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Which Phone?

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The router thing you refer to is called tethering and the iPhone can do it now with the latest iOS.


Re upgrading I would recommend Apple but hold off for 2 months til the iPhone 5 is released. Buying an v4 now would be utterly retarded! Either wait and get a v5 or wait and get a dirt cheap v4.


Looking at competitors I think HTC are a serious contender. I would stay apple though as it's got the app Market nailed and is still best, though not by a landslide as it was a while back.

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Sometimes something is popular because it is just the best and that why I have an iPhone4. The 3G was not what it could be and needed to be unlocked to get the full potential but the 4 does everything you need it to (almost) my other half had a Samsung android phone and it was utter crap, she used to mock me but even my old 3G has @*!# her up :lol:


Go Android if you want to be different and nothing wring with that, but if you want the best phone on the Market then get an iPhone :thumbs:

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These debates are always interesting. At the end of the day there are now 'phones that are as good as the iPhone - the obvious one is the Desire HD. So choice has to be good. It's like skiing and snowboarding, just choose the one you want, life's too short. Careful though, you don't want to be a prick on sticks ;):lol:

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