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NW Drive Out - Spring 2007 - 15th April


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This is looking like a great turn out...:thumbs:


How about us all using this event to raise some money for charity, say Comic Relief? We could have an entry fee of say £10 per car, so 25 cars would make £250. We could even consider a raffle or prize for the best turned out car for say £50.


What do you guys think?

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This is looking like a great turn out...:thumbs:


How about us all using this event to raise some money for charity, say Comic Relief? We could have an entry fee of say £10 per car, so 25 cars would make £250. We could even consider a raffle or prize for the best turned out car for say £50.


What do you guys think?


I say offer everyone the opportunity to donate on the day. Don't turn it into an entry fee thing, for charity or not, it'll put people off coming. :)

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This is looking like a great turn out...:thumbs:


How about us all using this event to raise some money for charity, say Comic Relief? We could have an entry fee of say £10 per car, so 25 cars would make £250. We could even consider a raffle or prize for the best turned out car for say £50.


What do you guys think?


I say offer everyone the opportunity to donate on the day. Don't turn it into an entry fee thing, for charity or not, it'll put people off coming. :)


I know what you mean, but wouldn't it be nice to have an annual charity raising event, with a chance to in some cash.


We could have a poll?

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This is looking like a great turn out...:thumbs:


How about us all using this event to raise some money for charity, say Comic Relief? We could have an entry fee of say £10 per car, so 25 cars would make £250. We could even consider a raffle or prize for the best turned out car for say £50.


What do you guys think?


I say offer everyone the opportunity to donate on the day. Don't turn it into an entry fee thing, for charity or not, it'll put people off coming. :)


I know what you mean, but wouldn't it be nice to have an annual charity raising event, with a chance to in some cash.


We could have a poll?


I'm cynical and I'd say no. I don't do charity. Flame me if you want but I choose to spend my hard earned and not give it away. I'm sure there are plenty of worthy causes but not for me. I'm lucky enough to have never been afflicted by anything that would prompt me to support a charity. Maybe that will change but at the moment, I don't feel the need to. :)

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This is looking like a great turn out...:thumbs:


How about us all using this event to raise some money for charity, say Comic Relief? We could have an entry fee of say £10 per car, so 25 cars would make £250. We could even consider a raffle or prize for the best turned out car for say £50.


What do you guys think?


I say offer everyone the opportunity to donate on the day. Don't turn it into an entry fee thing, for charity or not, it'll put people off coming. :)


I know what you mean, but wouldn't it be nice to have an annual charity raising event, with a chance to in some cash.


We could have a poll?


I'm cynical and I'd say no. I don't do charity. Flame me if you want but I choose to spend my hard earned and not give it away. I'm sure there are plenty of worthy causes but not for me. I'm lucky enough to have never been afflicted by anything that would prompt me to support a charity. Maybe that will change but at the moment, I don't feel the need to. :)


Maybe it's time to change then.... ;) .. :yahoo:

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I don't think hijacking this event at this stage would be popular... There's so many comitted with no strings attached that I reckon you'll risk ruining a good meet.


At the pub in Wales, give guys the option of buying in to a raffle...

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I don't think hijacking this event at this stage would be popular... There's so many comitted with no strings attached that I reckon you'll risk ruining a good meet.


At the pub in Wales, give guys the option of buying in to a raffle...


Exactly my point.


I have nothing against charity but to start 'charging' people will seriously kill off the event. I'm sure something can be sorted for those that want to enter but this is a free for all event and it needs to stay that way :)

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Perhaps we can all have chats on this event and discuss ideas of how we can add to it, be that some sort of raffle event for the members, with dontade prizes etc or some other sort of enetertainment.


I dont think we should add to or change the event we have organised now in any way, as it would be moving the goalposts after people have signed up (and Jacko has confirmed with the pub).


Perhaps the lunchtime meal would be a good way of everyone chatting and perhaps have a "suggestion box" on the day for other ideas, and not necesarily connectected to the meet itself.


We are always looking for ideas from members on how we can provide more to them. Ive been working on one for the last year, and its still not finished, but if anyone has any ideas on how we can improve or add to this community, jot the idea down and we can have a sugestion box for them all to go into on the day.

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Perhaps we can all have chats on this event and discuss ideas of how we can add to it, be that some sort of raffle event for the members, with dontade prizes etc or some other sort of enetertainment.


I dont think we should add to or change the event we have organised now in any way, as it would be moving the goalposts after people have signed up (and Jacko has confirmed with the pub).


Perhaps the lunchtime meal would be a good way of everyone chatting and perhaps have a "suggestion box" on the day for other ideas, and not necesarily connectected to the meet itself.


We are always looking for ideas from members on how we can provide more to them. Ive been working on one for the last year, and its still not finished, but if anyone has any ideas on how we can improve or add to this community, jot the idea down and we can have a sugestion box for them all to go into on the day.


Yes we cannot change the event now, but i think new ideas are needed, i have some thoughts of my own but for now i will keep them till discussion. One point i will raise and it might be controversial is that i am a little worried about the amount of non 350 zeds wanting to come. I dont have a problem with former members like kev with his bmw but just a little worried about others tagging along. If we allow everyone to come then things could get a little out of control. Most zed members i have met seem fine decent people who are sensible. i just dont want to get into a situation where we invite people who may be not quite as sensible.....hence ruining the day and after all this is a 350z day out. Just my thoughts thats all, because with the amount of cars turning up we dont want any silly incidents. On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)

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I agree with Chris, let's chat on the day.:thumbs:


Also, picking up on Beavis's point. You are right about 350z owners being sensible. But that's now. As the the cost of buying into Zed onership comes down this ill open it up to shall we say less sensible people. I speak from experience of the Subaru owners. I took part in a Scoobynet drive and this was getting dangerous at times. The were a couple of accidents as well, not in my group I'll add. So safety will become an issue for future events. Perhaps we can talk about this too on the day.

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Perhaps we can all have chats on this event and discuss ideas of how we can add to it, be that some sort of raffle event for the members, with dontade prizes etc or some other sort of enetertainment.


I dont think we should add to or change the event we have organised now in any way, as it would be moving the goalposts after people have signed up (and Jacko has confirmed with the pub).


Perhaps the lunchtime meal would be a good way of everyone chatting and perhaps have a "suggestion box" on the day for other ideas, and not necesarily connectected to the meet itself.


We are always looking for ideas from members on how we can provide more to them. Ive been working on one for the last year, and its still not finished, but if anyone has any ideas on how we can improve or add to this community, jot the idea down and we can have a sugestion box for them all to go into on the day.


Yes we cannot change the event now, but i think new ideas are needed, i have some thoughts of my own but for now i will keep them till discussion. One point i will raise and it might be controversial is that i am a little worried about the amount of non 350 zeds wanting to come. I dont have a problem with former members like kev with his bmw but just a little worried about others tagging along. If we allow everyone to come then things could get a little out of control. Most zed members i have met seem fine decent people who are sensible. i just dont want to get into a situation where we invite people who may be not quite as sensible.....hence ruining the day and after all this is a 350z day out. Just my thoughts thats all, because with the amount of cars turning up we dont want any silly incidents. On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)


You can't auction me off!!!!!! :teeth:

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On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)


kev had something very similar on his and it looked great



Also agree on it being a 350Z only run

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On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)


kev had something very similar on his and it looked great



Also agree on it being a 350Z only run


Mine is the same as yours mike, it looks great on yours but it does not work the same on the yellow in my eyes.


I hope the weather is like this on the run out B)

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On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)


kev had something very similar on his and it looked great



Also agree on it being a 350Z only run


Mine is the same as yours mike, it looks great on yours but it does not work the same on the yellow in my eyes.


I hope the weather is like this on the run out B)


I reckon that it'd look sweet mate!

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Yes we cannot change the event now, but i think new ideas are needed, i have some thoughts of my own but for now i will keep them till discussion. One point i will raise and it might be controversial is that i am a little worried about the amount of non 350 zeds wanting to come. I dont have a problem with former members like kev with his bmw but just a little worried about others tagging along. If we allow everyone to come then things could get a little out of control. Most zed members i have met seem fine decent people who are sensible. i just dont want to get into a situation where we invite people who may be not quite as sensible.....hence ruining the day and after all this is a 350z day out. Just my thoughts thats all, because with the amount of cars turning up we dont want any silly incidents. On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)


Fair point Beavis, have to admit that I'd not given this much thought until now as we not had anyone ask up till very recently. I don't include Kev in this "non zeds" as I think he's the exception as hes a former Zed owner up til recently and a still a regular contributor.


I think the best way forward now is that we will NOT let anymore non Zeds on the drive now or in the future ones to ease worries about this and stop it getting out of control as well.

I would suggest that seeing as Tim Barks has already confirmed then we honour it this time. Also I'm assuming that Mini has asked his friend with the MX5 by now, therefore I'm thinking it would only be fair for us to still let him come if he still wants to. But I guess Mini that if you haven't told/asked him yet then might be better not to now.....


Anyway thats just my inital thoughts for now. I'll see what the rest of the mods think and sure we'll discuss on here anyway...

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I agree Jacko. I must admit the consequences of allowing the meeting to grow hadnt quite registered previously.


I think in oredr to prevent the meet getting out of control, and indeed to remain focussed on the 350Z community we have here, it should be limited to 350Z's only, and only allow non Z's in circumstances where owners are without their 350Z for whatever reason on the day.


We can all discuss the future of this meet on the day, as it certainly seems to be very popular. With input from everyone on the day, we can all work together to make this a regular and successful event.


Perhaps we should engage the owners of whatever establishments we visit also, as they may have some suggestions on how we can work with the landlords/owners to ensure our arrival in quiet villages does not cause disturbance or disruption.

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Perhaps we should engage the owners of whatever establishments we visit also, as they may have some suggestions on how we can work with the landlords/owners to ensure our arrival in quiet villages does not cause disturbance or disruption.


Yeah to be fair though, we only crawl through Bala as its so busy anyway. Much more fun that way anyway! B)


Thats also why we park at the lake normally as the pub isn't a big enough car park to accomodate us all and certainly not this many!

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On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)



Oh so it WAS you who i was bidding against! lol


well i'll have it off you if you don't end up using it. Obviously at a special forum price. :blush::teeth:

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On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it :)



Oh so it WAS you who i was bidding against! lol


well i'll have it off you if you don't end up using it. Obviously at a special forum price. :blush::teeth:


Yes you can have it for a special forum price........at least what i paid for it. :thumbs:


Well less than 2 weeks to go now, any last minute entries wanting to come? :)


And bluelady its decision time!! ;)

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Hi Guys,


I can assure u I have not gone shy!!!!!!!


If Sarnie wears a lovely yellow custard shirt to match the car then maybe just maybe I will book a hotel for the night.


Seems fair to me - its him thats gone quiet now!!!!


0ver to u boys see what u can do.




Jane xxxxx :teeth::yahoo:

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