with the contributions from the mods

Drives work better with the groups

The best Zed club in the land :#1:


Bad points

Spark plugs :doh:

The boring drive to the hills (need to be a bit closer me thinks)

Although the last leg on the Sun was superb


Apart from that it was fantastic. Great work lads and lasses :dance:

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bad points - I didn't win on the raffle and Wasso won about 5 times :lol:


Good points


Moreton park was great

BBQ was great

Beer was great

Smoking area was great

banter was great

drive was great

parking was great

carvery was immense

ice cream was great

drive home down M6 toll was immense.

Organisation was great


well done guys :thumbs:

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It definitely felt well organised and as noob was good to have people who clearly knew what they were doing buzzing around. Very good venue for price, standard and location.


Also good that whilst we were driving pretty sensibly the pack leaders were still encouraging some spirited driving (which I think me and Tarmac agreed, was about as fast as either of us felt comfortable going!).


Slightly depressing seeing some of the cars as I was quite pleased with ours until I saw some of the others!


Against - a total lack of tolerance for double denim and an inordinate amount of abuse and accusations of being a chutney ferret were aimed in my direction! Philistines!!!!

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Everything excellent except double denim :surrender:


Sorry Ricey, I don't mean it but couldn't resist :blush:


My only complaint, the weather, but that was almost arid compared to last September, Cavey said it was "Baltic" :lol::lol:


Generally, absolutely excellent, and thanks again to all who organised things for us, it's a bit like refereeing, an unenviable job but without you we can't play :clap::clap:

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1 Well thought out routes with "escape points" for the faint hearted :D

2 Good roomy car parks on the route

3 350Z Cards with User and Real names :thumbs:

4 Splitting us into groups

5 The Moreton and The Waterloo.

6 The BBQ

7 The Organisation

8 Almost everything else


Not so good


I'm with Husky, would be good if we could be allocated our own area to park at The Moreton and a real shame that somebody parked their car (was it a Seat?) right in the firing line for the group photos at Bala ;)





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Without us wanting to look like a shower curtain convention or something then yeah name badges might have been an idea.... or.... how about speed dating type thing with us all on tables and Colin with a bell to ring.... 'All Change' :lol:


Seperate parking would be good and maybe (although a nightmare to sort out) staggered the runs to the drivers, I am thinking on a grand scale here like the World Cup where there are different pools of drivers... hang on this could end up ugly :boxing:


I really do feel we need more High Viz jackets and Clipboards though :snack:

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To be honest I had bought some rope with me to see if we could form our own section of the car park and also cordon off the area we had been given to use for the remote control cars some said they were bringing........ In the end neither happened but hopefully next year if the consensus is we use Moreton again :thumbs:

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We had an excellent time and considering the amount of us there, it was very well organised.



I know they are GAY, but from a newbie point of view, some kind of name badge would have been good as it got a little embarrassing after about the 40th time of asking "So whats your forum name" trying to put faces to names. :blush:

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  SpursMadDave said:
how about speed dating type thing with us all on tables and Colin with a bell to ring.... 'All Change'



You might have something there! :lol: On a serious note, maybe just the at the meal times we could get the newbies wedged in between the 'old sweats'?


Meh, what do I care, I won't be a newb next time. :)

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  Ebized said:
To be honest I had bought some rope with me to see if we could form a noose for people if they misbehaved


  SpursMadDave said:
how about speed dating type thing with us all on tables and Colin with a bell to ring.... 'All Change'


i think this is genius :lol:

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I agree with the comments above. Well executed weekend without any major issues. :clap:

My only concern was 'as a newbie, to most' we arrived friday night and there were already groups of people that either convoyed up together, mods, people that already knew eachother, and a few couples like ourselves at random tables etc. I and especially my wife felt a little uncomfortable as we knew very few people. Name badges would have helped for sure, or an area for the club to eat, as we didnt really know who was with the club and who wasnt when in the restaurant. I will not be a newbie next year but wouldnt want people to feel the way we did to start with. :thumbs: I didnt expect a welcoming commitee, well, i dont really know what i was expecting. Saturday night was completely different as we knew of most people by then. I mingled as much as i could throughout the day. And Wifey was happy as socialising with the other WAGS. :clap:

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  martinmac said:
No name badges. :surrender:


Moreton said we can do what we like with the car park last year and I have miles of tape to section an area off.


Unfortunately i wasnt there. :blush:


Having offered the name badges you sent me to the first half or dozen or so who rejected them I gave up trying :surrender:


The problem is that they stick once but then when you change clothes they don't. So OK for one day with no clothe change but not so practical otherwise.....


So I think we need to think of safety pin holders or sashes, or hats with names on, or forehead tats...... :lol:


But everyone who turned up at Moreton did get one of these and most used them (With their own user/real name:teeth:)




The car park always had other cars there - some didn't move for the weekend, so I doubt we would achieve 100% ZED only parking, but will give a try next time if the friendly manager is still there :thumbs:

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  gort said:
the raffle went on a little too long for me,+ I didn't win anything :)


+ 1,000,000


There is only so long you can clap and look pleased for other people :lol:


But then thats what a raffle is and I wouldn't have complained if I had won more than one thing, and a lot of people got embarrassed and put the prizes back for the next person... well except Darren-B he was just far too lucky and also shameless :lol::lol::lol:

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Iain, don't worry mate we felt the same last May, but it don't take long to meet new friends. We at our first Wales had to sit outside and work out who was who, once you spot the regulars like Mad Marky, Shire, Colin, Darren, Graham, Will etc etc you never forget a face or personality. Don't worry I finally got to meet some new faces but long standing members for the first time. You'll find next time it will be more relaxing as you'll know half the group. Members I didn't get to meet was Ricey, Choptop, but sure there will be another time :thumbs:

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Plus Points:


1) Moreton really looked after us again, staff were great as was the food and drink (Waterloo was pretty good as well).

2) Drives out were very good, had a really nice flow this year and had opportunities for a blast along through stunning scenery as well as more 'technical' bits.

3) Dent man was a genius and a real pro.

4) Communications about the weekend via the forum were excellent.

5 I thought Colin, Dave, Chris and others did a good job of keeping us informed and involved over the weekend.

6) Splitting us in to manageable groups was a great idea and seemed to work well.

7) Everyone there seemed to be really enjoying the weekend and it seemed people were more than happy to chat away if you struck up a conversation.


Minus Points:


1) Detailing guys not turning up.


An excellent weekend all round, thanks guys :thumbs:

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