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This Spotted on ebay thing is highly irritating. . . .


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OK, OK, i might be the only one here, but this really , really gets my goat. . . . . .


Its sure interesting seeing what stuff is for sale for 350z's on ebay, but doesnt it defy the magic of finding things by yourself and getting a good deal.


If i use my effort to hunt down a good deal, or a good part on ebay, i feel really chuffed about that, and obviously im keen to bag a good deal, and the less people who bid against me , the better chance i have 1) Of getting it for a good price and 2) even getting it in the first place.


Its REALLY irritating to see the bargain you have spotted on here, in the PRIME place people are going to want something similar too


It is the definition of 'Raining on Your Parade'. . . . :thumbdown:



I can see why this room exists, and its insteresting to see whats up, but as soon as i wanna actually BUY something off ebay rather , its BLOODY annoying!! :rant:



anyone else feel my pain? :teeth:



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If no bid is placed on the item and I think it may be of interest to members then I'll post it up. If a bid has been placed then I won't.


Some members find this section handy and it also helps tp points the way on what to stay clear off and what is good.


I'm sorry if this has inconvienced you and happy to stop posting up if members wish.

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two sides to ever argument on this matter, you can bet 000's of other people are watching 350z stuff as a matter of course on Ebay whether it's posted up on here or not..I always find it's best to put your best bid in early and that discourages other bidders.. in my own experience that is, but hey what do I know :blush:

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Theres not that many bargains on Ebay at the moment, More people are getting friends to bid against items for them so they go for more. Im fed up of watching an item upto the last few minutes waiting to get a bargain only to be outbid at the last moment by a new bidder that has paid over the odds for it :angry:.


Im watching quite a few items for the zed at the moment but i doubt that ill get any of them, Maybe im just a bit tight when buying of ebay but im always getting outbid on something that is not worth what others are paying

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Guest prescience

If someone is prepared to take the time and trouble to post, I think that's great - restrictive practice in any form is a bad thing both to seller and buyer IMO.


If this were ruled out, would the For Sale section be next, so that someone can grab a bargain there too; I see it as much the same thing

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Difference is, if people want to buy a car, they look in the 'For Sale' sections, thats what its there for, you cannot stop the 'Seller' advertising it where he wants too, neither an ebay seller posting HIS listing in this 'Spotted on Ebay' forum, hes trying to get as many sales as he can, it encourages interest.


Encouraging interest is COUNTER-productive to the individual consumer, when they have only got ONE of the item to sell, it just rockets the price up.


Anyone, if you found something on ebay that you wanted, would you tell other people on here about it so they could have a chance to buy it as well? Surely that would be the most counter productive thing i could think of, if you want to purchase the product:headhurt: think about it. . . .



It works both ways in this situation, depending on whos shoes your in.


oooooOOO so contraversial. . . . . :D




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Guest prescience

I understand your point of view but I look at it differently.


Nothing actually has any value intrinsically, it only has the value that someone is prepared to pay for it. Your car has no value even if crushed to base metal, its only worth what someone on the commodity market is prepared to pay.


So when I look at something on eBay for example, I work out what it is worth to me and I am prepared to bid up to that price and no more. If I get it cheaper, that's great but if someone outbids me to pay more, that doesn't concern me - it wasn't worth that much to me. Crucially though, I don't expect to get it cheaper and it doesn't rile me if I don't because I know what it's worth to me.


Just my way of looking at it :)

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Keep posting the ebay stuff is my vote! I certainly appreciate the postings, not that I bid on any - it keeps me abreast of dodgy offers and is teaching me what is available and how it goes, and if it wasn't people like Mike et al posting dodgy deals then I would be one of the many scam victims I reckon!


Keep up the good work!

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  M13KYF said:
all I can say if there is no bid I'm happy to continiue psoting up the intersting items. If there is a bid I won't.


Happy for a poll if somone wishess to start one.


I don't wish to hack anybody off with the ebay postings.


I dont mind Mike , and theres nobody buys more crap than me off Ebay.. :blush:

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Keep posting Mike, I'd never find half the stuff you do and I've had a couple of bargains.


Plus things like the stubby which I just wouldn't have bothered looking for.


Great service :thumbs:


Plus, as Dorian has already said, surely you're only going to pay what an item is worth to you anyway.

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