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Z just died on me!


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I was pootling along in traffic today at 15 to 20 and

Then put my foot down a bit as traffic speed increased and then car chugged and died, lucky i was going low speed... So i turned off with momentum of the car with difficulty (no power steering) i noticed oil light blinked then battery before the car died... No engine light?


So after i pulled over and tryed to start the engine, it turned over then died immediately... So i got out checked oil + if air filter was in correctly and everything was fine, closed bonnet and she started flawlessly, revved fine too... So now i dont trust the Z at the moment im really baffled? I drove it home with no problems... Any ideas???


Car temp was fine also


Apologies for spelling on iphone

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I also had a random once. The revs died yet the car was still moving? It then flipped all the way round to 8000rpm and settled back to norm. It's never done it since?

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I had a 2 year old Astra, just driving along and suddenly engine dies, needles go to max on all the dials, then as I sit there aghast the engine starts itself back up again and all is back to normal :blink:


I think sometimes the computer just has a bit of a wobbly and its generally a one off.

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I also had a random once. The revs died yet the car was still moving? It then flipped all the way round to 8000rpm and settled back to norm. It's never done it since?


Motorists have occasionally reported similar things when they drove past a secret government listening / spy station near us. Urban myth??



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Could this have anything to do with my recent remap and mods installation? Battery measures just under 13v with ac on idle seems all normal... Oil psi is at under 30 on idle with ac on.


The car is mapped on 99ron which i run it on always, just seems so random, and unlike wht you guys seem to of experienced my engine didnt start back up and needles didnt go up and down, it died and that was it, i pulled over, tryed to start, engine tuned over then died again, then after checks car is fine? Kind of knocked my confidence in the Z a bit


Also weather was fine completely dry

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I also had a random once. The revs died yet the car was still moving? It then flipped all the way round to 8000rpm and settled back to norm. It's never done it since?


Motorists have occasionally reported similar things when they drove past a secret government listening / spy station near us. Urban myth??




Not much of a secret is it? :lol:

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I've had this too on a previous car just the once and it cleared itself within 5 minutes. At the time, I put it down to an air lock in the fuel system as I'd filled it up with fuel about 10 minutes earlier :shrug:



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