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iphone 5 is due "Q3" this year, traditionally iphones are usually released/announced in June so it's probably a good bet :)


  LordGrover said:
iPhone 5/4S/whatever can't be far away - maybe hold off until then?
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Well - I could have sworn that I found unlimited data on Orange yesterday, but ill be buggered if I can find it today.


Anyone know of any network offering unlimited data?


It seems highly coincidental that networks start to remove unlimited data usage options (even with say a 3gb fair usage) just as the world of mobile media starts to explode. The rates they charge for data are just bloody stupid. Using GPRS for data is no more expensive than voice calls - it just splits down the data channel when it reached orange equipment, just like the data of their broadband offerings for home - where 20GB is no problem.


Methinks they are gearing up to take the absolute pish when more and more users smash through the pathetic 500mb limits.

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Orange dont offer unlimited data, its a 500mb jobbie if i remember rightly.


Im in a similar boat. Both my personal and work mobiles are due for renewal this month. I currently have the Omnia HD which ive had for 18 months or more now and as an upgrade wanted something which would be better. Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be much out there. The iphone 4 is getting close to the Omnia HD`s features now, although still doesnt let you have an SD card, cant do video calls over 3g, the bluetooth just doesnt work on 99% of handsets, battery life only lasts 1day rather than the 3 days I get out of my 18 month old Omnia HD, and ive read dozens of complaints about the poor signal and voice quality on calls. All that, from a phone which is a year or so newer than my old one really puts me off. And on top of that the iphone is coming in at about £5 a month more than any other phone from my provider.


I was eyeing up the Galaxy S2, as all the reviews and reports suggest its pretty good and is one of the few phones with better features than my old one. Unfortunately Orange is dragging its heals at releasing it, whereas its already out on a lot of other networks.


I`ll have to checkout the HTC Sensation now also, as that also sounds good.


The new iphone should be out around Q3, Sept time as Apple put back their release dates from June to later on in the year. Not sure what "features" this one will have, but it really would be nice if they bought out a phone which at least had the features of a 2 year old phone as well as some new ones.

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  mbs said:
Have you noticed that not one post mentions Nokia who used to be the market leader, made some seriously bad decisions over the last few years.


i remember nokias used to be the phone to have, then it was the motorola's then apples now htc. its all about fashion and fads.

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The only thing I've noticed between the samsungs and HTCs is that the HTC's seem to be better built. A bit more heavier and robust and not as plastic as the samsungs.


3 seems to be doing good deals in term of data but being on 3 is like having a rabbit phone. No one had one :lol:




I'm currently on a palm pre on webOS. Like the op system but gonna move to android in october. I think android is more flexible especially with google mail, calendar, contacts etc etc

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  rtbiscuit said:
  mbs said:
Have you noticed that not one post mentions Nokia who used to be the market leader, made some seriously bad decisions over the last few years.


i remember nokias used to be the phone to have, then it was the motorola's then apples now htc. its all about fashion and fads.


All depends on what features the user wants really. I had nokias for many many years simply because they had all the latest features. I had email on my phone since the first phone I got back in 1997?!?!. The user interface on the nokias were always the best. Motorola went more with the trendy styling, like the flip phones, but their features and operating system were pants in comparison. I remember getting a cheap motorola razr as they looked ace, then being amazed at how its camera was next to rubbish compared to the 2mp one I had on my old nokia! And how sending messages was so awkward in comparison.


Im still amazed at how good the iphone marketing people are. My missus has one and loves it and yet its got less features and 1/3rd of the battery life of the nokias I used to have back in 2002. Their marketing people must be amazing. Its like me bringing out a car now with only 3 gears and everyone buying it cos it is a nice colour. Then, I add a 4th gear and call it the 4g version and people run out and buy it - without realising nearly everyother car on the market has had 6 gears for the last 5 years! All definately seems to be fashion or fads with some people. They all want to be on the same band wagen. I went to a business meeting last month and out of 25 people in the room, 22 had iphone`s. What was funny, was towards the end of the day they were fighting over a phone charger, whereas my 18 month old samsung had only used 1 bar of battery. One guy was saying how he turns off email, bluetooth, wifi, all the apps, lowers the brightness down and can get a day of use. wtf!!!!


On another note, has anyone had chance to use those new 3D phones?!!!

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HI Chesterfield


Just wanted to offer my opinion on which one to go for. I have had the Samsung Galaxy S for the past 12 months and while it was hard work at times, i loved it. It required quite a bit of tinkering (I am a developer so came naturally) to make it into the phone that i wanted it to be.


I was luckily on a 12 month contract, so last week i was offered an upgrade to the Galaxy S 2. I was a bit annoyed at the fact that i was going to have to go through all that work again but i figured i could just sell it if i did not like it.


I am happy to say that out of the box, this phone is a massive improvement upon the original! It is as fast as hell and the battery last for a couple of days and i am a very heavy user.


I really can't recommend this phone highly enough.


Plus, if you go with Vodafone and push a bit, you can get 1gb of internet usage per month without much difficulty.

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Found it.


Orange allow you to add the iphone for £8 per month per user on a business plan including unlimited mobile internet and WiFi.


They dont appear to have the option to add unlimited mobile internet and wifi to any other phone though. Hmph. :dry:

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  sparky350z said:
might have a look at the galaxy s II myself in that case. if the battery is much better.


does it have full access to the android market place? does it use the same OS as my HTC?


Not sure what os your HTC has but chances are its android. The s2 has android 2.3, which is the latest version. Not too many phones out there with that yet. It should be very similar to what your used to on your older android phone tho.


I dont see why it wouldnt have full access to the android market place.

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  sparky350z said:
might have a look at the galaxy s II myself in that case. if the battery is much better.


does it have full access to the android market place? does it use the same OS as my HTC?


The Samsung runs on Android, the same as HTC but both companies put their own overlay on it. Its a matter of taste but most of the visual settings can be changed on wither phone with applications like Launcher Pro or widget locker.


I believe that the market is unrestricted, but again, its just a setting that can be changed.


That really is the great thing about android compared to iOS, if you dont like something, you can usually change it!

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The Nokia thing is interesting, their phone's have always been strong on the interface and the early ones were pretty cool looking too. Remember the Nokia 7110 Matrix 'phone? That was awesome, despite the fact that the slide function always went t*ts up. After that Nokia lost touch with how people wanted their 'phones to look, and then of course Apple got it spot on with the whole lifestyle thing, apps and such like.

Companies are only copying the iphone because Apple got it so right, it's just that finally there are companies which make 'phones that actually work as well as the ubiquitous iphone. HTC is the main one, Samsung are another. I freely admit that I never got an iphone simply because every other b*gger has one. I'd go as far as to say they are the Mini of the 'phone world - excellent products but soooo common. The fact that Android and other operating systems are not locked down like the Apple stuff is a bonus.


GO HTC!!!! At least until they have more than 50% market share, then get an iphone

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yep. Over a 7 month period Im at 8.8GB, so 1.25GB per month. at some providers 80p per MB (ridiculous rip off rates which cant be justified ever I may add), that would be £200 per month for the extra 250mb. others have 4p per mb which is then only £10, but still its an extra tenner a month for what is a tiny ammount of data.

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  LordGrover said:
Do you really expect to use more than a gigabyte a month on 3G? I use mine a fair amount but it's pretty much all wi-fi, the only 3G is in the car between home, office and pub.


I accidentally updated 33 aps on my iphone the other day and it wiped out my allowance.....that and listening to tunein radio! :blush: I cannot wait for my internet to be installed!

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  Leeroy said:
The Nokia thing is interesting, their phone's have always been strong on the interface and the early ones were pretty cool looking too. Remember the Nokia 7110 Matrix 'phone? That was awesome,


I never had that one. Had the 8110 which was the one before that, nicknamed the banana phone with a manual slide. I even used to get emails on it back in those days and free unlimited txt messages!


Nokia were good tho, remember the 8210 and the 8310 which were so small you could use them as key rings? back in the days before phones started getting bigger and bigger. Ive still got all of them in a draw somewhere!!!

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I loved my Iphone 3g,, but my Iphone 4 on orange been a pain....


As soon as Iphone 5 comes out, this 4 will be on ebay,, best thing about buying the phone outright, if your not happy with it just sell it.

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